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The Spring Meeting of the Takapuna Jockey Club will open at Devonport to-morrow, when some excellent sport should result, for the fields are good and , quality is well represented. Proceedings will commence with the , Melrose Handicap, for which twentythree are engaged. Bay Dighton heads the list with 8.13, but he won the Gordon Handicap, one mile, at Auckland recently , with S.(U. Billikins raced well at the Waikato meeting, winning the Trial Handicap, seven furlongs, and finishing third in the Taupiri Hack Handicap, of similar distance. Killutc annexed a Maiden Hack Race, five and a half furlongs, at Marton in the spring, while his best performance last season was in running third in the Ranfurly Handicap, one mile, at the Auckland Winter Meeting. Sulla has been placed on three occasions this season. Probably Bay Dighton, Billikins, and Sulla may be most fancied when the final figures are adjusted. Kendal is at the top of the handicaps for the Ponui Hurdles, and even with 10.2 he should run a good race. Garzon wen the Park Hurdles at Gisborne in July, while this season he was third in the Second Hurdles at the Poverty Bay meeting, and has won on the flat. Irish Jig is a good jumper, and has pace, while Bright Light won a hurdle race at Whangarei recently. Kawa scored in the Ngatoro Hurdles, one mile and threequarters, at the last Waipa meeting, beating Chirrup and Peter Rosa, while among those lower down Smoke, Sea Comet, and Bahadur read best. Irish Jig, Kendal, and Bright Light may be the best, supported when the totalisator closes. The Borough Handicap field includes some useful horses, and the public will be somewhat perplexed in selecting the winner. Lady Ridicule is a smart mare, and even with- 9.0 she cannot be overlooked. Broadwood can go a good seven furlongs, while Siaosi won the C.J.C. Easter Handicap this year, running the seven- furlongs in 1.25 4-5. Daylight is not overburdened with 8.4, while Alfort, if at his 'best, must take a lot of beating. Ring the Bell showed good form recently at Ellerslie when he won the Normanhy Plate, one mile, easily. Uralla may probably prove the hest of those lower down. Lady Ridicule, Siaosi, and Ring the Bell may carry most money. The Alison Cup has drawn sixteen acceptors. Musketoon has the steadier of 9.5, 'but he is such a good horse that his chances cannot be discounted. Surveyor has raced for quite a long while, and has only recently, been in work. He was not long up before this meeting last year, and annexed the Borough Handicap and the St. Andrew's Handicap. Polonett has been racing well recently, being placed at Auckland and Te Rapa. He is in good form just now. , Spoony won the Waikato Cup so well that he is entitled to respect, even with a rise of 111b and a furlong and a half less to go. Star Ranger won the Avondale Cup and ran second in the Plumpton , Handicap at the same meeting, while at Ellerslie he was third in the King Edward Handicap. He appears to have 'gone on the right way since then. Ruapapa annexed the Whangarei Cup and led for a good portion* of the way in the.Waikato Cup, showing that he is about back to his 'be3t form. Of the others Desert Glow and Tinopono may appeal most.. When the letting is concluded it may. be found that Ruapapa, Star and Spoony will Be best supported.:' The Cambria Handicap is a two-year-old event. Clarus has yet to win a race, but she has a lot of speed, and has been placed on a couple of occasions. Spode scored in the Taita Handicap at Trentham last month, while Tea Bell just got home in the Musket Stakes at Ellerslie, beating Clarus, Royal Tea, and True Blood, which are engaged to-morrow. Royal Tea has shown pace at Ellerslie, and was third in the Musket Stakes, and he should be an improved colt to-morrow. Capella Abbey finished third on each day at Te Rapa. The public may possibly select Tea Bell, Spode, and Royal Tea to carry most of their investments. In the Takapuna Plate recent form will prohably result in the public select- | ing Pinon, Titaness, Ripon Abbey, and ; Mosaic, and if Ballymoy is reserved for ' this race instead of for the Cheltenham ' Handicap she will have some friends. ' Highway, Peter Maxwell, and Chirrup may be in the fancies in the Tiri Hurdles, while in the Cheltenham Handicap pro- ■ bably Master Doon, Pelham, and Nancy ! Lee may carry most money. The programme is as follows, the 1 name of each race, while the last three 1 season are also indicated (1 stands for f
