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ECCUSIAaTICAL. - fT»HE METHODIST CHURCH OF ■** NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND CENTRAL CIRCUIT. SUNDAY-SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. PITT STREET.—II. a.m., Bey. ; J, E. Parsons. 3. p.m.. Major Dixon. 7 p.m.. Rev. P. N.- Knight, B.A. Special Singing at all the services by 'the Scholars. Orchestra. KINGSLAND.—II a-m.. Rev. S. Griffith.' 7 p.m.. Rev. W. A. Sinclair. (Communion). EDEN TERRACE.—II a.m., Student F. J".-Handy; 7 Rev. S. Griffith. Subject,' 'Thy Kingdom Come." Solo, Mrs. Phillips. (Communion.") DOMINION ROAD.—II a.m.. Rev. W. A. Sinclair. 7 p.m., Rev. G. E. Brown (Communion). ROSKILL.—II a-m.. Rev. D. J. Murray. 7 p.m.-, Rev. A. Reader (Communion). FRANCE STREET.—7 p.m., Student F. J. Handy. ALEXANDRA STREET. —11 a.m., Mr. F- Crespin. 7 p.m.. Mr.. A. Manoah. PITT STREET METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1. Morning, at 11.—REV. ERNEST PARSONS. .Flute Solo, "La Serenata" (Braga), MR. H. E. JONES. Afternoon, at 3.—MAJOR DIXON. (Late Young People's Department. Salvation Army.) Evening at 7.—REV. P. N. KNIGHT. B.A. Violin Solo, "Romance from 2nd Concerto," (Wieniawskl), MR..G. M. HASTIE. Special. Singing by the Scholars. Conductor.: MR. K. J. DELLOW. Organist: -MB. T. S. WEBSTER. Leader of Orchestra: MR. J. W. McELWAIN, A.T.C.L. 18 AUCKLAND EAST CIRCUIT. SPECIAL INTERCESSION IN ALL CHURCHES ON BEHALF OF THE CRISIS OF.THE COUNTRY. COLLEGIATE CHURCH (Grafton Rd.). 11 a.m.. Mr. J. D. Grocott (Student). 7 p.m.. Rev. H. Ranston. M.A., D.Lltt. (Communion). -EPSOM.—II a.m.. Rev. C. H. Laws. 8.A., D.D. T: p.m.. Rev. E. Drake. Subject, "Men and Methods: Prohibition and Principle : The Moral and Spiritual Suggestions of an Election." (Communion.) MOUNT EDEN. —2oth Sunday School Anniversary. See Special Advertisement. REMUERA. —11 a.m., Mr. H. V. Utting (Student). 7 p.m.. Rev. J. Richards', subject, "Citisenship." (Communion.) NEWMARKET.—II a.m.. Rev. E. Drake. ! 7 p.m., Mr. N. P.- Larsen (Student). Anthem by the Choir. PARNELL. —11. a.m., Mr. N. P. Larsen ' (Student). 7 p.m., Rev. George Bond (Communion.) MOUNT EDEN METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. THREE SPECIAL SERVICES. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). - 11 a.m.—Rev. Ivan-S. Stebbins (Green Lane Congregational Church). t p.m.—Rev. J. Ernest. Parsons (Devonport*., 7 p.m.—Rev.. W. T. Blight. Special. Singing by Scholars and Choir. ; Conductor: Mr. P. Dellow. ' 'BE EABLY TO SECURE A SEAT. TEA AND CONCERT, TUESDAY, NOV. 17. *• AUCKLAND WEST CIRCUIT. ST. JOHN"S.—II a-m.. Student Haines; 7 p.m*. Rev. C. H. Olds, 8.A.; subject, "Expectant Faith." Anthem, "What Are These?" (Sfainer). ' FRANKLIN ROAD.—Liberty Sunday.—ll a.m., "The Liquor Traffic's Sin Against the Child." 7 p.m., "The Liquor Traffic's Refuge of Lies." Anthem. Preacher, Rev. J.iOlphert- , RICHMOND AVENUE.—II a.m., and 7 p.m., Bey.- W. 8. Potter. Evening subject, "Th* Liquor "Traffic's Cry." BAYFIELD.—II a.m., Student Voyce. 7 p.m., Mr. N. H. Ashford. GREAT NORTH BOAD.—II a.m.. Mr. T.. B- Howard. 7 p.m.. Student Voyce. AUCKLAND CENTRAL MISSION, Cor.' Victoria and Albert Streets. ' Motto: "Have Faith in God.-'-' 10.30- am.—Junior C.E. Society. 11 :a.m.—Speaker: MB. S. E..WOOD. ,< . 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—OLD-TIME TESTIMONY MEETING.- followed by Communion Service. If-you don't .attend-any other place.-of Worship..