LATE NEWS. FUNERAL NOTICES. MEMBERS OP THE AUCKLAND BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION .-.-c invited tii attend the Funeral *■( : !.' ; r ;.!••: Secretary. MR. C. K. nAKIU.-"V TO-MORROW. The funeral will Ir.iv. !■ 3 late residence, I*. Balfmir fina-I. ruru'il, • for Hillsboro' Cemetery at -.30 p.m. G. G. PuLLARD. 139 PrcM.!"af. MOTOR THIFS. rpoURING Car leavins for Watioino > "ay s. A New Plymouth. Wanz.imii. •l.iy'.i-.-t: trip. — Particulars Kins -l-'-'i. L>cl«• ■•;■ '> and !}• p.m. •' - FINANCIAL. UILDING Society Shan-- HT >T7T 3 jroup: orer £_v paid in: wiia: i-ff-T"? Ingiifre .Stak. ■"■ ■- I SHARES Group T, N.T.B.S. i.t Sa; ; * fully paid. What offer.'—Write ■-. "-t, Star. _____ -J (A /Ei! Cent It-: -ir :i. — \i- ■- -• r ■ -I J- , -' Cnmpauy. establish.d v..-;:.'' — . '.» freehold. —Pajticulura from "£<iuii>iii' '■■'■■' Box 14*. Auckland. r-QA DISCOUNT off toUr.. i :7" • :":" •..::■•, «>OU sound reducible >Uii::___'■?.- '■, MayhlH. ."i. I'lioenix Cuiimbers. WANTED, Milfurd it.- r;. :; or .j y.-ars. i jirr .••:::. !ir c mortjras' , .—Write S. '.i>ifi. Sun. ! £iooo, s a "r^;":! : Johnston. Coates. ar.'l Fee. S '.: ;: ■•:•». i£i!>oO FIRS ™ or,g: ' !ip , w:, , ::t, ' 1 .. , ;, v '■'■■' I 'JU property. valiw ! --■ ■' - Write Mortgage. I'.tJ. r...x l.vj'.t, Au-k'.u.t. fM-rr-nUST 7 ;■■■:• . ■•:-. :i di-xl"-* yeiin-: new -•:!. v. '■ \ I freeboid, want*"! urgently.—Write I" •'"• '- Star. IMMEDIATE PRIVATE Al'\ \VT.->, withuut fee>. rr>> 01; k.mity I'KiiMISKS. On Fwrniture. I''--. S-v.-!r.j M.i ■":.'■.. - (without reraov.ili. IS'iiiiiin- , s ■•:•:. thare;, Life Pulk-ie-. ••: ■•[ , ■■ :.■ r Apitov.,l S..::riri. - USE oL"K Mi».\KV pay it back on easy "hums. absolute privacy. low charges kasy ke£'avmi:nt.<. LIBERAL LOAN" fc FINANCE iTi J.TP , Ground Fl< or. PAt UKP.-'T' 'X i*.! L>" i -.. 47. qpffn stj:k;'y. 'Tvv ;> i UCKLAND T 01.N AND TpiNA.M'U /COMPANY, T IMITKI'. U, COLWILL CIIAMBEiIS, SWANSON STREET. CITY. TIIONE 2101 (Three Rings). Q "EMNanxial TJ ELr \ T A L^> rpIME-S. Wo are always ready to on whom Fortune has nut yet smiled, f-.r there is no worry more, a<^:,■ than that caused by lank of Wh.-th.-r it l« i small or a large sum j-un re.juirt; io *■■: j v on your fee:, this is where w>. , van !■•■:.■ :■■!; you IMMEDIATE ASSIPTANi ". For many year;' rrr- Uav. Iwj I' i.i! system of genuinely !utt I/it• :•■ r anil <.: ■/ repaymeuts, suaraut>;t-s yuii L-ucip:' ;. sai:j- ---| faction. I calling tm us before i:«_-'(t _• .■■!-■ - .x i:»-.-, las we feel roufluVn! iliat «■■■ i-:ui . -->; ! you. We will roiir '■••:,:;...:....: s i with the strictest rontl'Jfnn-. ImmeJiat; , Adv.". n< >■-• i:i F r; \ I Pianos. Sowing Marhiivs iWi'l. i moral), Moiot car--, r.-;: , : :.- [Shares, and enry of -t-.-.i: . :. . - \ loan." paid off. j liememher our name-— ;• .■ ■ .: _■ I tee of euitofacCKm. npilE TJELIAN'c: I ' ..'■ D "piINA.VCC p"MI'AN\ Jj' [, ' IRVINE'S ••HAMKF.R"' I"-' I"'""----i ;V2. QfFEN STCECT 1'- ;, : .'" \ I J P. EM.-INI XI. M.-m -■ -' I> ' v ' ißran.-b ofl- ». H.iniiit -.;:■■ Hnnrf : -' «_!"■ I" ? 1, .; ;: . „, ;, : T HL c-uiiV'ANY JN "- , - 1 '-" iU -- > removal : ■"-" SHAKES. Terms .-.:■ rerayn-: ■ • ■■ ; ■• 113i ,.p S so giciiii ■ • - 1 " .TKVVKI.I.KWI. i IC. TV',. '•:• a" x - - : •■■ ' ''"- ruii?y :-..:•• ir. A L.-tlanil. TtiEAl. L'"' AY AM . piNA-ME pn., r.IMITF.I) ■ sm:: f! -'er tl-e i>!.l Jiaa.ijcnn.ri i \:.-i"N • ii.vMr.KKs. •;■:. iji i:kn S t 'I , bone 4-I-.-.77. ' |i rli-i I.'"AN AM) FIXANCK t"<: \j I".\ N -T7 ami: you financially mstresskiiv LET T"S ASSIST YllT , Loans granted day of appiii-.itinn ■- ■ ■ •easonaaWe security. Fnrnlttur»-. I: r, ! ewlng Machines (without r«-mu'.«'• ■' US Soiiery Shares. Motor C'ar-i . • " ' ,'■ ■ juarant-e no publicity. assr.ric~ • lute privacy. Our int-re?t ;■■■' ' ■ • - ire the lowest and easiest . .- ■ Auckland. Call. Write, or T!. ,l CITY LOAN AND FINANCE «'■ ■>■! i , .'. "■'. . Room 22. Hellaby's BuKdicgs "r : ; Queen Streer. Opp •'; I •■ "Phoce 41-TSI. i :;■ rvo r\tTT - OF - rpow.v :.:r.::::-. out -of- town srn<i"i:":;:::> "n < wish Ti> answkij .viivi:::;!-!: , .:! m< in whii-'.i nniy ihe I'r' imr > . r ■' '.c Advertiser l< zivi-n. :nv -■:.■: : :.• r r--j. i.-s ro the "STAR. -, and <'..•■ will communicate such Uie advftrnser.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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