FILMS AT HALF PRICE. Remarkable Clearance at Harringtons. "Ensign-Speedy" films, in sizes to fit all cameras (except Xo. 120), clearing at half price at Harringtons. Every film guaranteed. Stock up well for the season.—Harringtons (X.Z.), Ltd 14(f Queen Street, Auckland.—(Ad.) "Charlie's Aunt," "from Brazil, where the nuts come from." Funny enough to make a cat laugh. Tivoli "and Everybody's, Friday.— (Ad.) DENTISTRY. Mγ- OWN SPECIAL METHOD UJ' PAINLESS EXTRACTION Possesses Many Great Ad wantages Which are Distinctive. HERE ARE SOME AMONG OTHEKS : 1. NO PAIN. 2. NO NEED to come back the second time or ottener, as under other methods. 3. EXPERT EXTRACTIONS. No broken teeth or stumps left in the gums 4. PERFECTLY SAFE for all ages 1 can safely use it oq a patient of SO years. 5. IF YOU HAVE A WEAK BEABT or suffering from other complaints It will not affect you. 6. NO PAINFUL PRICKING. 7. NO SWOLLEN GUMS. 8. ABSCESSED TEETH are painlessly ! extracted. j>. EXTRACTIONS FREE when teeth are Also ANALGESIA. The Most Marvellous Discovery in Dentistry of the age. You can have your Teeth Drilled, Filled, Prepared for Crownln* Bridge Work, Pivots, etc., without the Slightest Pain Whatever. " Yon are conscious, yet unconscious *to Dam And I have proved this Most Wonderful Machine to be an Absolute Success in every operation. Therefore Patients who are nervous need no longer fear the Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AT MY ROOMS IS NOT A MYTH, BUT A FACT Q -JuroXROE TgMASCKU FIRST FLOOR. ENDEA.VB BUILDINGS tNext G.1'.0.) OPEN EVERY EVENING. Telephone 41-601. Take Elevator. A BETTER Teeth for less money at Howey Walker's, 200, Queen Street. D W3AT Is worth doing is worth doinj? well. Get jour new Teeth at Howev I Walter's. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 5
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