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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. i "DL'NGALOW, new. ~> rooms, vacant. close "] J -' tram, £1200 : take Car. Section, Mort- J gage or little Cash as deposit.—G. Mayhill, ( 5. Phoenix Chambers. : OVEENMENT MOPvTGAGE, £620.— . tModern Bungalow, 5 rooms, scullery, : porcelain bath and basin, hot water. 2mins. tram. Price reduced from £1300 to £1030 ; ( forced saIe.—SOLDIERS' LAND BUREAU. Hellabj-s Buildings. . ■prOUSE. for Sale, Onehunga; 6 rooms; . - LL £HX> dpposlt.—Apply 15, Hardinge St. PROPERTIES P'OR SALE ' HOUSE. 4 rooms, kitchenette, modern convs. : large section. Corella Rd.. Bel- - mont. £1150. —Apply Lidgard, Northcote. Investors. —Sound Shop property, showing fair return, main thoroughfare, close Queen St.. great bargain at £4000 : will surely double in value before long : easy terms."—<J. Mayhill, 5, • Phoenix Ctinmtws. m ■ rpAKAPUNA, X miaute beach—Modern > -*- Bungalow, 6 rooms, furn.. every cony.. ' garage ; price £2300 ; terms. —W. Sowden, 32. QuAfn St. ■ TAKAPUNA BARGAIN. ■ £1.7.0 DEPOSIT. PRICE £1275. 1 Pretry Bungalow Home and Motor Garage. , Close to Main Beach. Tennis and Bowling GreensFour iovely rootn-s acd kitchenette. nic° vpi-anrtah. ci.uvi-ni«>ncps. Big level sec- ; tion in lawns and garden. ,T. G. SEYMOUR. j Hpllany's Building?. Opp. G.P.0.. Auckland. | OVERNMENT MORTGAGE. ] MOUNT ALBERT. j Two minutes Trams. | Up-to-date Bungalow Home, containing ! 4 rooms and kitchenette, bathroom, porcelain hath and basin, califont, gas stove, i city sewerage, built-in bins, cupboards. i v.-ardrobes. etc. Level section in Lawns. ! wardens, etc. ! PRICE £1300. DEPOSIT ABOUT £300. i THirPE AND CO. 7. Phoenix Chambers. J I ASTONISHING VALUE. |" £1095. I "DUNGALOW BARGAIN. Guaranteed tIOO - -•-* lower iv prii'e fiir erjual quality than ! I any bungalow in Auckland. If any pur- . j chaser can direct us to better value we guarantee to ri-duce the price still lower than t; 100"). We have sold 14 of these ' i Bungalows in 3 months against all compe- • i ition. Ask the 14 satisfied buyers, each of whom searched all Auckland before deciding on a "Macredie-built Bungalow." Macredie Bros, are Auckland's biggest Bnusalow Guilders. Big turnover means cheaper construction costs, hence lower prices. You owe it to yourself to see what a high qualI ity Bungalow you can buy for £ 109.3 before i deciding elsewhere. It means money in your pocktt and satisfaction in your home. HERE IT IS: TUST COMPLETED. Large rooms, case-J ment windows, built-in seats, open tire-] places, built-in linen presses, wardrobes, I kitchenette, built-in sideboard and buffet. | tip bins, cutlery drawers, dry goods cupboards, glnss-fninted china cupboards, i hot-air drying cupboards, Iwsides cupboards galure tor everything : meat safe : bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, califont,, shavMgj; cabinet ; electric light ; patent, j and all conveniences, under one roof. The latest modern conveniences are equal to any high-pri.ed bungalow In Auckland, j and the best i,f workmanship and timbers i are guaranteed. j FULL PRICE £ IOO.j. £ 150 DEPOSIT. Solo Agents RICHARDSON AND CO., 31. KAKANGAHAPE ROAD (.Opp. Ga-ze's Wool Stiup i. 7S REMUERA WATERSIDE. KAURI BUNGALOW I jf.-J i)-A-HERES A BARGAIN FOB j~J— OU SUMEBOI'Y: Almost Completed. P.Hin:: built on account oJ an AUCKLAND TIMBER CO. with the best of bgne-dri' timbers picked from their own yard. ALL KAURI THROUGHOUT' Beautifully design..l and finished, till lnrge! rooms, entrance hall, lounge room, break- i fust room, ati.l :'. bedrooms. Hoavy benm , and domed plaster ceiling, large kitchen-1 ette. tit ted up with plenty of built-in con-j vtnience-i. bathroom, porcelain bath and { basin, califont. electric light, drainage.! Largi- level section. The ninrket value oft this property is 1147-">. The Timber Co.; win Lak.