1 : A new- type of -cheese crate, trlici is ; claimed to possess -considerable ad-ran- '\ tage orer tie crate need iitherto, is novr : te&ng tested Irr the Dairy Control Board. !• A iranibeT of fhe" new crates iaxe beem I loaded at lie grading stores on the i Sing's Tsrhaxf, Wangeini, and. -will be I flapped io xery slortlT. Tie I officers of tie Dairy TJMside who lare inspected £he crates and tested jthem for sffeetiTfineßg .in padang " and EtaMßty speak MgiOy of liem, and are confident that they i>vi3l emerge idth. «nedit from the test hy fihipnient . It sssi ' -stated 4ia-t in the -event of '-,&e test, icing -thoroughly Batasfaetory iis xie-vr I I container wil be-adopted hj fie IJairy Control Board as a -nataonal crate._. - j A. matter of interest to the daiiyißg: - indiistry generally., is thfi fact tiEat the ; 3iew crate can be snpplied at «onsiderij -ably less cost than the ©Id xaaietT- ■; Other advantages ■claimed for it axe that j 5± is Btronger aad lighter lie -old .. -.crate, and is so oonEtrncted that it pror; Tides -perfect TentHation during tiie. t !P«rioa of Khipment. The lEsnlt of the i-j *eetß Tfffl lie awaited wiQi interest hy l lmarV CtainßEiea '"■'i ihe daifjing in- __ j 'A
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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