CASE FOB THE DEFENCE. I VERDICT OF GUILTY. The trial of Walter Leonard Cooper. | alias Leslie West (Mr. Nortncroft). on! a charge of breaking, entering and theft ; lat Waihi. on September 12. was con-1 •eluded before Mr. Justice Kerdman In j the Supreme Curt yesterday. At the ad- \ Ijournment on Thursday a large number j ;of witneses for the (. ~own had been j I called. j The case for the defence was that \ accused received the sovereigns from a . ! friend of hi-. He did not mention the fait before, as Li- t'riead did not want . him to do so. ' Mr. Meredith stated t'oat it was si-;; ' weeks after the alleged offence that i accused told the story of having received ; i the money from his friend. There were | ! a striking get of tacts in the case. ■ His Honor -aid it was a curious ' iii'-id'MKv that : : Seaths I.>-- :!'.•"■ money ! Son the Saturday, and that on the follow- , i ir.L' Monday the accused was changing ' ' gold. It was a case in which the jury had to exerei-e their common sense, and they had to decide whether accused was; guilty of breaking, entering, and theft. ; or of receiving. They had to consider ' whether credence could he given to the , story of accused regarding his coming by ', the sovereigns. The jury retire! at 1I.">O a.m. an.-.: reciii'uc ; it 12.-'>7 p.m. with a verdic". , of guilty on the charge of breaking and ; entering, with a recommendation to j | merry. : j Sentence was deferred until Thursday j , next. j ! ===== I
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
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