' BCCLCTIACTICAI* • A" UCKLAND BAPTIST TABEBNACLR. TO-NIGHT, 7.30,. C.E. LOBD'S DAT. LOBD'S DAT. 10 ajn.—Prayer;Meeting. 11 a-m.—Preacher: RBV. JOSEPH W. KEMP. COMMUNION SERVICE following the Sermon. All believers welcome. 2.45 p.m.—Sunday School.and Bible Classes; 5.30 p.m.—Prayer . Meeting. . 6.30 p.m.—The Heartening Song Service, led by Mr. Arthur E. Wilson. 7 o'clock.—THE BIG EVANGELISTIC MEETING. Preacher: REV. JOSEPH W. KEMP. Subject: 'THE UNTAMEABLE TRAFFIC,': or the folly of. trying to Improve the drink business. Be here early. The seats- are always taken tip early before the' advertised hour. THE TABERNACLE CHORUS CHOTR Will Sing Specially Appropriate Pieces. MONDAY, 7.30 p.m.—PRATER MEETING. THURSDAY, 7.30. fySGSf\ Subject: t«l?t*?'jJ •• WITH CHRIST IN THE V&. ~ J$J BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS." jU" E N ' S HE.BTISC. TABERNACLE, 3 P.M., SUNDAY. Speaker: E. C. CUTTEN. ESQ. (Senior Magistrate.) Subject: . "IS REVERENCE DECLINING?" "IS REVERENCE' DECLINING?" Every man receives a brotherly welcome. Come in good numbers. Meeting: lasts one hour. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY), 7.3o.—Prayer, Conference and Fellowship. rjRANGE ROAD SUNDAY SCHOOL *-* ANNIVERSARY. THE TWENTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY TO-MORROW, EMPIRE THEATRE. Dominion Road, near Valley Road (Valley Road is the End of the '2nd Section) GREAT CHILDREN'S ! CHOIR. Under MR. L. HONEYCOMBE. What is to Sweet as to Hear Two or" Three . Hundred Youthful Voices .In Unison . Speakers for the Day: 11 a.m.—REV.' E. N. GO RING, of Mt. Eden Baptist. Subjeef: '"THE' WONDERS OF LIGHT.". . - 3 p.m.—BEY. STANLEY' MORRISON, of the Mt. Eden Congregational, and late of Boston. '-.-'.; 7 p.m.—The Pastor/BEV. A. S. WILSON, * -Subject: "SOME FORCES THAT MAKE .OR MAB OUB NEW ZEALAND HOMES." NOTE.—Tabernacle Choir Concert, i Novem- • ber-7, 8 p.m. , . TLTOCNT EDEN BAPTIST ■ CHURCH. XX MOUNT EDEN HOAD (Near Grafton • Library). 11 a.m.—BEY. A. 8.-WILSON. Communion' at, close. 6.16 p.m.—OPKN-AIB BBBVICE. 7 p.m.—BEY. E. ; N. GOBTNG. Subject: "CHRIST THE POWBB AND WISDOM OF,GOD." We Give Yea a Hearty Welcome. BAPTIST CHURCH. PABTOKC/CHANT. 11 a.m.—REV. .J. CARLISLE. communion at-close. ' 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School; 3.30 p.m, Bible Classes. 6.30 p r m.—Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m.—Mß/A.-T.-FE>NWicK.. BOYAL OAK, 7 'p.m.—Mß. FISDLAT. pONSONBY ' BAPTIST CHUBCH, x . Jerrots Bead. Minister: BEY. J. CABLISLE. 7 ajn. And 6.3o.—Prayer Meeting*.. 11 a.m—Mß. L. BRYAN. «.*>.—Serrlce of Song.. Special. Singing by Choir. Musical director, . MR. W.- J. WILLIAMS.. 7 p.m.—"Jf Christ Came to ' Auckland What VWonld He Seer"', Preacher,/BEV. J. CABLISLE. . WHITE SWAN '. BAPTIST SUNDAY TT SCHOOL. SECOND ANNIVEBSABT. SPECIAL SINGING BY-SCHOLARS. Service* 8; p.m. Preacher:' BEY. "A."' ANSTICE. 7 p.m.: . REV. H..R.,TTfBNEB. JITOUNT ALBERT -BAPTIST CHUBCH. Minister. Rer.' A. Anstice.—Subjects: 11 a.m.. "Hidden Treasures." 7 p.m., "Pro phetic. Studies: What Is -the Second. Com lag?" Preacher REV. A.": ANSTICE. "RICHMOND BAPTIST. CHUBCH. ** REV. JOHN HIDDIESTONE. 11 a.m.—"The Abiding Friend. 7 p.m.—"The Value.of Tour .Vote." Visitors Welcomed. TjTDENDALE BAPTIST CHUBCH.— •*-«' 11 a.m.. Bey. H. R. Turner ;• 7 p.m., Bey. R. Grave. All Welcome./yrAHUHTJ BAPTIST - CHURCH ■ REV. G. N. GABLICK. SUNDAY—II a.m., "Melehliedek." 7 p.m.. "True' Temperance." No Service on Wednesday Evepinr.' Not. 4 » .... , rpHE PENTECOSTAL OF NEW ZEALAND .(Incorporated). - CHOBAL HALL. Alexandra Street.. Opposite Main. Entrant* Town-Hall. SUNDAY, 11 a.m.—Breaking- of Bread 2.30 -p.m.—Sunday 'School. 6 p.m.—Street Meeting, Wakefield Street. 7 p.m.—Gospel Meeting. We Pray for- the Sick; at Every Meeting. This will be-the-closing .Sunday, of the visit . . ;-of ' ■ ,■••;'_ EVANGELIST . KELSO R. f GLOVER, of Chicago.' Make a very Special' Effort'to Hear Him. Communications; to-'Box'lsl2. THE H.P3. LODGE ' -OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIKir. „371, QUEEN STREET. SUNDAY. AT.:7 P.U. PUBLIC 1 LECTURE. . *. Subject: " THE : MAKING OF AN- OCCULTIST." Theosopby develops ■ those qualities which make, for happiness, balance and selfmastery- under all -circumstances, ol dally 'Ufa* A
Page 12 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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