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SPRING MEETING OPENED. RUAPAPA WINS THE CUP. KIXG POTOA THE PLATE. The Takapuna Jockey Clu'r/e spring meeting opened on Saturday. With the exception of a shower towards the end of the programme, the weather was fine. There was a larjre attendance, and the track was in good order. The Big Event. Town Bank, Kamehameha and Far North were the only defections from the Alison Cup. Polonett carried about £120 more than Ruapapa, while Star Hanger, Spoony and Tvlv.sketoon were best backed of the others. Rua-papa hopped out smartly and led all the way. Surveyor showed up at the start but when the stewards' stand was reached he had lost his position. Tinopono, Right and Left and Polonett having headed him, while Star Ranger and Mount Marta were next. Tinopono had rujti to Ruapapa along the back, but a little further on Mount ilarta was second, with Polonett, Transformer and Sponny just behind. Rua.papa held his position round the turn from Mount Marta, with Polonett, Boomerday, Transformer and Spoony also showing up. Ruapapa was in front at the distance, and stalling off Polonett and Musketoon, which put in a great run in the straight, won by a length from Polonett, with Musketoon threequarters of a le-ngth away third. Spoony, Mount Marta, Tinopono, Boomerday were next. Desert Glow was nearly down just before, the field turned out of the straight. Musketoon was going as well as anything at the finish, while titar Ranger was never very dangerous. A Promising Youngster. Two Te-x Trays, Royal Tea and Spode, were selected in thai ortTer to win the Cambria Handicap, the former being entrusted with £100 more than Spodc. Clarus was next in demand. Dimmer and tjpode wure quickly out in front with Marchaway, Capella A'obey and Royal Tea next. Royal Tea was handy coming across the top, and ranged alongside the leaders entering the straight. He then shot out and galloping in great style won easily by two lengths from Spode, who beat Capella Abbey by three-quarters of a length. Marchaway, Dimmer, Clarus and True Blood were next. Royal Tea is not at his best yet, and with a little more experience should do well. Dimmer, the Sarchedon colt in J. T. Jamieson's showed a lot of pace in the early stages, and will improve. The Plate. The Takapuna Plate saw twenty go to the post. Ballymoy, which was making her second attempt to win this race, was about £750 better favourite than the bracket, Nadarino and Nucleus, while Judge's Box was next sought after. The latter made the pace for about half a furlong from Dal Eaton and Ballymoy, but by the time the five furlong post was reached, Dal Eaton was in charge, and he acted as pilot to the straight with Ballymoy, Judge's Box and Ring Patoa next. Ballymoy then ran to the front, but failed to withstand the challenges of Ring Potoa and Mosaic which came fast in the straight. A good race saw Ring Potoa win by a liead from Mosaic, which beat Sallymoy by half a length. Titaness, Quincoma and Judge's B,ox were next. Sleepy Sol was left and Ripon Abbey got caught in the tapes and lost his rider. The gold cup -was presented to Mr. P. A. Swney, owner of the winner, by the Hon. E. W. Alison. A gold mounted whip was presented to R. McTavish, rider of the winner. Ring Potoa returned double figures. Slighway Wins Easily. Highway was made a hot favourite for the Tiri Hurdles, while Kendal. which had won earlier in the day, was. next in demand,, with Peter Maxwell third fancy. Tinokaha was the early leader from Pepin, but soon retired, and Pepin piloted the field past the stands from Kendal, Chirrup and Peter Maxwell, with Highway going nicely in behind I them. The latter, when asked a question, was soon in front, and Peter Maxwell and Miss Melva were his nearest attendants entering the straight. Highway, however, went on to win in good stylo by three lengths from Peter Maxwell, which beat Miss Melva by two lengths and a-half. - Kendal and Chirrup were next,'while Tinokaha finished a long way back.
