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SITUATIONS WANTED. [.New arrivals and all others will find this column the best means of reaching Employers. Fifteen Words, One Shilling.] A BOUT Chimney Sweeping. —No dust guaranteed ; also work.—Write Smith, 5. Exmonth St., off Newton Kd. D A CHIMNEY Sweep, practical, clean, con- ■*"*■ scientious; minimum dirt, disturbance". B. Hartung, 2S, Belgium St., City. D A BADLY Cleaned Chimney Means Fire. Practical Chimney Sweep—Colquhoun, 3. Totara St., Ponsonby. "Phone 20-759. D A BOUT Concrete Paths, Tarring, Sand- ■£*- ing; first-class work; reasonable.—E. Cross. 22, Randolph St., Newton. A CCOUNTANCY — Experienced Legal ■£*- Accountant (Registered), requires l'art Time Work.—Telephone 43-009. ALL Classes waiting Engagement at 30, Strand Arcade, 2nd floor, phone 43-463. Several couplea waiting. _____ A LL Kinds Garden Work by experienced -■*- Man, <an give references.—2, Sunnyside Kd., Mt. Edpn. TJIiACKSMITH, used mill and bush work, •*-* also station, shocr, tool sharpener, wants Work.—Write S. 71, Star. BRICKWORK, Fancy Fireplaces, Coppers, Tiling. Repair*; no work too small.— Write I. 0660. Star. BRICKLAYER wants Chimneys. Coppers, Open Fireplaces. Tiling, Alterations, Repairs.—Hawken, 10, Somerset Place, Howe St.. Newton. BRICK Work—Expert Repairs; _0 years' experience jobbing work ; specialist coppers.—Brown, 13, Ireland St., I'onsonhy. 271 Business Owners — Grocer-Hardware Working Manager available shortly; experienced ; town, country.—Write B. 4424. Star. 14ft (CARPENTER wants Work, in country.— Apply, stating wages, etc., to S. 38, Star. /CARPENTER wants Repairs: sashcord replaced, sas-h 2/: others 1/G; any distance.—Carpenter. 230. Hobson St. 218 /CARPENTER Builder wants Houses, Alterations, Repairs: reasonable; workmanship Guaranteed ; plans prepared. — 100 a, Park Rd.. Grafton. D CHEF and Second, economical, sober, seek Positions, together or separate. — Address Chef. 44. Eden Crescent. CONCRETE Paths, Tarring, Sanding. Stone Work. Draining: experienced tradesman : estimates given.—W. Vennall. Edendale Rd.. Edendale. C /COOK General desires Position in small v> , adult family.—Write M. 2SQ. Star. DRESSMAKER, competent, wants Work, by day: experienced.—43, Mackelvie 51 , .. Ponsonhy. DRESSMAKING. — Smart FrocKs, Costumes, Evening Gowns. Distinctive Designs. Moderate. —229, Jervoia Rd., Heme Bay Terminus. C DRESSMAKING. —Frocks. Evening Wear, .. Costumes, Children's Clothing, by com- . petent dressmaker: 11/ daily; quick.—
Write B. 4392. Star. __ S4 DRIVER requires Situation, enn do own ' running repairs.—Write M. 21S. Star. GIRL, young, wants Work, confectionery shop, help with housework.—l 6. Crummer Rd. ; SJ HAIRDRESSERS.— Energetic young Man (211 wishes to learn Halrdresslng Trade thoroughly; reply stating conditions. Writo B. 4421. Stak. 14* HOUSEKEEPER'S Position wanted by } middle-aged woman ; own mistress. Write M. 190, Star. HOUSEKEEPER'S . Position required : competent manager, good cook; refe:-— Writn M. 320. Star. HOUSEWORK or Washing -wanted, Thursday, Friday. Saturday.—Apply Miss Deane, o, Vancouver Aw, Edendale. 300 HOUSEKEEPER'S Position wanted by, refined young widow, competent and trustworthy ; good cook. —Write F. 9579, Star. HOUSEKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, desires Position, where child (school age) not objected to.