A NEW ORGANISATION. Eight of the local bauds, realising the necessity of an organisation to control local conditions, have formed an Auckland Bands' Association. Meetings -have been held, committees appointed, and the future of bands appears brighter than in the past. The various delegates display considerable enthusiasm, and intend making the association a live factor to benefit the affiliated bands. The charitable institutions are not going to be neglected, arrangements being made whereby these institutions shall be visited and the inmates treated with bright music. That the citizens fully appreciate the bands was demonstrated by the large audiences at the recent band contest, also on many other occasions when tho combined bands have been assembled. To-morrow the combined bands give their initial massed performance at Blandford Park, when it is intended giving the public a musical treat, the programme including four massed items, including two hymns and two marches. One of the features of the programme will be "Hymns," played by the massed bands, which has a very fine effect—2so bandsmen taking part. The bands participating have already practised the hymns chosen, viz., "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and "Fierce Raged the Tempest." The members of the association trust that the public Will remember what the bands (who have to support themselves) have, for the last 30 years, been doing for charity, aud all public functions', and will realise that in their midst is what is said to be one of the finest marching bands in the world—the Auckland Artillery. Citizens are asked to support this splendid combination in order that it may go and bring back the shield. The chief officers of the association are as follow:—Patron, his Worship the Mayor, Mr. G. Baildon; president, Mr. L. R. Eady;. chairman, Mr. A. W. Tatton; hon. treasurer, Mr. B. E. Church; hon. secretary, Mr. S. Trebilcock.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 15
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 15
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