I Fetor Elect, off the limit, won the >7el-1 son Trotting Cup on Saturday, but had j only to go 4.45 3-5 to win by- a length from Why Worry, which was on 12 yards. j . The sale is reported at a high figure of Mr. W. J. Carter's pacing gelding Great Storm, by Great Audubon from Storm Way, to Mr. E. Bergmay, of Perth. Goldman did not show any dash at all at Otahuhu. and it is evident he was not right. He is not engaged at the Waikato, where he would have been asked to concede big starts. "Mascot," in the "Christchurch Sun," states that Logan Chief has trained off, and it is doubtful whether he will be asked to race at the Forbury meeting, where he claims an engagement in the Free-For-All. The good trotter Escapade is only being pottered about by her owner, W. Morland, at present. He has also a four-year-old by Brent Loeanda in easy work, but neither will be asked to race for some time. Dillon Huon,. which is a promising young pacer, was not started at Otahuhu owing to meeting with a slight mishap to one of his legs just prior to the fixture. He is now all right, and may be produced at the Waikato gathering. Marshal Neil, which won the Pioneer Handicap at Nelson on Saturday, is well bred, being by Neil Denis, by Galindo, from Thelma. Marshal Neil is trained by L. F. Berkett, who won two races on the opening day, and also trains the good pacer Imprint. Though beaten in each of his engagements at the Otahuhu meeting, the grey gelding Ricardo was unlucky, and had he gone away right on the second day ho ! would have won easily. He was a good thing beaten, and backers will remember it when next he steus nut. As a result of negotiations with thp New Brighton Trotting Club, Mr. L. G. King, the owner of that fine pacer Onyx, has agreed to send her out in an attempt to break the mile and a-half record at the club's meeting on December • 12. There is no more popular pacer in the Dominion than Onyx, and her effort will be watched with interest. Dick Dillon was backed for good money on the second day, and particularly in the saddle race was there a ring of confidence about the way his supporters put down their money. The chestnut ; lvas ridden by N. Cunningham, who knows the chestnut well, but he could not go the pace set by Scandal and Nelson McCormack, and was always a beaten horse. F. V. Cutts must be given credit for driving a good race with Temple" when the son of Gold Bell ran second in the Royal Oak Handicap. It isn't always the driver who wins who displays the-best reinsmanship, because he invariably i= behind the best horse. In Temple Cutts has a moody customer to handle, and it' is not easy to get him to go solid all through a race. At Ballarat on November 11 the champion pacer Happy Voyage won the Ladies' Bracelet of one mile arid 'a furlong in 2.46 2-5, equal to 2.21 for a mile, and finished second in the Open Handi- : cap of one mile and a-quarter to Count, Bingen in 3.5. Happy Voyage was con- | ceding the winner 42yds, and in view of the slow times in both races it looks as if the Australian-bred pacer is on the down grade. ~, Those'who saw Kolmar win a couplo of races at Hawke's Bay last -season, ticked him off as one of the most promising trotters in the Dominion, and they were not surprised when he changed ownership at a good price. He was solidly supported both days at the Otahuhu meeting, but- on neither occasion did he show up ,-at all. Still, he may not be at his best yet, and perhaps when the summer meetings come along he will return his owner part of the money paid for Mm. When R. Millen drove his mare Lady Stepney to victory .in the Innovation Trot on Wednesday he was celebrating his sixty-sixth birthday. The veteran very naturally came in for congratulations on all sides. He has for years past been closely associated with the light harness sport, and he gets a lot of enjoyment out of the game, especially as he drives a winner in his turn, not afraid to bet if he thinks he has a winning chance. Miss Marvin Downs, Lord Rbberts, Wimmera King and Lady Stepney have all won for him and paid substantial dividends at times. time of starting being given before the performances of the horses engaged this first, 2 for second, 3 for third, 0 for unses since August 1 last) :—
Money was not produced at Otahuhu. The son of O.Y.M. and Drapery is a useful sort, and worth remembering. The nest attraction for Auckland trotting enthusiasts is the Waikato Trotting Club's meeting, which takes j place on December 5. | Blue Mountain King is handicapped to go 4.31 in the Waikato Cup. which is ,not treating the black horsc'bndly. However, he has not raced for a long time, and the chances are he will not be asked to fulfil his engagement. Though he failed to get in the money at Otahuhu, Battery Bell ran a good race each day, from a long way back in the handicaps. He will meet a better class at the Waikato, but being on the front end Mr. Wade's gelding should be very hard to dispose of. The Van Coronado mare, Cora Tackh, had every chance to win on the second day of the Otahuhu meeting. She went away well in a fairly weak field, but with a mile covered she was beaten, though