The Concluding Event. Master Doon was made favourite for the Cheltenham Handicap, with which the programme concluded, be : ng about £80 better supported than King Merv with Pelham, Nancy Lee and Gold Acre next best supported. Gold Acre was soon m front, and was never ..fter-wards headed. Across the *op he was attended by Finelli, Royal Blood, Cawnpore and Merry Damon, while Hoariri also showed up. Gold Acre was first to turn for home, and won by threequarters of a length from Merry Dmon which beat Cawnpore by three and a half lengths. Siaosi was fourth, with Master Doon, Royal Blood and Pelham following as named. As the field turned into the straight in this event three horses, Nancy Lee Lady Lois, and Finelli fell. The rider of Finelli, H. Dulieu, received concussion and was sent to the hospital. The Totalisator. The sum of £62,420 10/ was put through the machine, compared with £51,617 10/ for the corresponding day last year, an increase of £10,803. Inquiries. The owner o' Sleepy So], Mr. F. W. Stonex, complained that Dal Eaton, ridden -by W. Eagbj r , had come in from tenth to fourth place at the barrier at the start of the Takapuna Plate. Sleepy S-I was left at the po§t and the stewards decided that on the evidence they could take no action other than to caution Bag-by. A. Driscoll, rider of Namutere, complained that Alfort (A. Tinker) had interfered with him in" the Borough Handicap. At an inquiry Tinker denied the allegation, and no action was taken, except that Tinker was cautioned not to come in unless his mount was two' clear lengths in front. Later results are:— ALISON CUP, of SOOsovs. One mile, two furlongs and a-half. 2 —RUAPAPA. eh h, 6j.s, by.Polydaina —Queen Elizabeth (Mr. Wenzl Scholium). 8.5, —Tinker 1 I—POLOXBTT, eh g, 6yrs, (Mr. F. Goodman), 8.9, —Munson 2 S—MUSKETOOX, b I (Syrs, (Mr. John Donald), 0.S —Kyan 3 Also started: (S) Surveyor 0.5. (3) Star Ranger 8.2, (4) Spoony 8.0, (6) Desert Glow 7.11, (11) Royal Present 7.6, (!)) , Boomerdny 7.2, '7) Mount Marta 7.1. (13) niKhtand Left 7.0, (10) Tinopono 7.0, (12) ■transformer 7.0. jor ,?u ü by a lcn sth. three-quarters of a Jongta .between second and third. . Time,
C.-MBRIA HANDICAP, of 500sovs. Five furlongs. I—ROYAL TEA. eh g, 2yrs, by Tea Tray—Duchess Eudoras (Mr. C. Munro Emanucl), 7.7—Jones 1 2—SPODE, eh g, 2jts (Mr. V. Riddiford), B.2—Tinker 2 O —CAPELLA ABBEY, br c, 2yrs (Mr K. Hannon), 7.1 —Tuohey 3 Also started: (3) Clarus 5.7, (7) True ! Blood 7.5, (S) Odin 7.0, (9) Balnagar 7.0, I (0) yuaker Oats 7.0, U0) -Murchaway 7 0 •I (4) Dimmer 7.0. , i Won by two lengths, three-quarters of a length between second and third. Time, 1.3. TAKAPUNA PLATE, of COOsovs. Seven furlongs. » S—RING POTOA, b g, aged, Potoa— l.mty (Mr. P. A. Swney), 8.9— Melavish i S—MOSAIC, b c, 3yrs (Mr.' R.'poVtor), S.O—Jones 2 I—BALLYMOY 11., eh m, 4yrs ' (Mr H. Friedlander), 7.lo—Goldfinch 3 Also started: (1G) Chairman 5.9, (15) Currjjgbnioro. 5.9, (7) Exactly 5.9. (13) Qtiineoma .5.9, (11) Sleepy • Sol 8.9 (12) Titaness 5.9, (6) Itipon Abbey 8.6, (9) Dal ha ton s.O, (3) juuge'e bux S.u, UJ S.O, (2) Nucleus S.O, (14) Ohinemuri s.O, (10) Scot Free 7.13, (17) Maveelish 7.13, (10) Berinthia 7.7, (19) Oold .Mint 7.7, (4) Lomint 7.7. Won by a head, half-a-length between second and third. Time, 1.25. i TIRI HANDICAP HURDLES, of SOOsovs. One mile and threequartera. I— HIGHWAY, b g, aged, Hymettus— Temperance (Mr. J. McNeil), Ilj9—Nixon ... 