- iil2.'O. with. say. £300 ca.-h.| and balance oa lirst mortgage to them for j years at !ii per cent. You are sure of a solidly built House at a price hundred-* of pounds below ordinary; builders' contract, price, and no mortgage RICHARDSON AND CO., 31. KAKANGAHAPE ROAD (Opp. Gaze's Wool Shop.) S4 BUSINESSES FOR SALE. j i■ ■ i I \ nsOU'TEI.Y se.rific;ng thronzh ill-; I V ,■>:..:J-μ , .* , "iru..e;y. £10.-.—Further li-.u'-.u..;;;: *™ ». y«^j V i'AUTML'NT Iluuso. Ciry; -1 flatr,; free1,,.]) (i r n.U'ht (■•■n>hler to i _U: ,^ll L^_ la >' u - L^. :A "' 41, " ! BUARnfNi.IiOtSE. 12 large room?, c.1.; j '1 r.iii-.». from r:iy. — lm,uiro 4-io j Boor .md Sim? Business for in pro j j good ' reasons' 'for selling.—Write Stau !' I',l[, *» / KJNKECTIONEKY. Tea. Dining Room : v-' theatre next door ; £4." weekly. Going encprn. t:'.o".—lnquire *tak. 4i i CIONFEi.TIUNERY. Fruit, Drinks: 3 , ' living rooms, busy part. Price £125.— Kay-Stratfon. opp. Newton P.M. U_4 j /CONFECTIONERY. PtC, 5 living rooms.! parti- furn. : prominent position; bar- j gain : no ngenis.—lnnuir>* Star. 433 : /CONFECTIONERY, etc.. wanted, with | small living accommodation ; £100----£l3O cash. —Particulars to ?. OSOo, Star. FANCY Go.-ds and Crockery. Sne stand, splendid trade: 6 living rooms. Price I £250 : snip.—F. Ripley. 12. Winstone I P.!dgs.. Qu"en St. ! FANCY Gnorls. Crorkery. ere. City. Very i attractive proposition; superior living ! ■accommodation: low rental: clean stook: I , ! good returns. Prire tS'CiJ: will stand in- , . srigatiuu ; co ageuts. —Write S. 9929. ; ! -Star.' El ( ; FRUIT and Confectionery, on main tram ) line : good living accommodation ; lease < £100. }2b, Ponsonby Rd. » GEOCEBT, suitable tor lady ; good living , accommodation ; rent 27/6. Owrwr j leaving for Australia.—lnquire Star. 520 . HAIRDRESSING and Tobacconist; estab- | lishrd 10 rears: living rooms: i4R-5: I ' terms arranged. — Further particulars. Alexander and Co.. ."SS. Queen St. | HIGH-CLASS Boardinghouse. Symonds | St.: oid established. IS rooms: £ll."O ; ; bargain.— 2.~. Srrand Arcade. j i MILLINERY. well stocked. Fittings, j Le.ise. Will sacrifice at £50 cash. — ' Inquire Star. 452 . SNIP — £17." — Confectionery Business, j City : srock. fittings ; living rooms, | partly furnished.—Write F. 0725. STAR. I (iJUIT Two Ladies—Confectionery. Tea I - Rooms: «m<-k. plart valuation. Iname- • diaie.— 'Everj'body's Agent. ; t'hoenix Chambers. i —I jmo Newspaper Men. —A spien-li.l oppor- : j ■*- tnriry is offered to anyone desirous ot ' I tii-qnirins a Newspaper as a going con-'eru. [•'rood rmsfwts ami district, and full pur-' j r'.ru'.ars ro R. -lirs. Star. 164 I -C'lOfl— CuNFECTKiNERY. Fruit Busi- ; I ~^»-L—«V ness: g->od turnover: very nice j I living rooni-s; rent £2: gift.—2s St-and ! Ar '- n .'" , - . I £• Q»>K— Lnnrhpon. Dining Koo-.ns. City, j "»■•-'— '-* tbreo bcanrlfnljy furii- j isbPfi living rooms: lease.—Morrison. Strand I Arcciie. I r--J .7-—SMALL Thiiry. Produ.-e. Mixed! '-*' Business. Meat Pies: nice livln? ' ■ rooms: snip.—Morrison. Strand Arcade. I "DOOKSELLER'S. Stationery and Fancy j ■D Goods Business, in Waika»-o Town. I Stock onite new and clean. 111-health fh» only roacoi for selling.—Apply. In the ' first instance, to HARRY C BATTLF. Auckland "Star" I Representatire. Liverpool St., Hamilton. 13i [ 'V'OTHING EVER LIKE rr7 Frnit Bns{:ie?«. fioine £71V£.*<1 -xosklj: 4 . voTr- 1 sis moms. rent. : Now you !ir.y°r- on the iut for sonje- ; thini: iood. and a-real !irr!° forruno-mnker. j see thi« i>eforp we sell -■> any >ne else NMTE THIS: PRICE ONLY £2.7!. Sole Agents, VAUOHAN. TALLISS AND CO Arcade, Opp. RendelTs, Newton. 63 I
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,097Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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