she struggled on into third place. It was not an impressive performance. When Moko Pete -won the Manger? Handicap on Saturday he was driven right out to win by a neck in 2.54 3-5, which is a 3.29 gait for a mile and ahalf. At the Waikato Mr. Edwards has placed him on a 3.30 mark, which is not I treating the black gelding badly. However, it is much easier to go 2.54 3-5 from the limit in a mile and a-quarter than it is to go 3.30 from 72yds behind in a mile and a-half. If R. A. McMillan has Stormy right when the Waikato Cup is being run, the pacer will go well, despite the fact that he looks to have none the best of the handicap. His last start was in the Stewards' Handicap at the Cambridge meeting last year, when handicapped on 4.40, he dead-heated with Buz Buz. Stormy's time was 4.40 3-5, and in the Waikato Cup he is on a 4.38 mark. Still ! there is a big difference between starting from 120 yds behind at Cambridge and 24yds at Hamilton. He gave Buz Buz 48yda at Cambridge, and now meets Mr. Young's mare on equal terms, so he should hold her safe. Prior to the first race at Xclson on Saturday the Judicial Committee met to consider alterations made by the handicapper after the publication of the handicaps, which were posted in the secretary's office. In the Pioneer Handicap Van Rich was on 12yds, and in the Tasman Handicap Royal Audubon was on 36yds. The handicapper stated that a mistake had been made in dictating the handicaps, and he corrected them to Van Rich 108 yds, and Royal Audubon 60yds. These were printed in the official book, but the committee decided that the original handicaps must stand, and Van Rich started from 12yds and Royal Audubon from 3Cyds. Even with the advantage neither horse won. WAIKATO CLUB'S MEETING. HANDICAPS DECLARED. The following handicaps have been _ declared by Mr. F. W. Edwards for events to be run at the Waikato Trotting Club's meeting, which is to be held at Claudelands on Saturday,. December 5 :— INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP of 120sovs.
OTAHUHU CLUB'S MEETING' WINNING PAYMENTS. The following is a list' of the Winning payments made over the Otahnhu Trotting Ciub's recent Spring Meeting:—O. E. Hooper, iS3O; W. J. Carter, £S00; C. E. i Mndmy. ±500: O. Phi-pps. £350; J. Goo, £300; J. B. Toasdale, Jun., £2SO; A. F. ' Ilazleman, £2SO: S. Ward. £270- I{. .T. Elliott, £345: L. Booth. £245; J. 11. Corrigan, I £210; T. and R. Henderson, £210; W. HosI king, £210; Mrs. K. Nieholls, £210: U. Millen, £210; F. ■_. McQuoid. £210; F. O. Holmes, jun.. £ir,o; C. njcMillau. £120: G. G. Hill. -£100: g. Paul. £100; Sweetapple and Shaw. £100; Xewdick Bros., £03; 11. Newton, fSO; T. Brady, £S0: P. V. Cutts, £70; W. .Tohnstoue, £(50: Lovesirove Bros., £t'»i>: T. 11. Robertson. £00; R. C. YVebley, £00; August and I'ouns, £00: I. «. McGregor, £C 0; L. J. Blllington, £40: C. Johnstone. £40; T. S. Orimmond. £35; G. Mc Millan, £30: (.'. Peterson £30; .T. Lynch, £30; K. S. Groat, £30; C. lEUery, ±'30; total, £GiK)O. RACING TAXATION. The sum paid to tho •Government in the form of taxation in connection with the Otahuhu Trotting Clubs Spring Meeting amounts to £7977 0/3, made up follow:— £ s. fl. Totaiisator Tax 2644 13 8 Dividend "Tax 47G0 1C O Tax on 'Stakes ."{45 0 l> Ainusemout Tax 160 1 .'! (Privileges 60 9 0 Total 7977 0 3 SOUTH CANTERBURY RACES (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) TIMAUr. Thursday. The Soi'th Canterbury Jockey Club's : Spring Meeting opened to-day in showery [ weather. The attendance was fair and the track in good order. The totalisator staff handled £11.311. compared with £14.371 !on the first day last year. Later results:— Tycho Hack Handicap.—fl) Celerity (■?. Emerson), 1: (2) Corn Money. 2; i 7) Sarty, 3. Also started: (."{) Ronaki, (5) Zaragoza, <4) Goldtown) (8) Iteno Davis. (6> Quickform. (11) Flaming Ray. (IP> Eaxette. (0) Laughter. (12) Guy. Won by two lengths. Time, 1.13 2-u. ■President's Welter. —f5) Ttetrospect (W. Brown), 1; (8) His Majesty. 2: C2> Monoxide, 3. Also started: (1) Starmist. (S) Giantkiller. (G) Ophir. <H» Almoner, (7) Kuia, (4) risriuo. (9) Brown Lady. "Won toy a length. Time. 1.42. Maiden (Plate. —a) Gay Quoen (C. Emerson). 1: (2) Receipt. 2; (4) Moratorium, 3. Also started: (9) Elba. (5) Gay Raiment. (7) Gienalmond. (10) Kilroa, (111 Miss Garance, n<s) Naughty Peter, (8) Keil Heather, (."») Royal Head. Won by two lengths. Timo, 1.15. Kerrytown Hack Handicap.—(4) Cornflower "(F. Yolght). 1: .(2i Golstep. 2: (I) Miss Winkle, 3. Also started: (7) Shandre. S) Relic. (.">) -Gay Life. (10) Kllbirnie, (Si Windshield, (C) Gold Spinner. t'J) Fairy Tidings. ■Flying Handicap.—Hi Miss Minerva (C, Emerson), 1; (4i Eaton Bells. 2; >'-> Morland, 3. Also started: (0) Clareina, (7) Ayrnurn. (3) Corn Rigs. IS) Bright Mark. Won by a length aud a half. Time, 1.3 l-o.
