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PROPERTIES FOB 6AEE. A VONDALE Uiandyi.—New "Bungalor.-. ± **• rooms, c.1.. convs.; pri. - e, £!'.")', deposit £rj>\— Roso. Avondale. Iβ! "DUNGALOW, new. 3 rooms, Mt. Eden: -*-* 4 mins. tram. —Apply 23, Westminster Rd.. Mt. Eden. AFANGERE—2Oi Acres c£ Beautifnl X '- L Land with buildlnzs. Half mile station. Adjoining land felling £300 p.?r acre: urgent sale. £42<itl. Snk-ndU terms. — KKRTRAM. 42. Phoenix Chambers. -1--1 i-ROOMED Bungalow, sleeping porch, fcit--I■* chenette, electric lights, electric hot water service, electric stove ; 1 mm. trams. Price £1250; easy terms arranged. Alexander and Co., OS. Queen St. (over Cooke's Tearooms I. 62 ~»rT. EDEN.—MODERN BUNGALOW, 5 -*•-*- good rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, and all conveniences. Section, ooft x 200 ft; nearly new : well built, good timber. Price, £ 1650, cash and terms can be arranged. j Apply Owner. J. P. HOOTON, "I. Elliott Street. City. BUYERS. BUYERS. j IF HOMES ARE AVAILABLE WE ITAVE THEM, AND FROM OUR EXTENSIVE | LISTS WE SELECT AND ADVERTISE | ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. SEE THESE: £150 DEPOSIT. A SPLENDID LITTLE BUNGALOW --»- HOME ut' 4 rooms and sleeping balcony, with every appointment and convenience; porcelain bath and basin, califont. electric light, washhouse, copper and t-.ibs. sewer drainage. Section 40 X 134. It's right at the 2nd section. Mount Albert cars, train uud buses. PRICE ONLY £1175. £ 150 DEPOSIT. But see it to-day if you want it. WESTMERE — £100 CASH, i PRICE £1185. i ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. A pretty' little Bungalow and real good value. In 1 the famous Westmere Estate. Handy to cars. | Sei-Uon 40 x 114. Insurance is £7r,0. YoU SHOULD SEE IT IF YOU WANT! THE BEST. I GREY LYNN —£75 CASH. PRICE £950. \ NEAT AND SUBSTANTIALLY- - rx BUILT BUNGALOW HOME of 4 spacious rooms and hall, range, porcelain burn, electric light. s»»-A<>r drainage, washhouse. copper and tubs, and in perfect: orrirr throughout. Nice art papers and Section is level and id»al for garsitniiig. Only r> minutes school, and trams and buses half minute. Situated Grey Lynn. TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY £030. AND WE SAY DEFINITELY THAT A WORKING MAN WILL NOT BUY OR SEE BETTER THAN THIS. i MANUKAU ROAD. RIGHT HANDY TO EPSOM BARN. £250 DEPOSIT. "PINE UPRIGHT VILLA HOME of 0 -•- large rooms and pantry, every possible convenient, hot and cold water, range, gas stovp. bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, washhouse. copper and tubs. In splendid order throughout. Section has 06ft frontage. Ideal for shop sites. TOTAL PRICE £1150. There is no mistake about the valne of this property. It's a real bargain and the iir«t to inspect will buy. WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 9 P.M I FRIDAYS. WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND MAN." REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE 19, SHuRTLANL- STREET. AUCKLAND! A SWEET LITTLE BUNGALOW! £50 DEPOSIT. IT'S A LITTLE GEM : i NICE ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, "* elrctric ligtir. p.w.c, gas and water. It's the cheapest little hume In the whole of Auckland. TOTAL PRICE ONLY £975, AND £.j<J DEPOSIT. If yon wish to live under ideal conditions you --houid see this at once. Witain easy distance of Onehnnga tram.- an<l splendid I position. Pnme in nnd fee iliis to-day. Beautiful volcanic Miction. EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS. WM. A. HORNE, LTD., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Shortland Street, Auckland. NORTH AUCKLAND. IIARUOUU :■ .:'■ 'N i'AGE. \X(\ ACRES. KKKi:;iUwi-i, 15 d: res xalxcM { I 'J'J grar-sc-. 2 a-its hi:.-= .. vim.i or .:ard. i ffiitetly plouga.i i' i.i'-i'i; "i Us "att-r , -- ■ ; ST.•P-γ »>iii. ■'--..<■■'.. .'uj:»ac.;. i-auraii-". ' 1 H-JTi. r.A-.--. -: 1 ' 'i. r.j.M..-a!i) Wharf. F-.u . >-.:■.... .-■.. :■•., ~-,'.., r. Pill' 1- ::: -in i» i\\ V ■;'• iti :.>•. v.-. ; i :... casi. !'a!.m c o y.dii a: .* ,« :• i-ia'.. m £S"«i ,-.!. ■ u&j. i.VO-li ■ I "Jfil , ACIIKK. FRKEHOI.n. about 3-i i , J-'JU l, acres .-nissid ::o ar-res hi:. e h I balance o P e:i fero. ten-tree an.l roush : i large quantity good firewood : 7 paddocks, j j 6 wires, watered by sprines. Littlf noxious I wee.Js. not much. Comfortable cottagp. 4 j rooms, barn. cowsh.'d. 4 bails. stable. enrtshed. tooUhed. School one mile, cream : collected. Railway station and saleyards 7 miles. Own»T been grazing up to 30 head. says will carry 12 dairy cows. Purir: J country. PRiCB £ 7S<t. £400. Onr TAKAPUNA. CORN'EH COAST ROAD AND- CASTOR BAY ROAD— ' Over Thre<?-rjuarter Atp. in en'.tlvatl'io; j garden, shrubs, etc. Lovely views. Cottage. ! three rooms, sbed 12ft s loft (abouti. SubI divided into two sections. Must increase !in value. Price £POO. dish £i">i. Balance. i three years at 6 per cent. The position Is i unique, and views '-annot be excelled. FOR ! FEW DAYS ONLY. YOU SHOULD I SECURE THIS. 1 N.Z. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD., (LOWER ALBERT ST. THONE 40-920. I I (Members Land and Estate Agents' Assn. I i C I , I j I £1250 —MT. EDEN. HOME OF 5 LARGE. , ■ ROOMS, front and back verandahs. I art papers, p.b. and b.. ralifont. gas stove. ' evrrythlne in perfect order : large volcanic I Section. (50ft frontage : room for motor .entrance either side of house. Deposit £Joo or offer. ("nly 30 yards to trains and shopping. Cheapest Home in Mount Eden. j i I £1050—CAMPBELL ROAD. EPSOM. YEW 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW, every --' cony. : highly elevated, best locality. £100 Deposit buys this bargain : balance j exc< pti'inallv ensv. and good terms. Note I the Price, £1050, £100 deposit. j I H. BALL AND CO., ENTRANCE. nXDEAX'S BUILDIN(;s. i MTH i , _ i ] BUCKLAND'S BEACH. EASTERN SUBDIVISION. I Down by Old Lime Kiln. BEACH FRONTAGES. ! THESE BEAUTIFUL SECTIONS ARE ' : NOW AVAILABLE. " : : Representatives on ground during treok-end. ~ ■ j Apply RAYMOND SHEATH, 14, O'CONNELL STREET I c
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
Word Count
905Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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