1 2—PETER MAXWELL, b g, aged' "(Mr „ _ rr L -,J- Hyde), 11.0—Rennie .... 2 d—MLSb MELVA, eh ni (Mr. H R Burre-tt), 10.6—Thompson . . . ." 3 Also started: (7) Tinokaha 10.3 (6) *o™<"e) Pepln 2 ko Ken,la, (5) Chirrup Won by three lengths, two and a-half lengths_ between second ' and third. Time 0.10 4-O. CHELTENHAM HANDICAP, of SOOsovs. About six furlongs. s—gold Arm:, bo, Syrs, by Llnacre —Auricty (Messrs. .1. C. and P S. Gleeson), 7.7—w. Baghy i iII—XIEHHY DAMON, br g, Byrs (Mrs E Hall). 7.1— Cammick .... 2 O—CAWNPQRE, b g, 4vrs .(Mr. E. \Y. Alison, jun.i, 7.o—Driscoll 3 Also started: (6) Royal Blood 0.4. (2) Kins Merv 9.2. (7) Finelli 8.11. (S) Hoarin 8.0 and Lady Loi.s 7.0, (10) Siaosi 5.3, (3) lelhniu S.r», (4) Nancy Lee 5.4. (12) Dave <.n. (1) Master Poon 7.4, (13> Kh Tinit 7.0 Won by thi-re-quarters of a length, three and a-half lengths second and third. Time, 1.11 2-5. * THE FEILDING MEETING. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) FEILDING. Saturday. There was a large attendance at the Feilding Jockey Club's meeting to-day. The totalisator investments amounted'to £28,433 compared -n-ith £25,305 on the corresponding day last year. The following are the results of the later events:— ■ ■. KOWHAI HACK WELTER HANDICAP, of 200sov8. Seven furlongs. 4—Fillette,—R. Reed t 9—Lucernal. 7.13 f 3—Mask, 7.13 • '..'.'.'.l 3 t Dead heat. Also started: (5) Bonhomrae (1) Diogenes, (14) Blue Jay, (2) No Response (6) Atfeep,' (10) Copper Nob, (13) Banjuke. (7) Kilburn, (11) Kilorum, (12) Ben Nevis, (S) Purple Lilac, (16) Taagikai, (18) King of Hearts, (17) Aropetu, (IS) Humorist, (2) Blue Peter (bracketed) No Response. - In a great finish Fillette and Lucernal ran a dead heat, with Mask a head away third. . Time, 1.29 4-3. PLYING HANDICAP, of oOOsovs. ■ Sis furlongs. . 2—The Lamb, 7.O— J. Barry .... l 10—Good Sport, 7.13 •> Lady Bentinek. 7.8 3 Also started: (6) Tukia, (1) Mireusonta, (4) Mahine, (S) Llpsol, (3) Rouex, (9) Bonogue, (12) Solferange. (11) Attractive, (5) Sh-uteye, (13) Benmure. . '. Won by a short head, a length between second and third. Time, 1.14 '3-5. EEILDING STAKES Qf oOOsovs., Weight : for-age with penalties and allowances. Five furlongs. 2—Tomafete, b g. aged (Mr. W. M. -Duncan). 9.l—McCarten 1I'—Lady Cavrndish. Syrs; 8.12 . . i≤ 3—Gaillard, 4yrs, 9.0 3 Also-started : - (5) Standard, (4) Lin: Arlington. -.-... Tamatete won- -by three-quarters of a- -.length;, two lengths between, second, and third. Time 1.1. - - '• ' FITZKOY HACK HANDICAP of 200sovs. ..' ■ Six furiongs. . • • • I—Horoniea, 7.12 —D. C. Watts 1 I—Sleet. 7.0 .' ' 2 7.0 . . .■ -3 Also started: (6) Newberry King, (14) Tempean, (5) Subjection, (2) Sea Star, (10) Padonna, (11) blaster Lucerne, (12) Rahglm'oana," '(3) Anklet," • (13) ' Moiitoa Lady, (4) Benzora, (15) Lady Blanche, (J3j>. Kyla.. > • " ■ , : . Won ,by half a length', a similar distance between second and third. Time, 1.15 3-5. KIWITEA HACK WELTER HANDICAP. One mile. ,-..., Martulla—B. H. Morris t i Glenross ' ' o Crossfire ; -..' '....'■ 3 Also started: Admiral Codring'ton,. Sottana, Beaumont, ■ Bumptious,. Royal Dia- ,- dem, Euchre, .Troilux, Some Red, Captain Wai, Opa. Won by a short head, 'two lengths between second and third. Time, 1.48 3-5.
