ANGLICAN FANCY FAIR. The annunl fancy fair, organised by the Anglican Ladles' Guild, took place yesterday in the AVaiuku Town Hall. a"nd was a great success. Large attendances, were recorded both afternoon and evening. Tlie proceeds will amount to nearly £100.
AVAIUKU CLUB. The annual meeting of the AA'aiuku Club was 'held in the club roonis on Thursday evening.'. Major M. Aldred presided. Tlie .annual report • and balauce sheet was adopted, after wliich the trophies'won during, the year were presented to the winners by Major Aldred. The following officers were elected fur the ensuing year: President, Mr. J. J. A. James; vice-president, Mr. A. AA'hite; secretary and treasurer, Jlr. C. C- Munro: committee, Messrs. H. B. Armitago, H. King, J. Forbes, J. G. Milne, Dr. C. E. Howden, and Major Aldred (ex officio) ; auditor, Mr. AA". Clarke.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 10
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 10
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