1 EVENING SPORTS MEETING. 1 EVENTS AT THE DOMAIN. ! An evening sports meeting was got off nt the Domain last night by the Auckland and Akarana Clubs, when two pedestrian and two cycling events were decided. In three ont of the four events the finishes were very oloso and exciting., and L. CWliriams put up a good performance in winning the 100 yards race from scratch in 10 l-ss. The quarter-mller, A. C. Garlick, had a good win in the 600 yards i ! race, which ho fought out with G. Mci Kcan, to got the verdict by inches. Re- - suits :— 100 Yards Handicap.—First heat: 1... T. Monteith, SJyds, 1; G. B. Bilbanks, TJyds, •2; R. Wiley, TJyds ?.. Time, 10 2-ss. Won by a foot, with" inches between second and . third. Second heat: S. C. Ferguson, syds, .1 ; L. C. Williams, scr, 2; ('. W. Morris, OydK. 3. Won hy two feet. Time 10 2-ss. , Final : L. C. Williams, sir, 1 ; L. T. Monteith, 2; CV Ferguson, 3. Time, 10 l-ss. ,In a great finish Williams won by the barest of margins. GOO Yards Handicap.—A. C. Garlick. scr, { 1; G. A. McKeau, 14yds, 2; C. Hansen, I 28yds, 3. Time, lm IS 2-sa. McKean was j' beaten by inches after an exciting struggle ; J with Garlick. One Mile Cycle Handicap.—First heat: F. Bowes, 6yds, 1 ; L. G. Kelly. 25yds, 2; J. Rawsley. lSyds, 3. Time, 2m 43 2-ss. Second heat: ('. Galbraith, 70yds. 1; J. Franks, 60yds, 2 : L. Wilson, 4yds. 3. Time. .2m 40s. Finnl :F. Bowos. 1: J. Franks, 2; .C. Galbraith. ". TlniP, 2m 425. ;| Two Mile Cycle Handicap. —.T. Franks, ; 135 yds. 1: P. Bowes, Byils. 2; 1.. Wilson. i 6yds. 3. Time. 3in 40 2-.-. S. A splendid ; finish, the placed rlrtera being inches apart.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 10
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