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BUSINESSES FOR SAXB. . PHOTOGRAPHIC Studio, in progressive i -*- country town, at valuation "of stock, I plant about £250.—AVrite S. 5320, Star. jP Qfk —BOARDIXGHOUSE. 9 rooms, fully 1 c> - t -'" furnished; good positiou ; quick sale.—Criehton, 63. Queen St. , "OOARDIXGHOUSE, XEAR AUCKLAXD. I" 1 -* 20 ROOMS, FULLY FURNISHED. Doing Good Trade. Very Low Rent. Good Lease. ; Owner's health necessitates urgent sale. ! PRICE, £375. ; For particulars AA'rite S. 5234, STAR. Q' ONFECT IOX ER V BARGAIN. i CONFECTIONERY AND DRINKS; j takings £30 week. Big stock of High-class Confectionery; fittings and appointments of I the very best. There are no empty tins or 1 boxes in this shop, and most of the stock is j 111 glass eases or high-class confectionery jars. There is a popular theatre close to I |__' sj 10 "- nlKl tne takings are guaranteed. 1 this business will stand any investigation: I books are well kept. Good living rooms and convs. Trice £300. An assured money niaker. Sole Agent, F. AY. RIPLEY, 12, lAA nistone Bldgs.. Queen St. 206 . TAAIRY, COXFECTIOXERY, ETC., a-a Near Karangahape Road. Five Living Rooms. Lease 3 years. Rent, £3 5/. It's a Good Business, and I'm Sole Agent. Price, £160. KAY-STRATTON, Opposite Newton Post Office. — DAIRY, Confectionery Tea Rooms —Splendid stand. Turnover guaranteed over £40 per week. Owner living rent free through sub-letting. Profits £10 per week. Will give week's trial. Exceptional offer. POQA— APARTMENT HOUSE, fully fur-c-.JW nished. 11 rooms. Cheap rent. Lease. Clear profits £4 per week. Two minutes from Symonds Street. _P,ll — SYMONDS STREET PRIVATE o-.-I_J_.JU HOTEL—Tastefully furnished. Turnover £30 per week. Net profit £10 per week. Pent £ 10/' net. l.i»M veers' *Toil £-00 liat ' S l6aSe worth? Cash required A? 400 ~~ APA RTMENT HOUSE—Over'f w . looking harbour views. All new furniture. Bedding, linen; 11 rooms. Rent i- 15/, Lease six years. Net profit £4 per week. Owner must sell. -p-JQO— FRUIT, VEGETABLES—SpIenCT "' -A-'-syJ did living accommodation. No opposition. Turnover £25 per week. Cheap rent: lease. Snip. THE BUSINESS CORPORATION-, Imperial Buildings, Queen Street. pOTAy— PICTURE Theatre, Confection--2f I '-J eT y t i CQ Cream, Drinks, etc. Theatre rights. Two fine shops. Rent for both only £2 5/ per. week, including c.l Owner open only part of the day and makes £.-£9 XET PROFIT per week Splendid stock and fittinga P 970 — FKUIT - Confectionery, Cigaro_<._- 1 \j ettes . d o i n g splendid turnover, and showing comfortable profits. Long lease at very reasonable rent. Splendid position. 5 good living rooms. X? 1 £/)—DAIRY, Cakes. Confectionery, ] cc Cream. Great little business for lady or married couple. Showing £5 week, after all expenses. Splendid living accommodation, close to city. Rare chance -PQ7X — COXFECTIOXERY, Fruit. o-tJ I«J Flowers and Tea Rooms. City Busines... Splendid stand, right in main street. 5 grand living rooms. P" /f?v0 — G ' EXERAL Drapery. Stock at c— rx*j\j valuation, with very small goodwill. Living rooms. Rent, £4 10/. PQ£A—- BOOT Repairing. Making, etc. o---_>VJV/ Grand profitable steady Business. Established long time. Rent less than £1. Roller-Press (p,iwer), Finisher, Stitcher, Wax Thread Machine, etc. etc. Owner takes £7 week as wages, and then shows nice profits. AA'orth while to experienced man. P CKKCl —MOTOR Garage, established busio,Ut»l7 noss Owner making £13 -£14 week P9KA—SPLENDID little Dairy (no round). Confectionery, Cakes, etc. lipase for shop. Splendid living accommodation. On.v £2 S/. Owner must leave next week. Over £4 weekly net profits. P AOrX— FINE Double-fronted Shop, with c"-^— *s splendid stock and fittings. Doing nearly £50 week in Fruit. Confectionery and Plants.. Rent. £3 5/. 