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USED CARS FOR SAKE. AT RCSHTON'S Garages, 57 Albert St., and Beach Rd., Best Vsed Cars. Over • 100 to choose from. All maies, all models. Low prices: easy terms. T7K>RD He-built Ton Truck, pneumatic •*- tyres, with open or closed body, £100. Easy terms arranged. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. I UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD.. I Chancery Street. D TTALF-TON Delivery : done SHOO miles: -CL perfect condition; cheap.—3l, Kinc Edward St.. Dominion Rd. 4o -VTOW Is the Accepted Time for a General Overhaul. — Consult Sexton Motors, Lower Albert St. RCSHTOVS Branch No. 2. Beach Rd(Half way to Parnell Bridge). Call in and Inspect "the best Used Car values in the EOGGS, Manager. Phone 44-TO7. r DAIMLER 3-TON LORRY, 27-36 h.p. Type C.X.A. Long wlieelbase. New- type engine with latest steel sleeves. Mechanical condition guaranteed. Tyres all new. Price, complete with flat top body and driver's cab, £ 395. NORTHERN AUTOMOBILES, LTD., 154-156, Albert Street, Auckland. 14 -EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN.—REPUBLIC -" 30cwt, 2ton Truck, complete, with body, cab, etc. First-cla>> condition. A splendid machine, suitable all purposes. Absolute Snip at £330, for quick sale. E. H. GOODMAN, 26. Short's Bldgs.. Queen St., Anekland. Province Representative for New Zealand Distributors Republic and A.E.C. Motor Lorries. C "CM)RD He-built Half-ton Van. canvas •*• sides, £75: ready for immediate service. Easy terms arranaed. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD., Chancery Street. D "PORD 1925 HALF-TON DELIVERY VA.V, -*- roK-ap sides, 5 good tyres, extra portable seats, and in new condition throughout. PRICE, £120. Easy Terms. j For Guaranteed Satisfaction, j JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., Eden Terrace. A ■pOKD. HALF-TON VANS. : We have two thoroughly reliable, roau- « ready 4-Ton Delivery Vans, well tyred, ana - in first-class me.-hanir-al order. PRICtS, ■ £50 and £00. Easy Terms. | Demonstrations Gladly Given : JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., ' Eden Terrace. A i -JC-SEATER UNITED CHAR-A-BANC. ' Model, beautifully upholstered in solid leather. In perfect order. Done only small amount of running. Great Bargain £650. , 17-SEATER ANDERSON CAR. suitable for • Touring or Taxi 'Work. Great Bargain at £163. pr-SEATER 6-CYLINDER. BUICK TOUR- I I »> ING CAR, 1921 Model, in good order, j £130. t O-TON BESSEMER TRUCK. 1025 Model, • *-* Self-st3rter and electric lights. Com- ■ plete with body. etc. Done less than two months , work. For Sale at £250 Reduction. If you require a Truck for Heavy Haulase or Light Work we can Quote. If you require : a Twenty or Twenty-four Seat<-r Char-a---baoc or Sedan, we can Suppiy. All inquiries Promptly attended to. : mEUCKS T IMITED. j MOTOR TRUCK SPECIALISTS, EDEN TERRACE. C NEW CARS FOR SALE. A CAR yon should Inspect is the ] •A. •'Ansaldo," Italian make. — Grau and i Hipklns, Anzac Avenue. U j A GOOD investment—A Rugby Car pur- I chased from Rushton's Kugby Motor ! Sales Garage. Albert St. D ! A SK a Rugby owner his opinion, then j . •»*- ask Rushton's to demonstrate the' . famous Rugby. D I OLLIDAY MOTORS, S, Lome Street, j for Riighys. A RUGBT. the Proved Light Car. The Car that has made Holliday Motors, S, Lome St.. so -w-ell tnown. A I -———__—^___—________ I MOTOR CARS WANTED. Dodyes. Znslisn Cars. 2-=paters: buyers waiting.