"Suffering Ratepayer" says that at the corner of Western Springs Road, facing the pumping station, there is a marsh, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. He suggests that while road work is being done there the marsh be filled in.
Mr. C. P. W. Longdill writes condemning the Taupo scheme. "Why waste millions which are so badly needed for advances to settlers and workers, and for making and concreting country roads, etc., on a water scheme that is really not needed at all? All the water that Auckland is likely to need for the next hundred years or more can be obtained within fort}' miles of the city at a fraction of the cost that would be required to get the water from Taupo, and a far better pressure too. The proposal to get the water from the Waikato River
at Mercer to begin with, is open to many j objections; among others the sewerage of the people living all along.the Waikato i River, and also the stock grazing along ' its banks, make the Avater unfit for I drinking." "Fair Dinkum Spark" writes in reply to "Air Gap," on the subject of preference for colonial born. "One very interest ing- point from a public view, 'Air Gap.' for obvious reasons is silent on, that is 'Armature Winder's' vacancy was not, as it should have been, advertised. This is a very important point to the public. It is their money that is being spent on 'duds' pushed into jobs and good material wasted, besides valuable machinery being held up and good armatures ruined by ignorant workers. 'Air Gap' also fails to state that anna- | ture work here is chiefly repair work, and is included in the Technical' School classes for candidates sitting as wiremen." '• Mr. W. W. Wills says that ho gave the telephone call to the Fire Brigade at the recent Newton fire, and he is positive that the time taken by the brigade to arrive was not more than three minutes. "Cleanliness" complains of tho dirty state of sheep and cattle trucks on the Kaipara line. ; "Woodworker" would like to hear the ' candid opinions of some expert builders or Government officials on the durability of foreign timbers as compared with New Zealand, and to know how much i actual foreign timber has been used in , house-building in the past two years.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 18
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