AMUSEMENTS. 3 R I N C E S S pRIXCES S. -RiNCESs -Erin cess. DRINCESS "PRINCESS. -RINCESS XrinCESS. DRINCESS "PRINCESS. -RINCESS. Xr I N C E S S. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 41-586. ■\TO\V CJHOWIXG. Ohowixg. ?RED THOMSON'S LATEST FRED THOMSONS LATEST. FRED THOMSON'S LATEST. FRED THOMSON'S LATEST. FRED THOMSON'S LATEST. FRED THOMSONS LATEST. FRED THOMSONS LATEST. FRED THOMSON'S LATEST. FRED THOMSONS LATEST. FRED THOMSON'S LATEST. i ~ n ! And I ! il j '-lIIS WONDER HORSE," I CSILVER T7"IXG. ! OiLVEIt -»- v IXG. j !l In "THUNDERING HOOFS." • THUNDERING HOOFS." " THUNDERING HOOFS." ■•THUNDERING HOOFS." "THUNDERING HOOFS." - THUNDERING HOOFS." '• THUNDERING HOOFS." • THUNDERING HOOPS." • THUNDERING HOOFS." ■• THUNDERING HOOF'S." '• THUNDERING HOOFS." - THUNDERING HOOFS." ■• THUNDERING HOOFS." I '• THUNDERING HOOFS." , • THUNDERING HOOFS." •THUNDERING HOOFS." " THUNDERING HOOFS." I Also. No. 2 Feature. j I Sclznick Films Present I I MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE I In ( " JUST TIKE A OTTOMAN." I •• cl trsT ■**■ Woman." I 5 — PARTS — 5 I [ LATEST GAZETTE. LATEST REVIEW. TWO-REEL COMEDY. I r\ EORGE TJOORE'S /"\RCIIESTRA | I OOKK'S V-JkcHESTRA I I In J i SPECIAL SELECTED NUMBERS. 1 Sessions: ]1 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 7.45 p.m. PRINCESS ATOW CJHOWING. bixcess ow Showing. ROX ITTOODWARDS "PICTURES, ox Woodwards a ictures. (BRITANNIA.) POXSONBY—THREE LAMPS. TO-XIGHT (FRIDAY) ANT) SATURDAY. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS ADOLPHK MENJOU. KICAKDO CORTEZ, auj FIRAXCIS HOWARD In TIIIE CJJWAX," HE A Great Comedy-Drama. Comedy, CHARLEY CHAPLIN in THE \VALKER." HE ■*- LOOR ''ALKER." Atfbury Comedy, "THE TROUBLE MAKER." Topical News and "Steel Trail" Serial. Reserves oy Phone 26-234. "pi II A R L B V ' S A U N T." FUNNY ENOUGH TO MAKE A CAT LAUGH. TIVOLI AND EVERYBODY'S, FRIDAY. REMOVAL NOTICES. G. W. b arker ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, Has Removed to Larger Premises, 202, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Near Newton P.O. 63 NDERSON AND DUSTIN, Saw Doctors and Grinders have removed to ! 38, Wyndham St., above Gas Co. D ; !| LICENSING NOTICES. j NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I, ROBERT FRANCIS WATKINS, of Silverdale, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the premises situate at Silverdnlp, and known ns the Sign of the Wade Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire lo obtain, and will at the next Licensing Mooting, to be held at Dargaville, on the 3rd <lny of December, 1925, apply for a Transfer of the said License from myself to EVAN HENRY JONES, toy appointee. Dated at Auckland the 9th day of October. 1925.— R. F. WATKINS. 95 MOTOR SERVICES. " A UCKLAND STAR" MOTOR SERVICE. FRAXKTON TO TE AROHA. CAR LEAVES FRANKTON JUNCTION STATION' ON GRAND HOTEL SIDE at 10.45 p.m. each evening, excepting Saturdays, on arrival of the Second Express Arrives at Te Aroha at 1 a.m. and j leaves there again at 1.30 a.m. to connect with Main Trunk Train for Auckland at Frankton at 3.45 a.m. INQUIRIES : AUCKLAND —Publisher, "Auckland Star." Phone 42-123. HAMILTON — Representative "Star." Phone 1792. TE AROHA — Agent "Auckland Star." Phone 217. D 4 A AKD IN T A U R A N « A. CARS leave TAURANGA S a.m., arrive TK PUKE 9 a.m., arrive HOTORUA 12 noon. CARS leave HOTOKUA daily 1.30 p.m., arrive TE PUKE 4 p.m., arrive TAURANGA o p.m. CAKS leave TAUItANGA T..:30 a.m., connecting with 0. lj a.m. train at WAIHI with Auckland and Main Trunk Lines. CARS leave WAIHI at noon, arriving TAURANGA 3.30 p.m. Tills is the quickest route to TAURANUA especially from FRANKTON AND THAMES LINKS. Collect Wire to AARD, TAURANGA. ROTOHUA, WAIHI, will secure you a seat and accommodation . "PHONES : Tnuranga, IT4; Hotorua, 370; Waihi, 8. There's Many a Heart Grows Lighter Travelling AARD. K4 AARD TAXIS, 42-4GS, Gore Street.— Continuous Service. Tours, Weddings Specially Catered for. Council rates.— Johnston Taxis. A rNAR 59061 LEAVING G.P.O. SATURDAY \J MORNLNG "WEEK-END, lIELENSVILLE. £1 RETURN. MERCHANT TAILORS. AF. DONOGHUE, Expert Tailor; mci • tailors employed : no factory work.— 257. Karancahape Rd. 1 NEW Patterns Arrived. Alterations ant Remodelling a Specialty.—Little Tailoi Shon. Victoria St. E. 'Phnne 43-088. 1 "V7"OU can tell the successful man by hi; J- well dressed appearance.—Mcßrlde ThP Tailor. I SPORTS' REQUISITES. TEXNIS Racquets Repaired and Re-struni ■within a few hours.—Mackey'a, come: \Cyndham and Albert Sts. I
Page 14 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
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