placed, and - for no previous performanc 11.45 a.m. —MELROSE HA>DICA 1 Bay Dighton 8 13 - 0 0 Clocks 0 13 Billikins .. 8 11 0 Nippy 0 Three Cheers 8 7 Bright 0 0 0 Killute .... 8 4 Te Kc 0 2 3 Sulla 8 3. Scat - 0 O Rahepoto .. 7 12 - 0 0 Brush. - 0 3 Anola .... 7 10 000 Festin 12.30 p.m. —PONUI HANDICAP HURD1 0 0 2 Kendal .... 10 2 - - 3 Kawa 0 2 3 Garzon 10 2 0 3 0 Archib 3 3 2 Irish Jig . . . 9 12 0 0 0 Smoke 0 0 1 Bright Light 0 12 0 0 0 Farnd. Bustler 9 10 s 1.15 p.m.—BOROUGH HANDICA 2 2 0 Lady Ridicule. 9 0 Iraput 0 0 0 Broadwood . 8 11 0 10 Ring i -0 0 Siaosi .... S 7 Loyal 0 3 0 Daylight ..84 0 Prince 0 0 0 Alfort 7 12 - 0 0 Namut 10 0 Joy Bide .. 7 10 13 1 Prin. 2.5 p.m.—ALISON CUP of gOOsovs. 0 0 1 Musketoon .98 201 Deserl Surveyor ..95 000 Town 3 2 0 Polonett ..8 9 0 0 0 Royal 0 0 0 Ruapapa . - 8 5 0 0 0 Boomc 0 0 3 Star Ranger 8 2' 0 3 0 Mt. 1) 0 3 1 Spoony .. -•. 8 0 2.60 p.m.—CAMBRIA HANDICA 32 0 Clarus .... 8 7 -'- 0 True 0 10 Spode S 2 - 3 3 Capelli - 0 1 Tea Bell .. Til Odin - 0 3 Royal Tea .77 Balnaj 3.40 p.m.—TAKAPUNA PLATE Chairman .89 -—• - Dal E 0 0 0 Curraghmore 8 9 - 0 0 Judge 110 Exactly ■ . -. 8 9 10 1 Mosaic - 1 2 Pinon 8 0 0 0 0 Madan 3 0 0 Quinconia ..89 0 O 3 Nucleu 0 2 2 Ring Potoa 8-9 10 3 Ohiner 0 0 2 Sleepy Sol \ . 8 9 r ° 0 Bahep, 10 1 Titaness ..89 - 3 0 Scot I 110 King's Guard 8 9 - 3 0 Odd S 0 0 0 Ripon Abbey S 0 4.25 p.m.—TIRI HANDICAP HURDLES 0t- 30 oio Highway .. 11 6 000 TinoKa 0 0 1 P. Maxwell 11 0 - - 0 Karanl 0 Miss Melva 10 6 0 0 2 Kendal 5.15 p.m.—CHELTENHAM HANDICA] - 0 0 Royal Blood 9 4 - 0 0 Siaosi ii o } S ins Mcrv .,9 2 110 EsactI 3 a I ?, me L n 3 11 0 0 0 Master --n rM??i •••• 8 ° "00 Ki P° n 0 3 n p!Tv!i ty s S 0 0 0 Cawnp
P of 250sovs. Seven furlongs. fork .. 7 9 * Blzarro .... 7 7 ■ - - - 1 0 Winsome Boy 7 7 : Dawn 7 9 Master Noel 7 7 Droke .79 0 0 0 F. Beauty . 7 7 ..... 7* 7 - 0 0 Orma 7 7 • T Bo 7 I 1 " 0 0 Sir Henry ..77 m Lente 7 7 LES of 250sovs. One mile and a-half. . 9 5 0 Sea Comet . 9 0 >ald ..9 2 - 3 0 Bahadur ... » o ! ?0 - - 0 Apollyon ..90 on ... 9 0 0 0 0 Persian King 9 o .P or 400sov5. Seven furlongs. fca ... 7 9 - 0 0 Uralla 7 0 the Bell 7 8 - 3 0 Nocturne ..70 Irish 7 4 0 0 0 Waltzcr .... 7 o ! Abbey 7 2 0 0 0 Charlady .. 7 0 tere ..71 - 0 0 Drawbridge . 7 0 Ronnie 7 0 - 0 0 Aberfeldv .. 7 0 One mile two rurlongs and a-hair. t Glow 7 lt 3 0 0 Right & Left 7 0 Bank 7 9 0 0 0 Kamehamcha 7 0 Present 7 6 0 0 3 Tinopono .. 7 0 ;rday .72 002 Transformer 7 0 larta . 