EG-GS 1/11 AT AUCTION. STRAWBEEEIES Iβ A CHIP. Tl-JI PINEAPPLES CHEAP. Local apples .are showing tie effects of long storage, bm as the quantities j offering hflxe been less prices liave been fairly well maintained. * The following saW haxe taken place:—Delirious, 6/ j to 13/; Stunner*, 6/ to 10/: Dobenys, 1 a/ to 7/S: Pride of Australia, (5/ to ! S/. Canadian Delicious and Jonathans | are in ample supply and realise from j 16/ to 18/6 per "case. Pears: P. Barris 6/ to 97 ncr case. Strawberries liave been coming forward much more freely this week, and the fruit is of first-class quality. Auction prices are from 1/3 to 1/6 per pxixawt- a few extra choice going to higher figures. Crooseberries are much more plentiful, and the price has dropped to 7/ and 8/ per ISTb case. Local plums, too. j are on the market at S/ per case, and j 2\ew Zealand cherries bring , from 20/ I to 22/ per case of 101b- Hothouse | grapes are C/ 3 per ]b. Amongst imported fruits the most noticeable are Fiji pines. A large shipment has come to hand, and prices. 9/ to 11/ per -case, are lower than they have been for several seasons. Other ! prices are:—Repacked bananas. 34/ to 26/; Cook Island tomatoes, 17/ to 17/0 | per case; Fiji tomatoes, 10/ to 12/: local hothouse, 1/ to 1/6 per lb; Sydney Valencia oranges, 12/ to 17/ per case; lemons, 5/ to 14/. Vegetables. Xew potatoes are in heavy supply ax the auctions- Some came from Puke- j kohe, b*t the bulk are from the various suburbs and areas adjacent to the dty. Prices for best quality range from ijyd to 2d per !b; Emaller sorts from £d to A few new season's onions hare come forward, .and although they are small in quantity and immature they have had an effect on the price of im- j ported Canadians, which, have fallen to j 22/ and 23/ per crate. Other auction | prices have "been:—Local onions. 116. to | ljd per lb; cabbages and cauliflowers, | 4/ to 17/ per sack; of the bench cab- j bages, 3/ to 7/ per cauliflowers. I 3/ to 8/; lettuce, 2/ to 7/ per case; ' rhubarb, 2/S to 4/ per dozen; leeks, 3d to 6d per bundle; asparagus, 10d to 1/3 per bundle; green peas (heavy sup- i plies), 3d to 4d per lb; broad beans, j 2Jd; French beans, 7d to lid: cucumbers, 4/ to 8/ per. dozen; beet, carrots, j parsnips and turnips, 1/ to 1/ii per doser. i lots. " ; Fish. i There has been an excellent supply j of fresh fish during' Hie present week, j and the seine boats._ Lave found it difStj cu3t to iiieet competition of the] trawlers- Flounders are much more I plentiful, but the supply of crayfish has eased off. Habbits have been more i numerous 5n the ihops than has been ! the ease for some time. Amongst ! smoked -varieties there has been a. par- i ticularry keen demand for emoted rw. : Retail jrrieeE are:—Fresh fillets schnap- i per and trevalli. 3d to 4d each: John ! Dory, 1/ per lb; kippered fillets, 1/ i per lb; roe, 1/G per ]b; gurnet, cream ' fish and mussels, 2/ per dozen: mussels, 1/G per bottle; fre=h :schnapper, terekilii and trevalli, Od to Sd each; mullet, fid to 1/Q-, flounder, haptika and kingfisih. i 1/ per lb; smoked sehnapper, lOd per lb; roe, 3/ per lb: mullet, 9d; trevalli. I Sd; terekilii, 6d; kippered fillets, 1/ per j lb; silver strip, 9d per lb; crayfish, 10d I to \j per lb; rabbits, 1/ each! Sharp Rise in Eggs. Since last report there has been a sharp advance in the price of eoo-s. There have been fair supplies at the auction marts and a Very keen demand. Prices realised at auction have been 1/11 for hen eg-gs and 1/30 for duck This advance is due'to the free of eggs for shipment to the South Island , due probably to the demand re-ultin-iTom the large influx of visitors to the DuTiedin Exhibition. On the Auckland market to-day the retail prices are hen eggs, 2/2 and duck .cg ?s 2/ per dozen! I : Butter ana Cheese. j Prices for butter and cheese are unI altered this week. Superfine fartorv - butter, cash across the counter, sells a t '. i/k Cheese is quoted at 1/2 to 1/4 5 per lb; extra matured 1/0 per lb. Bacon ana Hams. : T lj _ es e are in strong demand. . Whole hams retail are quoted at 1 1% to 1/4 per H> ; rashers. 1/9 to I/lObacon in cuts, lid to I/O: ra=he-s Ifk Ito I/a per lb. ' ' ' /o Poultry. i There was a fair supply. Cockerels ■I (prime.) from-6/6 to 8/3. medium 4/3 to i 6/3, light %j to 4/, cockerel chickens 4d -to 1/; heavy hens 3/3 to 4/S. lintft 1/8 to 3/3; old ducks ,2/ to 3/3; ronaz i drakes,, 3/3 to 0/3. • *
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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