5 living rooms * 4?11K — SUBURBAN Fish Business. c-vXXO showing £S-£fl week profit 2 rooms and ennvs. Lease at £2 15/ VAUGHAN. TALLISS AXD CO., Arcade, opp. Rendell's. Xewton. 173 USED CARS FOR SAEE. HE-VROLET, 5-seater, recent model, perfect. £140. r BUICK, 5-seater, any trial. £S5. OVERLAND. 5-seater, 1924 model. £115. CHEA'ROLET. 5-senter any trial. £55 FORD. 5-seater. £67 li)/. Terms. R. J. GRAINGER AND CO., 4G. Wellesley St. AYest. 177 BICYCLES TOR SALE. A LAYAYS a good selection of Reliable xx Second-hand Cycles at £5, fully equipped.—Clarke's, Newmarket. BICYCLE, Gent's, pump, lamps, tools, etc., ' rlrst-class order: £3 10/, A snip.Miilgley. Confectioner. Avondale. 157 BIKE, in good running order;. £3 10/ or offer. —113. Cook St. BS.A., 2}, 1925 Model, as new; 55-m.p.h.. • 120-m.p.g. £39 Cash.—lnquire Star. G34 CY/CLISTS, bring your Repairs; no waiting: work gtia ran teed ; prices right.— Auckland Cycle Depot, opp. Xew-ton P.O. B CA ENT'S Bicycle, practically Hew; English Raleigh : £C.—liaydock, Concrete House, Landscape Rd., Mt. Eden. GI-XTS Cycles, b.p.b., from £3 15/ ; Raleigh, fixed wheel. £3; Children's Tricycle. £I.—Fletcher, 2, Railway St., Xewmnrket. T ADY'S Cycle, out of repair. What offer? AJ 106. Balmoral Rd., Dominion Rd.. Terminus. !_}_-_ T ADY'S and Gent's, £3 15/ each; good Aa order; coaster hubs.—Apply 4S, Elgin St.. Grey Lynn. ■ "jo I 9/fi CT CLE Tyre and Tube, 12S s 1.) X—/ Opara Rubber Co., Ltd., 17, Wellesley St. AA'. j__ TJI CYCLE VALUES. High-grade English BICYCLES, from £7 10/. Sole Agents famous Raleigh, world's Best Cycle. Also our popular rioneer Special. Call and see our big stock of Machines, all prices. Tyres, Accessories, etc.. before buying elsewhere. It will pay you. PIOXEER CYCLE WORKS. Newmarket. Agency Sun Motor Cycles. B "OUDGES, with lamps, bells, etc II 8.5.A., Empire Models, £11 11/. WAXDERERS. with Lamps, £11 SUPERBS. English-made. £9 10/ BURBURY, 'Eadie Coaster Models, £7 10/. The Best Assortment of Cycles in Auckland at F. R. HCTCHIXSOX. Opp. Court's Karangahape Road. WS £7 10/ C YCLES £7 10/ OUR WONDERFUL VALUE. Low Prices and Easy Terms make it expensive to buy elsewhere. INSPECT OUR LARGE STOCK. Machines to Suit Everyone. AUCKLAXD CYCLE AND MOTOR DEPOT, j Opposite Newton Post Office. I: ! CARS TO RENT. j CIABS Rented, without drivers ; reasonable ' J rates. —Williams Rental Cars, Ltd.. j Garage, Little Queen St. B MOTOR REPAIRS. A LF. ANDERSON. 50, Federal St., for | xx Motor Repairs of ali dest.- ! p;lons ; OIL-. Grease. Tyres. Accessories stocked. B A LL Classes of Gear-cutting ut shortest j Xx. notice. —AVatsuu, Steel and Ganley, ■ 83. AVelle.iey St. B 17AOHD Radiators lent, no charge, w_ii:... ; • yours repaired.—Philip Lew:-;, Exper:. ] Ch-iricerv St. I'hone C j FOIt Benzine. A'ulcanising, Overhauls. Machine Work, Avoiding. Battery and I F.lectrical Repairs, Accessories, see Sexton Motors ____^ TR . SPEER. Coach Motor Smith : • Springs and all Ironwork.—Sl. Eden Terrace. Trial solicited. p, MOTOR BODY 3TJTI.PERS. BODY Builders, Designers, Upholsterers, Panel-beaters. Repairs at short notice. 'jeT onr quote for Commercial or Pleasure Jodv.—Steel, Arthur St., EUerslie.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
1,074Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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