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. SPORTING. A "UCKLAND ' "DACING pLUB. gPRING TLTEETING,. 1925. ( gATURDAY AND TITONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 AND 9. First Race about-12 noon each day. ADMISSION— To Racecourse, : 1/6. . Leger Enclosure, 3/; Grandstand Enclosure: Gentlemen 11/, Ladies 6/. - Tickets for Enclosure on sale at H. Cleat's (Tobacconist).-Victoria Arcade, and Cartel and Asher's (Tobacconists), opp. "Herald" Office, on November 6. All persons other than members leaving the Paddock or Racecourse will be liable on re-entering to - again pay for admission, as no-; passes are issued. Children under 12 will NOT-be admitted to the Grandstand Enclosure. No. person who' has at any time since ■ the - passing of the Gaming and -Lotteries Act Amendment Act, ,1908, . followed the occupation of a Bookmaker or Bookmaker's -Clerk, no disqualified -or undesirable person, will be admitted to the Ellerslie Racecourse during the Spring Meeting, and if any such person is, found on such course he will be removed therefrom and prosecuted for trespass. The - promotion of sweeps Is prohibited. and any person Infringing this regulation will be removed from the racecourse and prosecuted: W. S. SPENCE, 10 ■ Secretary. QTAHUIIU rpROTTING QLUB SPRING ' TLTEETING, 1925. SATURDAY, ,T\TOVEMBER Oft AND TX7EDNESDAY, ;JTOVEMBER ng NOMINATIONS for AHEvents close with the Secretary, at his Office, Acacia - Buildings,- O'Corinell. Street, Auckland, on FRIDAY NEXT, November 6, <at FIVE P.M. R. L. ABSOLUM, 161 . Secretary. rpAKAPUNA , ' "tOC£eY pLUB - '"'■'' (INCORPORATED). gPRING ' -VJEETING. Saturday] and atonday, - OQ.-- AND Ofl 1925. ..-■ , FIRST DAY. MELROSE HANDICAY of V 2sosovs. Win- ., . .{jer to receive ,200sovs, second horse •' • 3»sbvs, and 'third horse ' losovs. For horses that.have- not won an advertised - tflat race exceeding the value of TSsovs, - at. time of entry- Minimum weight, •• «.T Nona., -lsov; accept., lsov. ~; Seven.furtdngs.- - PONUI HANDICAP.HURDLES of 2Sosovs. -: Winner to receive 200soVs,* second horse ' 35sovs, and third horse • 15sovs. For horses that have not srrin 'an advertised V PiirV 6 , ** cc exceeding,: the value 6t f leOsovsr" at time or%ntry. Over six flights of hurdles. Norn., lsov.; accept., •V££2&Zl.y&B? mne «ndja-half. U - BOROUGH HANDICAP- of 400sovs. Winner, to receive SOOsovs,.-second horse <ssovs, and third horse 25sovs. Norn., lsov.; accept., 3sovs. ■ One mile two furlongs and a-half. - AL * S £ N UP (Handicap), of SOOsovs. Winner to receive COOsovs. second horse . 125SOVS, and third horse 75sovs,;~N0m.. lsov;.; accept., 7sovs. One nine,'two and a-half-furlongs. CAMBRIA HANDICAP of "500sovs. Winner- to .receive 350sovs; second horse ,; ~ .-lOOsovs, and .third < horse 50so vs. For 1 iwo-year-oldSk Norn., lsov; accept., 4sovs. Five' furlongs. E A £ A £P£ A PLATE of 600sovs: (Closed). TIRI (HANDICAP HURDLES of 300sovs. Winner to second horse oOsqvs, and third horse 25sovs. Over Seven flights'!of hurdles. Norn., lsov.; accept., 2sovs. •, About one mile and threeHqnarters. CHELTENHAM HANDICAP of SOOsovs. Winner to receive 350sovs, second horse lOOsbvs, and third- horse 50sovs. Norn., lsov; accept., 4sovs. About six furlongs. SECOND DAY. '".""" (STANLEY HANDICAP HURDLES of 250SOVS. Winner to receive 200sovs. second-horse 35sovs, and third horse losovs. ■ For horses that have not won an advertised . hurdles -. race exceeding the'value-of 160sov a at time of entry. Over six flights of hurdles. Norn.. ~ ■•. lsov; accept.,- lsov. One hille and . a^balf. VAUXHALL HANDICAP of 250sovs, Winner to receive 200sovs. second horse 35sovs. and third horse losovs. For horses that, have, not won an advertised _ 'flat race exceeding the value of'7osovs -at tithe, of entry. Minimum weight. 7.7. -. .Vom., lsov; accept., lsov. Seven • furlongs. ■ • CAUTLEY HANDICAP of 400sovs. Winner ' . . to*receive 300sovs, second horse 75sovs, and-third horse 25sdvs. Norn.. lsov; accept.. Ssovs. About six furlongs. ST. ANDREW'S HANDICAP of 700sovs. Winner to receive'ssosovs. second horse lOOsovs,' and third horse': 50sovs. Norn., ■ lsov;.. accept., 6sovs." One mile one furlong. RAKINO HANDICAP of 500sovs. Winner - to receive 350sovs, second horse lOOsovs, and third horse SOsovs. For two-year-olds. Norn., lsov; accept., 4sovs, Five . furlongs; ' PUPUKE HACK HANDICAP of 250sovs. Winner to receive 200sovs, second horse :35sovs. and- third horse 15sovs. For horses that have not won an advertised flat-race of the' value of 230sovs or flat races of the collective value of SOOsovs at time of. entry. Minimum weight. 7.7. Norn., lsov; accept., lsov. One mile one furlonp.. KAWAU' HANDICAP HURDLES of 300sovs. Winner to, receive. 225sovs, second" horse .SOsovs.. and third horse 25sovs; Over seven flights of hurdles. Norn., lsov;-accept.'2sovs. About one mile and ttoree-fluarters. NGATARINGA WELTER HANDICAP .of ■ Winner to receive SOOsovs. second horse: lOOsovs, and-third horse SOsovs. Minimum weight, 7.7. Norn., .lsov; accept., Ssovs. Seven .furlongs. NOMINATIONS.—FRIDAY, November 6. by 3 p.m.; .General. Entries, November 6, by s'p.m. Flnhl payment V4sovs) Takapuna- Plate. November 17, SATURDAY,-November 28. by 8 p.m. November 20, by r 5 p.m.; SATURDAY, November 28, by 9 p:in.' .. All entries Jco be addressed to the Secretary, 67. Shortland Street. Auckland. Winners after the • declaration 'of the weights are liable to be rehandfeapped. , f - • • R. WYNYARD. "Secretary. (Approved by the' Auckland District •: Committee.) • ' 389 ' . PICTURE-FRAMERS. PICTURE. Cards, Picture .. : Framing, ■ lowest prices; collected, delivered. —Phone 46-771; Shrimptbn, Framing Workers. Mt.~ Albert. ■ POOg FOR. SAiE. • AIREDALES;— Pedigree -Puppies.' Par- ■ Cntß. prize-winners. Best watchdogs ob tamable.—Fell particulars, - write ' J. KISSLING, WS Hall -Avenue, Otahuhu. Tj>pX Terrier,, young, for. Sale; owner A leaving.^—so, Summer St.", Ponsonbv. ■ .-:.;-sV....-, ■■■-■;-. .- - - _102 "PUPPIES, English Setter and Field - Spaniel-cross; just right'for next shooting aeastn;- -guaranteed workers.—W. Beavls,-£7}t- Bush -Rd., Papatoetoe. - . 31« ✓ - V '-,:"'■
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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858Page 13 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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