- make the Central Mission your Spiritual "Home. . TUESDAY—7 p.m.. Girls' Class. WEDNESDAY, 7.30 p.m.—Weekly Fellowship Meeting. - THURSDAY—7 . p.m., Choir Practice ; 8 p.m.. Senior C.E. DEVONPORT METHODIST CHUBCH. .SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, fl'■m'.—REV. C. H. OLDS, B.A. 3-p.m.—REV G. B. HINTON.. 7, p.m.—REV. J. ERNEST PARSONS. Special Singing by Children and Choir. Conductor: Mr. F.- Beck. - Tea and Concert, November 11. STANLEY BAY.—II a.m., Mr. C. H. Taylor ; '7 p.m„ MR. A. MILL. VAUXHALL—-7 p.m.. Mr. F. Sonster. VfT. ALBERT METHODIST CHURCH. •"*■ " Home • Mission 'Anniversary—ll a.m., Rev. Dr. H. Ranston. MA.; 7 p.m., Bey. A. J. Seamer --(Superintendent of -Home Missions)/ and Maori Party. TUESDAY, Nov. Seamer and Maori Party in Schoolroom. 7.30 : p.m. • . rVNEfIUNGA METHODIST CIRCUIT. 31- a.m.— Mr. J. Lakiqg. 7 p.m.—Rev. W. Parker (Communion). PENROSE.—II a.m., Mr. Silvester. 7 p.m.', Mr. Bycroft, sen. MANGERE.—7 p.m.. Mr. Silvester. rpAKAPUNA METHODIST CHURCH Morning, 11—Rev. G." B. Hinton. Evening. 7—Mr. Hayman (Student). BROWNS BAY—7 p.m., Rev. G. B. Hinton. BIRKENHEAD METHODIST CIRCUIT. BIRKENHEAD—II. Mr. W. Sussex: 7. Mr: A.! Wilson. NORTHCOTE—II, Mr. C. O. flalrwood (student) ; 7. Mr. W. .1. Court. . BIRKDALE (Sunday School Anniversary)—Tt, Rev. W. A. Buriey; 3, Mr. Hailwood (student) : 7, Rev. _W. A. Buriey. -.ALBANY—3.. Rev. W. A. Buriey. rjnHE .SPIRITUAL SCIENTISTS' A; ' CHURCH'(lncorporated). NEWTON CHAMBERS, uver Rusb-Munro's, Opp. Newton P.O. -.. . TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). ' 3 p.m.—Open Spiritual Circle and Healing. . 7 p.m.—Address by Sister Anderson, "Behold.- I Stand at the -Door and Knock." Spiritual Messages, Mr. Blackbourn. All Week-night: Meetings, 8 p.m. sharp. . MONDAY.—Clairvoyance. Written initialled questions answered. Mr. Blackbourn. TUESDAY.—Open Circle. Psychic Pictures and Faces, come on plates held by the sitters. No camera, THURSDAY.—Clairvoyant and Health Messages. Mx.,Potter. - SATURDAY.—Open Healing and Psychic Circle.' Many 'people have -reeelred relief fronx.this Circle. Treatment Free. H R I S T I A N SCIENCE. ' . FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Church Hall,- Symonds Street (near Grafton .Bridge). SUNDAY.—Service, 7 pjn.; Sunday School . " 11. a.m. Subject: . "Everlasting Punishment." . Golden Text: Proverbs xiii., 21 WEDNESDAY.—Testimony Meeting. Bpm Reading Room and Library open Monday :. - . to-Friday. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. tJ P'l'R I T U >A L I S M J - Church' ot True Spiritual Light. Service to-morrow, Foresters' Hall Edinburgh Street. Newton (upstairs). by Nurse Clayton; subject, "A Vision of the Future of our Country" given-in a-, dream to Nurse Clayton. Also a-.short address by' Mr. Jordon"- after service, .messages. Tuesday, 7.30, Public Circle, 66, Mackelvie Street. Thursday, same-time and. place- We believe in Jesus-Christ. - fTMIE .- AUCKLAND THEOSOPHICAL ■*•'..•• *' '- • SOCIETY. f SOCIETY,': OF ARTS BUILDING. j ".-■ ,~» Kitchener Street. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), .AT. 7 P.M. •Public Lecture. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE HOLY ONES. , -B yj MHS. E.,itcLEOD.' .. _ .. , . AJWelcoma-to-AB,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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916Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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