1/7 PER LB BUTTER FAT. HIGHEST IK DOMINION. The Heretaunga Dairy Company, of Hastings, the largest butter-making concern in Hawke's Bar, lias concluded a very successful season. The output was 1114 tons, and after paying suppliers 1/7 per lb on butter fat, and a dividend of seven per cent on paid-up capital there is still a small profit to be carried forward. In moving the adoption of the report and. balance-sheet, the chairman, Mr. <;. C. Lowe, said that he wished to congratulate shareholders on the payout, which was the best in New Zealand." Among the things which had helped to make this possible was the jippointment of a dairy grader at Napier. Napier being thus turned into a grading port had resulted in a saving to the company of £1200 a year in railage charges. Another thing was that two years ago the local trade had fallen to pieces. Since the appointment of the speaker to the chairmanship this local trade had been built up, and, despite the fact that there had been a butter war, this local trade, which was the mainstay of the company's business, had been held together. The company had been rather unfortunate in the matter of output as they had expected to make 1250 tons but had only made 1140. However, new machinery had been installed and they hoped if the weather and other conditions were favourable, to manufacture between 130Q find 1400 tons fnr fllr> mminr. cn-lcnn
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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