AMUSEMENTS. RESERVES 44-232. i "-"" r - NOW SHOWING. I NOW SHOWrXG. I HUGE UGE 4> QTAR PROGRAMME O Paramount Films Presents, FOLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI I'OLA NEGRI In "SHADOWS OF PARIS." •' SHADOWS OF PARIS." •' SHADOWS OP PARIS." - SHADOWS OF PARIS." " SHADOWS OF PARIS." •■ SHADOWS OF PARIS." " SHADOWS OF PARIS." •' SHADOWS OF PARIS." '• SHADOWS OF PARIS." '• SHADOWS OF PARIS." S PARTS 8 Also, Paramount Pictures Present " PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." '• PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." •' PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." " PLEASURE MAD." ■• PLEASURE MAD." With Following Great Cast: NORMA SHEARER. ■HUXTLY GORDON. a' ; MART ALDEX. WILLIAM COLLIER, Jun. 7 — HUGE PARTS — 7 7 — HUGE PARTS — 7 SESSIONS : 11, 12.55, 4.5, 7.45. DAY CJESSIONS: C*D, Op, CD. AY Od, Od, Od. night cessions :1 ,/ 1 / 1 / ight Sessions : - 1 -/ » *-' » ■*-' • hippodrome ~\t ow qhowixg. ippoDROME ow Showing. EMPIRE.. DOMINION ROAD. MPIRE. DOMINION ROAD. EMPIRE. TO-NIGHT, AT 7.45. EMPIRE. A Programme Extraordinary. EMPIRE. JACKIE piOOGAN EMPIRE. " ACKIE V->OOGAN EMPIRE. In EMPIRE. " A ~R OY O F EMPIRE. "•"- -*-*OY EMPIRE. "INLANDERS." EMPIRE. •*? LANDERS." EMPIRE. A Triumphant Return to the EMPIRE. "My Boy " Type of Picture. EMPIRE. Rich in Comedy and Pathos. EMPIRE. Also, EMPIRE. BEBE DANIELS, NORMAN EMPIRE. KERRY. In EMPIRE. " TEARING ATOUTH." EMPIRE. " J-'aRING -I- OUTH." EMPIRE. A Dazzling Comedy-Drama EMPIRE. of Society. EMPIRE. Usual Prices. Usual Prices. WEST TpND rpHEATRE, EST ND - 1 - HEATRB PONSOXBY ROAD. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Screening at 7.45 p.m. MAE BUSCH. FRANK 3IAYO. In THE rriRIFLERS." HE J-RIFLERS." "THE TRIFLERS."- ---" THE TRIFLERS." OUR GANG COMEDY, " THE BUCCANEERS," Gazette. Serial. Review. MUSIC BY THE WEST END ORCHESTRA PRICES : STALLS 9d. DRESS CIRCLE 1/ Reserves at "Ideal," Fruiterer, opp. Theatre ATHLETIC SPORTS. M TJICHMOND ROVERS gSf) •" FOOTBALL CLUB. (β-l) ANNUAL SPORTS, IW 3 * CAR LA W PARK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. First Race, 2 p.m. FIRST-ICLASS PROGRAMME. Including Open Events, One and Two-mili Cycle, 220 Yards Handicap. ADMISSION: Ground, Cd ; Stand, 6d; School Children Half-price. W. A. SWIFT, 4 Hon. Secretary. OACRED HEART COLLEGE THE ANNUAL SPORTS Will be Held at the COLLEGE GROUNDS TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), Commencing at 2 p.m. Old Boys and Friends Cordially Invited, i MEETINGS. A UCKLAND TAILORESSES' ANI ■**- OTHER FEMALE CLOTHING TRAD] EMPLOYEES' INDUSTRIAL UNION O1 WORKERS. The Annual Meeting of the above Unioi will be held in 15, Tabernacle Buildings Karangahape Road, on TUESDAY, Noven: ber 3, 1925, at 7.30 p.m. sharp. All mem l)ers are requested to attend. Business: Important. Balance-sheet, Elec tion of Officers, General. A. COSSEY, Secretary. REUNIONS. TfiIRST BATTALION AUCKLANI KEGIMENT, N.Z.E.F. A Reunion of ex-Members of the abov< to take the form of a COMPLIMENTAR DINNER to Major J. Gordon Coate: M.C., will -be held in the Supper Rooms c the Town Hall on MONDAY, November : commencing at 6 p.m. DRESS : Lounge Suits. TICKETS, 6/. In order to aeslst the Committee i making arrangements for catering immi dlate application for .tickets is requested. W. V. QUANE, S. O. CLARK, Hon. Secretaries. P.O. Bos 1520. H IN BANKRUPTCY. TN BAXKRUPTC" IN THE SUPREME COURT OF KB ZEALAND. NORTHERN DISTRICT. In the matter of the Bankruptcy Ac 1908, and in the matter of Richai James Wills, formerly of Te Puk Sawmiller, but now of Kahukur Poverty Bay, Carpenter, a Bankrui NOTICE is hereby given that I, RICHAB JAMES WILLS, formerly of Te Pul Sawmiller, but now of Kahukura, Pover Bay, Carpenter, the above-named Ban rupt, intend to apply to this Honouraf Court at Auckland on FRIDAY, the 20 day of November, 1925, at the hour 11 o'clock in the forenoon, or as co' thereafter as counsel can be heard, for i Order of Discharge. Dated at Rangitukla this 17th day October, 1025. R. J. WILLS. Witness to Signature of Richard Jam S. Q. H. RICKARD, Justice of the Peace. Storekeeper, Rangitukia.
Page 14 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
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