I GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING. A meeting «f th- i;»r:>ra! i'..n:mi:-. » ~f t1..» Am-klan.l A. ;>::•! l>. A--.-. ..-iarvv,. waa I hWd yesterday. Mr. \v. .v. ! president. pmsidii::r. I Mr. A. l>. Stni.:-y. numaidnz --^•-••- ;lrT ', r>>portp<l that murr-r-; in ■ "r.r>-<' r i.,u wirlj ! tin- forrhfominir -h..w v,-t» \,-U ■» Uα ml ! anil evcrythiui p.iinrwl r,, r!-,.. l-xij v-m" !ml rural an.! I';!-;;..r;il Sh-.w h-in; a :';^, T -l I irii". Enrrit- .v-i- immioj in vri»ll, aj»i| 1 imiuiri*-' frua; all parts of New i Zf-alantl. J'-:"'"'.. •:' ~ir :h * s,lh - lauil Truitii.; I'luti r»-pt»r--.| :h.i- th« i-oni- ' h:i>i ; .IvN»hl ;,,.: ■.■ bull! rror. w'- h..i.l:t,_r a ■■□ rh- >in;>» ilatn; thp Orahuhn Tr.. - r ; !i_- f.nb wuiild ■'■■mar I:i snm wt' nu»npy t- r n*- - ;i v-ar'* Ki>yal Show for rruTriDa r.\- ■•-<. j- th. .!«,•;,j..,i J,, I drop tlit- cvfsr.- .-'.- r:,i- ymtr'y <h.-.w. In ortler rhat tli» imniir mi;h: r»aUse 1 rliar mwunrnj ritii—« .::■- -rill in -ii^r.-ni , -' ' Iwiil<pnirt»r« ..f ti- -.ni N-w Z.Mian.j ; M..UUEP.J Kiil-> ;lt 1':1i..-'<..in> a.«kp,i p.. rmi> . si,.a r.i h-ilil r;.--ir .:-:;ia! .-nmp ~n the ; >huwgn.uinls ar Ejis-i;: fn.ni March :», i,, i April :>. Th- -r.-iret] rh.-it tlurf w,, a ;,[ :}."i<> rn-.o;->i-> ami riwi rh»y wouM march ; th.- s;r>—r.< ..:' meaatert ,Ir was poinrpd ,mr rh.ir rh.- ?ronnd lease ; ran out oai-h Junuar;-. :u>.| provided snitI ahlo arraugpm*>nta ■•..!.!.! :.- am.ie wirh th- ; owner of rtii , jiri_>v—rry tea-! ' to hold t'ni i.amii the date.- ---; sppcitiwl. I A iPttr-r was r*--'-:v-m! frnm the nta : ,-> A and !'. A->...-:.in.u a-tini support *f7>r ! tli"» t011.,■.-■;:._- rfsi.'mtion : —"That rh«» Hon ; Minisr«»r ••{ Affairs be rpqu»att,i | r.i px"ii!ii; all A. utv , P. Ass<->ciatlons from : tho n(-.vssi-T of obr.-iißin? to ho!.[ I boys' and girls' ra<-..-< ar th- various azri- ; c-ulrum! sh..irs." i.i« the m.,tiun of th» I pr-si.i»nr. if was .1.-. i!.-! rhat the s<icietT j ■!.. nnt i-ouinili itsKlf tin funher infonnai cioa ivj- furtlii'oniias.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
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