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PUBLIC NOTICES. VfOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAX.I ■!■> LAND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT <->t WATKU-I'UWKU tAKAPUNI SCHEMA IN BLOCKS I. AND 11., OTAUL'UL fcCRYEI DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that it is proposed wider the provisions of tue Public Works Act, 190s, to take the land descrioed iv t&< Schedule hereto for the development i> l water-power (Arapuui scheme): And notic* i≤ hereby further given that the plan of tn« land so required to be taken is deposited U the Post Office at Penrose, and is thert I open for inspection: and that all persons I affected by the taking of the said lano I should, if they have any well-grounded I objections to the taking of such land, set j forth the same in writing, and send sueD I writing, within forty days from the first j publication of this notice, to the Mluistei lot Public Works at Wellington. SCHEDULE. Approximate areas of the pieces of land required to be taken : — A. R. P, Being 7 0S Part Allotment 33. Blocks 1. and II.; coloured red. 0 2 3 Lot 70 (D.P. ISIOII. part Allotment 31, Block II.; coloured green. 0 1 30 Lot SO |D.P. lSlOll. part Allotment 31, Block II.; coloured yellow. (Section 12, Suburb? of Auckland.) Situated in Otahuhu Survey District. (Auckland R.D.I. In the Xorth Auckland Land District: as the game are more particularly delineated »n the plan marked P.'W.D 644-13, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. J Aβ witness my hand at Wellington, tils ; 21st day of October, 1U23. I F. H. D. BELL, j 1 For Minister of Public Works. ! rpHE AUCKLAND FRUIT AND ■ -*- PRODUCE AUCTIONEERS' ASSOCIATION Beg to Notify Growers that AFTER FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1925. j COMMISSION CHARGES ON SALE OF I FRUIT. PRODUCE AND VEGETABLES ; WILL BE RAISED BY 2J PER CENT, I but that all suppliers whose sales exceed £300 during the following 12 months through Members of the Association shall be entitled to a j REBATE OF 21 PER CENT on presentation to their Auctioneer or to I the Secretary of this Association during tho ] month of November. 1U26. of their Account j *ales for the sale of goods during preoed- ! ing year ending 3ist October. 1026. The above Alterations shall not apply to Apples and Tears at present in cool store. THE SECRETARY. • THE AUCKLAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE AUCTIONEERS , ASSOCIATION. Box SSJ, Auckland. 331 pROTECT -yOUR T3ROPERT! JpiROM rpHE TJUINOUS "DORER. You insure your property against fire and other risks. But do you insure it against that greatest of all property destroyers— Wood Borer? There is only one way o< effectively combating this ruinous pesthave your buildings fumigated with BLADE'S T3ATENT p AS. I Instantly eradicates from all buildings, furniture, bedding, etc.. every kind of vermin—Borer, Bugs, Fleas, Moths, Cockroaches, Rats and Mice. Blade's Gas is also a Powerful Germicide and Disinfectant, and the greatest boon to property owners yet invented. Properties Inspected and Quotations Giveu Free. T? LADE'S pATENT pAS ■pUMIGATING pO., PREMIER BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. •Phone 41-173. AUCKLAND. AH EPTTCATIOyAI,. "PLECTRICAL T^NGINEERING. OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT LADS. There are now a few Vacancies for I Intelligent Boys and Youths at Bower's i Engineering School. Students' work carefully supervised by competent electrical engineers, and every opportunity offered for advancement in Electrical profession. I'ersonal and Postal Courses. Candidates also Prepared for Government Exams, tn (ieneral Engineering. Big numbers of "Bower's"' students now hold responsible engineering positions. Give Your Boy a Chance. Write to-day for Free Prospectus to "DOWER'S QCHOOL (Registered under Marine and Education Departments since 1913). PRINCIPAL JAS. W. BOWER, Certified Mining and Mech. Engineer, with 24 years' experience in coaching 131. COLWILL'S CHAMBERS, SWANSON STREET. AUCKLAND (And at WELLINGTON). Rα TpSAMI NATIONS. The Certificates for Pitman's Shorthand Elementary and Theory Examinations held at BRAIN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, in September last, are liow available at tht College Office. 100 PER CENT PASSES. Sixty-nine students sat for the Examina tions and all passed. We have been notified by the Govern meut that the Shorthand-Typists' Entrancf Examination is to be held at Auckland on SATURDAY. 7th November. j Our College Finnl Examinations wil commence on FRIDAY, 11th December 1925. Past students are Invited to sit foi these examinations, free of charge. "DRAINS QOMMERCIAL pOLLEGE MISS E. B. M. BRAIN. A Principal. CABINETMAKERS AND UPHOLBTERERB. "DELL'S N-10-T. opp. Town Hall.—Furni J-* ture made, any design. Crampo Pateni Bedsteads a Speciality. r; rj\ J. McIVOR AND SONS, Specialists ir -L • General Cabinetmaking. — 198 Kara ngahape Rd. Phone 40-6SS. rj OPTICIANS. OE. XEILSON , , for Efficient Sight Test • ing and Comfortable Glasses; chargp' moderate.—2o6, Karangahape Rd. I
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 5
Word Count
779Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.