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USED CARS FOR SAI.E. A USTIN __>; done :littlo work,. has x>n xx original tyres.—Particulars, Johnson ana aoiis. Engineers, Parnell Rise. . D* TAELEIZE, English, 3-soater, very reliable, £o0 ; worth double. —Mayhill's Garage, 0, Lower Albert St. .jgUICK, 1924, 5-seater, touring; snip; £30 CT .i„_.v X , tras , : looks new > small mileage; splendid order.—AVrite S. 527t). Star. jDDICK C, 1923 model, perfect order; any he h-.,".". 1 . or examination. This car can , 1 , ll „ 0 5, 1 ! t ™ very easy terms ; £50 deposit. QHANDLER Car for Sale ; perfect order, or would Exchange good Mortgage.— To be seen Sparkc's .Garage, Remuera. i hone ..I),, (three rings), Maxwell, practically « "SoSfe* *c any trlnl; £2T5 > terms.—Write S. 5208, Star. CHEVROLET, 2-3-seater, perfect order; EdenTld 8 arranged; prlce ' £75.-598, Mt. ; AHEVROLET Coupe, perfect order: hue y model: will sacrifice; £150.—Apply 1, Halsey Aye.. Epsom /CHEVROLET, order, £60" V 1 accept Motor Cycle Combination and. Lash.—29. Alexander St., GJ.inuorc. _ /"CHEVROLET, 1924. de luxe, all extras,' y ~ J beautiful condition. £150; Dodge Coupe, £245.—Derrick, Barratt, Durham, CHEVROLET. 2-seater, 1924, £155 : Dodge. 1920. £145. £125: Studehaker,. G-cvltn-der, special model, £165; Overland, £35 • Fords, starter, 1924, £100. £115; 1923 £S5 ■ Coupe, £110.—Pearce, 13-15, Customs St. E, 94 />HEA'ROLET, 5-seater. late model, iv good Vy order and condition; privately owned; ready for the holidays; would consider terms. —For demonstration, write 8.C.. Box 1G55. G.P.O. - -j.-... 2-seater, wanted, in good order; A- cheap for cash.—l-2,- Domett Avenue, Epsom. "pORD, 1921) model. 5-seater: ffrst-class A- order; cheap for cash. —23, Bath St.. Parnell. <_;_ "pAORDS —In Great order, 1923 and 1922 a- models, cheap.—At Holliday Motors, 8, Lome St. oil 1923, late model, perfect order ; x- gift for cash.—3, St. Luke's Rd., Edendale. TCTORD, 1920 model, 5-seater: everything iv A- first-class order; cheap for cash.— 'Phone 44-247. • 92 5-seater, condition first-class; A- newly painted ; cheap for cash.—27, Market Rd.. Epsom. TCTORD. 5-seater, s.s.. 1924 model, well x shod: splendid order: trial run given; £110.—Write S. 512(1. Star. Runabout, starter, £90: 1925. £115 : A- 1924. £110: Sedan. £135.—Derrick. Barrett. Durham St.. City. TjAOHD Ton Truck, van top, good mech-inl-A cal order: 4 almost new tyres : nnv ''ial: £05 cash. — Schofield's, Newmarket. Phone sn. " 225 JEAVETT" Car, late model, as new, sound (7000 miles), all extras; £10U cash, balance £200: accept terms, sound mortgage, or light car (5-seater).—Write AA". 4130. Star. T IGHT Delivery. 1924. .. new cord tyres Aa and extras, in perfect order: £90.— Phone 21-492. 74 "jI.TOTOR Truck, 3"">cwr, perfect running' xx order: good tyres; tip body ; trial given. Price, £50 cash.—AVrite M. 3813, Star. /"OAKLAND 5-seater, in tip-top order and " condition: trial :no dealers; £120.— Writp B. 5290. Star. 2R3 /"ANE Studebaker 4 Engine, also two 575 x 105 Tyres ami Tubes.—Ring 'Phone 67. Henderson. 93 fYVERLAND, in great order; the cheapest v -' car in Auckland, for £95.—At Ilollidnv Motors, S. Lome St. j_ /"AYERLAXD, 5-seater, old model, new " tyres, perfect running order ; £40 cash -or near offer; after 5 p.m. evenings.— Inquire Star. 545 CJTAXDARD, 2-3-seater. c.L; good urdej", good rubber: best offer.—2l, Malvern Rd.. Morningside. G2 'SJTAXDARD, 2-3 sealer, dickey seats: nice lady's car: £200; terms arranged.— Pearce. 13-I.>. Customs St. E. 93 STANDARD, 4-seater. 1021 model: Km, *-> J.