' I ELECTORS OF MANUKAU. I ELECTORS OF MANUKAU. j ELEQTORS OF MANUKAU. Amonc "he Questions addressed The Labour Party by Mr. L. M. Isitt in the Hoc" 1 on Angnst 5- lV*'-5. are the following :—- i 1. l>o THEY CONDEMN GO-SLOW:— Mr. Isitt said : "I have the honourable members of the Labour Party i-onder.in go-slow as dishonest, subversive of true manhood. :'.nd an utterly unworthy ■α-eapou to WILL THEY CONDEMN IT NOW. OR ET SILENCE GIVE IT THIS CONSENT:' 2. BREEDING DISCONTENT. The Bevo- ; Intiouary Sorialipts demand from the Gvrerr.tucrit huge and immediate expendl- ! lurr ilia: ;ht-y know no Government could possibly meet ;n order to increase the diK-ontont of the -worker and win votes. 3. THEY HAVE CONDEMNED THIS GOVERNMENT FOR ESSCESSIVE BORP.OWING. WILL THEY TELL US DEFINITELY WHERE THE MONEY FOR THIS EXPENDITURE >S T0 COME FROM V 4. With onp excpprlon. thes<" honourable members of the Labour Party united in a message of sympathy and condolence to the RUSSIAN SOVIET over the dearn of the MONSTER LENIN 'Not*: Will Mr. Jordan say he was the exception!, a roan who murdered bis way k> power, who violated every principle of dTnecrary. who snppressHl th p right of free spetrch and the I'.-t-ss if hostile to him. KOW DOES THIS SQUARE WITH THEIP. CHAMPIONSHIP OF LYONS AND PROTEST AGAINST SUPPRESSION OF REVOLUTIONARY LITERATURE HEXKV HOW DOES IT SQUARE WITH THEIR LOUD PROFESSION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES': ELECTORS OF MANUKAU. ELECTORS OF MANUKAU. ELECTORS OF MANUKAU. THE SOCIALIST LABOUR PARTY. INCLUDING MR. JORDAN. HAVE NOT ANSWERED THESE QUESTIONS. DARE THEY ANSWER THEM NOW ? Mr. Jordan. Trbo followpd Mr. Isitt. did not answer the question, but the following extracts are takeu from bis speech : Mr. Isitt had b»en a professional talker all his life : taej saw him now as a political derelict scorned by members of the House. He was an actor, a showman. The member for Christchnrch North has degenerated into a junker, a Sajj waver and a fighter with his tongue. The honourable member for Christchnrch North would miss prayers to play billiards. To think that the member for Christchurch North could come down from what he was twenty \*-ars ag" to the position of selling himself" for a scat in the Upper House. THIS LATTER REMARK MIX. JORDAN WAS COMPELLED TO WITHDRAW. Insulting an honourable ge.ntleraan is not an answer to the pertinent questions asked. NEITHER THE LEADER, NOR AXY OF THE TIED MEMBERS. INCLUDING MR. JORDAN. OK THE EXTREME SOCIALIST LABOUR TARTY. HAVE i ANSWERED MX. ISITT'S QUESTIONS. DOES THEIR SILENCE CONDEMN THEM ? VOTE MASSEY. VOTE MASSEY. VOTE MASSEY. XMAS PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING. NOW Is the time to make your choice— a glorious selection awaits you. but they are selling fast. See Picture Gallery and Counter Displays NOW. PHILLIPPS & IMPEY, LTD., QUEEN STREET. A OPERAPHONE RECORDS, HALF-PRICE : HERE'S an opportunity for those who were disappointed at our iast phenomenal Record Sale. Genuine Operaphone Records. 10in. double-sided, are now being offered at 2/6 each. These are high-grade discs, and we anticipate ' another early clearance. There's a limited number—so come early. E. & F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD., • AUCKLAND'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE," 192 QUEEN STREET. AUCKLAND. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 6
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