7 1 0 0 0 Far North . 7 o V of 500sovs. Five furlongs. Blood 7 5 Quaker Oats 7 o a Abbey 7 1 Marchaway . 7 0 7 0 0 Dimmer .. 7 0 gar .. 7 0 Some Lad .. 7 0 : or 600sovs. Seven rurlongs. laton . 8 0 - 0 0 Sir Henry . 7 13 s Box 8 0 0 2 0 Maveelish .. 7 13 : .... 8 0 0 2 3 Sulla 7 13 ino .80 -.03 Ballymoy II. 7 10 is -..8 0 0 0 0 Air Queen .. 7 7 nuri .80 0 Berinthia .. 77 oto .. 7 13 0 0 0 Gold Mint ..7 7 Free . 7 13 2 2 0 Lomint 7 7 Sox .. 7 13 -- 0 Nippy .... 7 7 )0s6vs. About one mile and three-quarters. Ilia .. 10 3 3 0 0 Chirrup ..90 m... 98 Pepm 9 0 1 .... 9 6 p of 500SOVS- About six furlongs. .... 8 3 -'- 0 Gold Acre . 7 0 T " 7 6 0 3 0 Lady Lois .. 7 0 r Doon 7 4 ---Eh Timi ... 7 0 Abbey 7 0 - 0 3 Ballymoy II. 7 0 ,ore 7 0 0 3 3 King Pot .. 7 0 Damon 7 0 3 0 0 Dave ...... 7 0
; One mile and a-half. 3.55 class. [ i Solon Dillon .. I.t. Daylight Lt. I Paradigm I.t. 'Gold Lad Lt. : Misty Norma' ., I.t, Lena Ansel . .. 1st. : Sean Trulbhais L"8 Tui Bells Bt. Samuel ..-..'*'-LC -Bell Todd ... Et. Moko Pima . '. tit. Wild Nell .Tun. lit. ! Maureen Moko Lt. Yds. blid. , Mountain Boy I.t. Timbell 12 ! Alberts Bell . Lt Red Dennis .. 48 : Master Bill .. Lt. Gold Star 84 Florrie Roe . . I.t. Anseline Ip8 Colonel Thorpe Lt. Some Jazz .... 1 OS Catchlite Lt. P. McDonald .. 108 Royal Bob ... Lt. PRANKTON-HANDICAP of ISOsovs. One : mlle and a-half.. 3.40 class. Beauty Spot .. Lt. Cora 'Tacks .. 24 Our Burley . . Lt. Royal; Arcade . 24 Surveyor .... Lt. Tarinhauser .. 36] Goldfinch . Lt. Puduma 30 Antelope Lt. Ansel Bell . ... ' 36 Hohora Lt. Admiral Lock .. 48 Golden Park .. Lt. Money 4S Wrigley Lt. Why Worry .. 4S Gen. Advance Lt. Grey Peter ... 96 Yds. bhd. Signorella .... 96 Pearl Fisher .. 3 2 Jewel rointer . 108 Dillon Huon .. 12 Moko Pete ... 120 Ursuline ...... 24 Mulwaree 120 Grattan Thorpe 24 WAIKATO TROTTING CUP of 500sovs, Vand Cup value SOgns, presented by Mr. G. McMillan. Two miles. 4.40 class. Temple Lt. Buz Buz 24 Coal Light Lt.; Reliance 24 Bawl. Locanda Lt. Stormy -* Anselm Lt. Heather Girl .. 36 Rock Hintou . Lt. Lord Nepean . . 48 Yds. bhd. Florrie Bingen 00 Wallroon 12 Glandore 60 Dick Dillon ..12 All Bell 60. King Lear 12 Hypo J-; Holly Boy 12 Oruarangi <- Nelson Tasker 24 Dean Dillon .... 84 Hughie Wallace 24 B. Moun. King 108 CLAUDELANDS HANDICAP of 140SOVS. One mile and a-half. 3.42 class. Rona Lt. Concertina .. Lt. White Raven . Lt. Speed King .. Lt. Bingen Star .. Lt. Van Rich ... M.J Taipare .... Lt. .Vanity Boy .. Lt. Delight M. ids. bhd. | Beauty Spot .. Lt; Jasper iWrigley Lt. Hohona -+ Our Burley .. Lt. Dillon Huon . jb\ Boston Chimes Lt. Puduma -O [ Surveyor .... Lt. Sidelight ..... 