-ton Truck, both In splendid mechanical order.—Coventry Garage, AVeilesley St. West. ' SUNBEAM, 5-seater, iv perfect order; no smarter or better liuislie-.l car i" Auckland; £275, or would Exchange l' jl " good Suburban Section, or good Mortgage. .V. Giii, 04, Esplanade Rd.. Mt. Eden. jlSAVIFT, 90U0 miles, ouly 12 months' old. AA'iil accept £ 325. —'Phone 24-028, after 0 o'clock. CAR, good, English. £25, not in order, 4-cyl.. 4-speed forwaru.—Central Garage. Otahuhu. | _•_ "CTDGAR C. PEARCE. the Ford Car King, f-13-15, Customs St. E. Open Friday night, all day Saturday. 92 ENGLISH Car,. 4-seater, nice model; good order: cheap for cash.—l 4, AVelliugton St. LIGHT Overland, very nice order: lute model; 5-seater: any trial: snip, £120 cash.—AVrite B. 5289. Star. 224 RUSHTON'S Brunch Xo. 2, Beach R'L (half-way to Parnell Bridge). Call in and Inspect the best Used Car Values 'in the Dominion.—JACK BOGGS, Manager. 'Phone -14-707. C ATAJALK through our Commodious Garage *' and inspect the Good Used and Almost Xew Cars for Sale. AVe. have taken, them in as pnrt payment for new Rugbvs tit 1 RUSHTON'S. 57. Albert St. B A? 9("| DEPOSIT—Ford Car. perfect order, w— J\J urgent sale. —X./C. Piano Co., 'phone 41-733. -|Q.7__J_ FORD. 5-s e ;iter. nickel radiator, X«7_-.fc fawn colour, speedometer : prl vateiy owned : £98.—Inquire Star. .~i7'' (~*i ET I'rice for that Bus or Car Body, from VJ" Steel. Arthur St.. EUerslie. G. A. H AYDO>: - L TII ' PHONE .2-523. FOR GUARANTEE,? USED T-jAORD (XAB3. PRICES FROM PyQ THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING : 4S-50, HOBSON STREET. AUCKLAND (Opp. Farmers' Tradingi. ■■ TTSED CAR BARGAINS. Overland Light 5-seater, iv first-class order, price £12"; Oakland. ..seater. 111 real good order, price £115; Chevrolet. ..--cater. 1924, mileage 5001.. £105. Easy terms arranged to suit -lieuts. Motor Cy-le outfits taken in part paymenr. MOTOR IIEI'LACEMENTS. LTD., Giltos street. Ph__e ____>__■ _. Q E COSD-H A N D I O II l> S. 1919 Model. ..-seater, £.7 10 : 1920 Sedan. self-starter. £_10: IfrX. 5-seaier, 0.5; * T»ti Van £>">: Ton TrtK-k. 1923 mod-l. ill.: Easy terms. £2-". to £30 down, and balance to suit purchasers. .Motor C.M-le outfits taken in part payment. MOTOR REPLACEMENTS. LTD.. Gittos Street. Pbone 4.1-.-'i. D T-NIVERSAL MOT'HI COMPANY. LTD., «■' CHAXCERY ST. off Short land St. •M'CKI.ANI'S LEADING FORD CAR DEALERS. lIEXRY FORD iis.-d ;.. say : I will supply yon a FORD any colour you like, providing it's black!" But even HENRY bad to admit the demand was :".,r another colour. >~ now ivc have the 8.-auty Conl painted Fawn Bur Beauty. ~r no Beauty. GEiiROE CAMPBELL must live by selling the trad. in Used FORDS, they are cheaper now one for evi'i-v need DAIRY FARMER—I Ton Wagon. solid Tyres, ti" puiii-tnn.— £S5. FRUIT FARMER—J-TOll Open - IU" h'KI: - ?. -T"ii Covered A'an— £ fir, BAKER—. Ton Van, covered, with .!<>■>rs and tray.s—£7s. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER - Two .ent.-r. with Sample Box—£7". uAXD AGENT —Tourer, 5-passengcr, O.K. <_..-,. rARPEXTER— J-Ton Felt Too lor rough work— t 45. .lILKMAX—_-Ton, carry lour big cans — £ 65. _MAS TOURING—IO24 Model, 5-passen-Driving Lessons Free, all new tools supdied: 5, only extra nhnrge to change the .umber Plate's. All on our Easy Term- .1 Smell Deposit. lalance spread over twflve month-. Bur your Used Ford from a FORV M.ALER. _..• .. Ring GEORGE CAMPBELL, 45-112. At ■our service.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
1,056Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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