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/ SPORTING. YXTAIKATO rpROTTING pLUB. QPRING ATEETING. TO BE HELD AT, CLAUDELANDS. HAMILTON, On •-.-.-, SATURDAY, TYECEMBER pr 1925. PROGRAMME: 1. INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP .(Harness), of 120sovs, .for TROTTING HORSES ONLY. For horses that have never won at better tlian 2.30 to'the mile at time of nomination. Limit, 3.55. Distance, one mile and a-halL Nomination. 20/. Acceptance,: 30/. 2. FRANKTON HANDICAP (Harness), of 150sovs. Limit, 3..40.. Distance, oi»e mile and a-half. Nomination, 20/." Acceptance, 40/. 3. WAIKATO TROTTING CUP HANDICAP (Harness), of 500sovs and Cup -rallied at 50 guineas, presented by G. McMillan, Esq. Limit, 4.40. Distance, two miles. Nomination, -40/. -Acceptance. 80/. 4. CLAUDELANDS HANDICAP (Harness), of 140sovs. For horses that have never won at better than 2.2S to the mile at the time of nomination. Limit, 3.42. Distance, one mile and a-half. Nomination, 20/. Acceptance, 35/. 5. STEWARDS' HANDICAP (Harness), of I 240sovs. Limit, 2.20. Distance, one mile. Nomination, 30/. Acceptance, 50/. 6. RESIDENTS' "HANDICAP (Harness), of 200sovs. Limit, 3.36. ' Distance. One mile and a-half, Nomination, .20/. Acceptance, 45/. 7. HAMILTON HANDICAP (Harness), of 240sovs. For TROTTING HORSES ONLY. Limit, 4.52, Distance, two miles. Nomination, 30/. Acceptance, 50/. S. FINAL HANDICAP (Saddle), of 160sovs. Limit. 2.56. Distance,-, one mile and a quarter. Nomination, 20/. Accep-' tance, 40/. -4 Nominations close with Secretary, Auckland Trotting Club, or Secretary. Waikato Trotting Club, at 5 p.m. on FRIDAY, 13th November, 1925. Handicaps will appear on FRIDAY, 27th November. Acceptances will close at 5 p.m. on MONDAY, 30th November. ARTHUR J. SMITH, 11 ' . Secretary. PUBLIC NOTICES. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICI'.. CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATES. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 50 of the Public Trust Office Act, 190S, that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estates of WHITAKER, Walter Henry, late of Ota- ' • huhu, Carpenter, -died 1/0/25. TURNER, Isabella Anna, late of Auckland, Widow, died 13/10/25. (whose estates are under administration by the Public Trustee) are hereby required to lodge, in duplicate, such claims, supported by full, particulars and certified as due and owing by the said estates at the date of the death of deceased, with the Public Trustee's local office at Aueklanu, on. or before the Ist day of UECEMBIiK, 1925. Any claim not lodged by the date named is liable to exclusion. D. L,. McKAY, Deputy District Public Trustee. ■ Auckland. October 30. 1025. 163 THE AUCKLAND ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD. Notice is hereby given that the Electrical Supply will be disconnected in the undermentioned areas on SUNDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 1, 1925: — BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1 A.M. AND 5 A.M. : Mount Albert, Kingsland, Edendale Districts, and the western side of Mount Eden, for the purpose of installing feeder protective gear. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF S A.M. AND 4 P.M.: The whole of the Supply .in the Tamaki ~ Koad District for the purpose cf effecting alterations' the sunply lines. . i . , R. M> BARTLET, .General Manager. October 31. 1925. 30 TO ALL TO WHOM, THESE PRESENTS COME—I, FLORENCE MARY WLLTON SMITH, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and.. Dominion of New Zealand, Widow, send greeting. Whereas 1 .am desirous of abandoning the name Florence Mary Wilton Smith, and of assuming the name of Florence Mary Wilton, and whereas I am desirous of placing upon record such abandonment and assumption of name, now know ye and these presents witness that '1, the said Florence Mary Wilton Smith do hereby' assume and take . the name of Florence Mary Wilton, and do hereby absolutely relinquish and abandon the name Florence Mary 'W'l ton Smith to the end and intent that oii all legal docu-. . moots and for all purposes whatsoever- I shall hereafter be. known and designated by the name of Florence Mary Wilton in lieu and stead of the name Florence Mary Wilton Smith. As witness my hand and seal this 28th day of October, 1925. Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Florence Mary Wilton Smith in 'the presence of W. E. L. Vallance, Solicitor, Auckland.—F. M. W. SMITH. 4 m O BUILDERS. AND OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Taking this opportunity of thanking my numerous customers for past favours, I have pleasure in intimating to them, that I have commenced the manufacture' of Fibrous Plaster Boards, in my New, Commodius, and Up-to-date Factory, and will esteem a continuance of; their patronage. With the guarantee of only first quality materials beieig used, and the Efficient Staff and Qualified Workers employed, I can assure Builders, etc., of every satisfaction in the execution and dispatch of their orders. 'Phone 24-757. "PREMIER" Fibrous Plaster Works,' Edendale Road. (Signed) C. V. LEMAN", (Late.'Managing Partner and Traveller Leman Brothers.) • TS rpHis \ TN -yOUR- YK7ILL ? "I appoint the Trustee Executor and Agency Branch of the New Zealand Insurance Company, Ltd., - to be the executor and trustee under this my Will.". Without the above,..or a similar clause your Will is seriously incomplete, inasmuch as it does not make proper provision for .the administration of your estate. : You are respectfully urged to acquaint . yourself with the facts concerning the service this Company renders. ASSETS EXCEED i2,500,00Q Handbook and all information gratis from •any Branch Office, or from C. F. THOMAS, Trust Manager, THE TRUSTEE EXECUTOR AND AGENCY BRANCH OF NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD.. AUCKLAND. WSR • CHOP FRONTS, SHOP FITTINGS, WINDOW ENCLOSURES, AIR-TIGHT SHOW CASES, In Latest Designs and Constructed x - of thoroughly seasoned " Native " Timbers, or- in Oak, Maple, Walnut, and. Mahogany. "Designs and Estimates on Application to J. C. CRAWFORD, Factory Manager, FLETCHER'S FACTORS, "..-.'".. NELSON STREET. . .. s PHONE 43-003. — TURKISH BATH, 4, LORNE STREET, ClTif. LADIES' HOURS: Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Wednesday, 6 p.m. to" 9.30 pm ; Thursday,. 6 p.m. to. 9.30 p.m. GENTLEMEN: All other times. Hot Slipper Baths for Ladies and Gentlemen all the time. 4 A. *V. -.BR VA N T • (Successor ttf P. Bryant), i- COAL MERCHANT AND CARRIER; , Tramway Buildings, Lower Albert Street,' ■ .: and Jervois Road,-Ponsonby:--I -..--.- •> - Telephone 40-679.- : C
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
Word Count
976Page 13 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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