—Write S. OSO7, Star. JT. HOOKER, 210, Balmoral Rd., Mt. • Eden, for Draining. Tarring, Sanding, [ and Concrete Work. 'Phone 21-474. D KELLY, Plumber.—Spouting Renewed, 1/4 per foot. Repair work done.-— 10. Vancouver Avenue. Edendale. C LADY, experienced, seeks Position in nice home; all light duties. —Write S. 9931, Star. LADY seeks Occupation, companion help, mornings, or few days weekly; Royal Oak or Epsom preferred.—Apply Impey. Stationer. Greenwood's Corner. 04 MAN, with 2 good dogs, wants Work on a sheep farm.—Apply to Mr. Carter, Point Chevalier. MAN. competent, requires Gardening, etc. —Apply Terra Firma, 2, Arawa St., Khyher Pass. ]J^_ MAN (47), reliable, lifelong total abstainer, non-smoker, would like Place as night watchman or similar Position of trust. —Write S. U777. STAR. MARRIED Couples. Station Hands. Farm Managers, every class, waiting Engagements.— Norton's Registry, 30, Strand Arcade. . MOTOR Mechanic, good; maintenance, complete overhauls; late charge of. fleet motor buses; refs. —AVrite P. 0620, Star. FAINTING and Paperhnnging. — Rooms Papered from ]()/; first-class work guaranteed.—Write S. i>92o. Star. PAINTING, l'aperhanging. Roof Painting specialty: cheapest Auckland; contracf. labour.—Write M. 190, Stah. PAINTIN-G, l'aperhanging; contracts ur labour; best materials, neat workmanship: reasonable.—Write W. Miller, 33, Belgium St. PAPKR Ruler and Cutter requires Situation.—Write S. 14G, Stak. PAPERHANGING, Painting; contract or labour; reliable tradesman; no job too small. —10. Edwin St.. Mt. Eden. tip
ROOF Painting and Spouting Repairing, | :by 2 experts; guaranteed cheapest in town.—Write S. 142. Staii. TILING, nil branches?, undertaken. Bungalow Work especially. Slabs made on job.—Tiler. P.O. Box 453. WOMAN wants Employment, any capacity, evenings after 4 p.m.—Write S. 1 OftJS. Star. . . ■ TTt T OMAN. young, wants Night Work, any »' description; trustworthy.—Write M. 107. Star. VX7OMAN. reliable, wants Washing and >> ironing. f"H day. Monday or Friday; rpfs.—Wiite S. OSOS. Star. tttOSIAX, young, married, two children, W 4 and C. wants Work, country,"housekeeper or areneral. in refined adult family. Write M. r.SO. Stau. WORK, from S till 4 daily, wanted by Reliable Woman.—Write M. 202. Star. WORK by day or half day, competent worker and laundress.—Sl, Alexander . St.. Clrv. ton Pii'l. ,- \T7ORK liy the day. or Washing to do at V> l-'iuii' , . si>'M> clean ; mornings.— 1 Write B. -t43H. Star. 100 - TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. HOT SPRINGS. Heiunsville.—Eddleston's Spi-ingside Private Hotel, Swimming ' Pools and Hot Mineral Baths on-premises. . _C ARAKAI HOi:SE—Phone Helensville. —Electric light throughout; good table; bright fires.—Mrs. Riinmer, proprietress. I) MeGARVEY'S Batllgate House, llolensville.—Central Position, close to bath- . house. Tariff, 10/ pt-r day. Splendid ! accommodation. C r PROPERTIED SOUP AND WITHDRAWN. : \ GENTS.—Take notice, have Sold Pro- • xi- perty in Avondale:—A. Inman, H, \ Torrance St.. Mr. Roskill. AGENTS.— Please note. George Walker. 38. Queen St., appointed sole agent - for my property, 20, Lucerne Rd., Kemuera. g W. Claude Potter. ___ 5 T AND Agents.—Take Xotlcp. ray House, I -—< 51, Union St., Is Sold.—M. Teraohleu.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
903Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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