DUNEDTN, Thursday
The hearing of charges of the murder of her three children against Ellen Hart iii connection with the Kaikorai tragedy commenced in the Police Court to-day before Mr. J. R. Bartholomew. S.M., the names of the children and their ages being Lindsay Hart, f> years, Andrew William Hart, 3 years and 5 months, and Nola Hart, fourteen months. Mr. Callan appeared for accused. The inquest was taken concurrently.
Gladys Blanche Newell stated that she went to Mrs. Upton's house on November 9. Accused, who was in the sitting room, threw her arms around witness' heck, stating! "Whatever you think, it's nothing but religion made mc do it. I was getting the children ready for school, andj on the spur of the moment I did it. bitt they did not want to go. We had decided to live a Christian life, and confessed our pasts to one another. My husband said he would forgive mc every thing, but that there were things God would never forgive mc."
Sergeant Dunlop stated that."when leaving for the police station accused cried, "t shouldn't have done it."
Detective Farquharsori stated that when he read the charge to accused she said, "Oh, don't tell mc they're all gone." Accused was committed for trial.
Chief Detective Lewis, referring to the inquest, said the evidence of the husband might be called, he being the last to see the children alive. The magistrate said no useful purpose would be served. Tho husband could not be called in connection with the murder charge, and it would be improper to call him for the inquest. He found that the children died from injuries inflicted by the accused with a razor, there not being sufficient evidence to show her mental condition at the time.
On the suggestion of Mr. J. B. Callan the magistrate recommended to the Minister that the accused be detained iii a mental hospital pending her trial.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 9
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