48. Tinsel Lt. Royal Arcade . 481 Castle Chimes Lt. Admiral Lock . <- Antelope Lt. Shannagolden . 7~ 1 Fungus Lt. Ofa Mai 06 STEWARDS' HANDICAP of 240SOVS. One mile. 2.20 class. Lord Minto .. Lt. La Fayette ... 12 Delavan BUI . Lt. Brendo 24 [ Loeh Moigh .. Lt. Huon Grattan . 24 Toll Chimes .. Lt. Coal Light ... 24 Satinbird Lt. Tranquil 241 Lenglen Lt. Anoziram 241 Mars Lt. Mulwaree 24 ■ Grey Peter . . Lt. Nelson Tasker 36 j Yds. bhd. Rua Pere ... 361 Mint Boy . 12 Daph. Wildwood. 361 Rock Hinton .. 12 Scandal 4S j Golden Hope .. 12 Glandore 48 Roekaway 12 Nita Bell .... 601 Profiteer 12 Her Ladyship 721 PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP of 200sovs. I One mile and a-half. 3.36 class. Wriglev Lt. Toll - Chimes . . 12 L'rsuline ... Lt: The Texan ... 12 Golden Park .. Lt. Doctor Dillon . 24 Goldfinch Lt. Ofa Mai 36 Dillon Uuon . Lt. Blair Audubon 36 Admiral Hood Lt. Zolock Palm .. 36 Grattan Thorpe Lt. Manna 60 j Tannhauscr .. Lt. Mars GO Mount Albert !.t. Grey Peter ... 60 \ Ansel Bell ... Lt. Signorella ... 60 Why Worry .. Lt. Moko Tete 72 Yds. bhd. KingKclere S4 Uncle Bert ... 12 Brendo 84 Black Pearl .. 12 Anoziram 84 Haroto 1"- Anselm ..... 84, HAMILTON HANDICAP of 240sovs. Two miles. 4.52 class. Solon Dillon .. Lt. Battery Bell .. Lt. Gold Star Lt. ■ Golden Gate .. Lt. Some Jazz ... Lt. * Yds. bhd. Anseline Lt. Marble Star .. 12 Sweet Memory Lt. Bluewood .... 12 Audex Lt. The Squire ... 60 Gold Sovereign Lt. Roi Alto 96 Roe Bell Lt. Rose Bingen . 132 FINAL HANDICAP of 160sovs. . I One mile and a-qnarter. 2.56 class. ' Leading Light • Lt. Rock Hinton .. 24 Satinbird .... Lt. Firpo 24 Money Lt. Huon Grattan . 36 Black Pearl . . Lt. Tranquil 36 Uncle Bert ... Lt. Bawldy Locanda 36 Mas. Grattan Lt. Mulwaree 30 Delavan Bill . Lt. Wallroon .... 48 Lord Minto .. Lt. Daph. Wildwood 48 Yds. bhd. Anselm 48 Profiteer - — 24 Scandal 60 Roekaway ... 24 R ua Pere . 60 Kingsclere ... 24 Hal Chimes .. 96 f La Fayette- 24 . . T ..... "J
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 10
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4,007RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 10
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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 10
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