— C. Pearce. 35a. Karangahspe Rrl. WANTED Urgently. English "-seaters. Rugby, Dod?es, iate Fnrds.—Derrick. Barratt. 10, Durham St.. City. D IXTE will Pay Cash for Light Modern »» Cars, or will Sell on Commission.—R. J. Grainger and Co., 40. Wellesl.y St. TV. ___ MOTOR R.t^PATR.S. 4 H'MIKICM .Capes. Cylinders. Broken -i"\_ Crank Slrifts: : jruar.-infeeil. . J Chassis Ftmip:htpn?J. — Cain's Wcldinc ; , Works. Alpha Rd. r I !TN rasp of Breakdown annvh«r». Rins i iJ- 42 3R7. We'll be ther,; at once - fWt-.-.n Mnfnra. I "XTAGNETOS : — Guaranteed Repairs to ) ■»**■ any make. All Spares oarrieti : special I j insulation. Special expert staff. Note our guarantee.—Tiirnhiill and Jones. A ! SHORTLAND Service Station, top Short- j land St.—Specialising in Tuning. Car I tnne-up, 10.'; removing carbon, grindins valves: 4-cyl £.2 2. R-cyl. £2 S/.—Alf. ' Floniaes, Expert. 'Phone 46-114. rrwAwciAL. , -I A PER Cent Preference Shares. An ! J-" established company is inereasinjr its ; present capital, and has a few hundred I shares for disposal.—Write M. 271. Star. j MONEY to i-encr on current i rate.—Baker and Swan, Lister Buildins. Victoria Strept East. D , MONEY available immediate Investment. Ist. 2nd Mortgage Securities.—H. K. Kmannal. SrvlicStor. R. High St. I A rOKTGAGES—Seconds and Firsts wanted ' ■*■*-*■ immediately -. cash purchase. 3dv i amount. —VT. L. Butler. 64. Queen St. D \TORTGAGES. sound, wanted to Buy at ; I -"•*• reaaonahie tliscnnnts: cash buyers; . j wm'tinir. — George May-ill, 5, Phoenix! Cnamh°r=. D j ;QMALL LOANS Granted to Civil Servants J *J Schooltiaster l ;. and other* in pertmnent on simple Promissory NotP«. without removal, p other Securities—Genuine. p.O Box ier.4. n ' Tf.QUITABLE T OAN k TjMNANCE pO. | you to obtain the Money you | -*- J need without Fuss or Delay. QUICKLY settles your Financial Troubles i with absolute privacy. I ■ T-RGENT Loans made the Same Day as' *~s applied for. INTEREST is Lower than at any other Office in Auckland. rpREATMENT that will satisfy you and J- show that we can be of Real Assist- . ance to you. ! ADVANCES made on any Reasonable •**- Security (without removal , . BEING the Old-established Company. , i noted for Reasonable Charee*. a Square , Deal, with Repayments to suit yourself. T OANS in Other Offices Pai-1 Off. Urc-r, amounts advanced and placed <>n our. Easier Terms. : -i "COVERT Consideration Shown. ; J We zive ri.AIX. fTRAJOITTFOHTTARn; Quotations for Loans on r ': !no t;- ' nn 'f~" Machines. Furniture. Bona JJ» , Building Society Share,. Mjjor • *Q f? " ; -EMPIRE JJOA.N AND pINANXE QO. ■ h If yon require a STRICTLY PRIVATE | U \-LOXS it will pay yoa f •">« us before: a eKewhere. as we are w «ll known as A fhf SAFEST aad MOST RELIABLE Office. Having been established 10 years, you aro ! „ I mre of receiviag every eocsideration and i E I HONEST TKEATMENT. I I Althonph we charge NO FEES, onr I INTEBEST IS LOWER than a cy other , = Offlce. and our REPAYMENT SYSTEM is! the EASIEST in Auckland. - WE ADVANCE any Amount on FtTRVT i TCRE. PIANOS. .MACHINES. MOTOR -ORY NOTES" 1 RemoVa!; Also PROMIS--gMPIRE AND "piNANCE po., 1 - WYNDHAM CHAMBEBfi, o P p. Gas Co. ! r ST., CITY. Thoue 42-061. d' <
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,016Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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