SOUTH CANTERBURY RACES. WIN FOR STAESIIST. TIMABTJ, Saturday. ■ The South Canterbury Jockey Clnb"s Meeting was continued to-day. The. weather was dull, but it remained fine. There was a good attendance. The totalisator Investments amounted to £17,550, compared with £18,H57 10/ on the corresponding day last year. The grand total for the meeting was £0.570 10/, compared with £33,259 10/ last year. The following are the results of the later events: — SOUTH CANTERBURY HANDICAP, of SOOsovs. One mile. s—Starmist, 7.9 (Wilson) 1 I—Monoxide, S.o 2 6—Ferino, 7.0 3 Also started: (1) Happy Days, (2) Clareina, (4) Chickwhent, (3) Retrospect. Won by a neck. Time, 1.41. STEWARDS , WELTER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs. 7—Brown Lady, 7.7 (I\ Powell) 1 4—Corn Rigs, 8.4 -> I—His Majesty, 5.7 3 Also 6tarte<3 : (3) Monoxide, (2) Bright Mark, (5) Ophir, (6) Kuia. Won by a length and a half. Time, 1.26 3-5. KINGSDOWN HACK HANDICAP. Seven furlongs. I—Gay Queen, 7.11 (C. Emerson) 1 2—Cornflower, 0.6 2 4—Goldsplnner, 7.12 ~ 3 Also started : (5) Cochy Bondhu, (3) Gay Life, (6) Kaikahu, (7) Kilbirnie. Won by a neck. Time, 1.42. TRIAL HANDICAP. Six . furlongs. . 3—Serotina, 8.10 (F. E. Jones) 1 2—Receipt, 7.12 2 I—Royal Despatch, 8.10 .'... 3 Also started: (4) Relic; (8) Flaming Ray. (5) Cornstalk, (7) Gay Raiment, (!>, Red Heather, (6) Katuna, (10) Gay Jim (12) Guy, (11) Naughty Peter. Won by half a length. Time, 1.14 2-5. CLAEBMONT. HACK HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.- m 4—Zaragoza, 8.3 (R. Docherty) 1 I—Miss Winkie, 8.8 •> •I —Sarty, 7.4 3 Also started: (5) Ronaki, (3) Goldtown, 'S) Rene Mavis, (6) Fairy Tidings, (7) SnxPtte. , by three <l«arters of a length. Time, 1.2b 3-o. FAREWELL HANDICAP. Sis furlongs. 3—Eaton Bolls, 7.5 (11. Burns) . 1 2 —Economist, V). 3 ' i 2 s—Ayrburn, 7.7 .'.'.'..'.'.' * 3 Also started: (1) Orchid, <4) Moorland (6) Corn Riggs, (7) Quickform. Won by a neck, lime, 1.13 4-5. THE ROSEHII.L MEETING. SYDNEY, November 29. At the Rosehill meeting yesterday. Egyptian Flower (by Egypt or Finland—Mint), won tho November Handicap (one mile and a-quarter). Polrore was second and Bowalla third.- Egyptian Flower won by half a length. Time, 2.7. In the decision of the'third division of the Marsden Welter Handicap (six furlongs). The Mahdi (By Egypt—First Blow) won by a short neck from Kalara. Time, 1.141.— (A. and N.Z. Cable.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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2,158TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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