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PERSOKAI. BOARD wanted for two children, nine and eleven years.—Write F. 9595, Star. CARE of Baby wanted by motherly wocaan: every comfort; £1 weekly.—F. Nielson. New Lynn r.O. 1-">S DUSTER— Write Curly, cure Ormrod, Stak Agency, Onehunga. Waiting answer. 155 H J. R.—Everything O.K. Come liome • or write. Letters await you G.1'.0. Urgent.— i> . , _____ TF G. 1.. does not call re Baby's Cot will -*- h~ -mid to defray expense.—D. Rogers, O lm. __ X THE undersigned, will not be responsible - 1 -' for any debts contracted in my name.— (Signed) T. Gooph. Bp-aoh Rd.. Papakura. T/"IND Person to adopt Baby Boy, throe week*' old ; of good parentage.—Write F. oe.">3. Star. T ADV. fond of children, would Hoard ■" Baby from birth.—Write M. '2m. Star. T ADY, refined, adult family, •would Board -*-* Girl. 12-14. view adoption.—Mrs. Bennett. P.O. Dominion Rd. T ADY and Gent would like join Private ■*-* Tennis Court, vk-inity Dominion Rd., Mr. Ed<n.—Write M. 203. STAR. "jITR.S. E. J. DARBY, late Clonborn Rd.. ■"-'• Renniern, please communicate Box 120, Auckland. "PERSON wanted Adopt Baby Girl, two -"• years, quarter caste.—Write F. 0373, St.vr. PERSON, kind, wanted to adopt Baby from birth : good narentage ; about SVntPmbpr 25. —Write F. n.")40. Star. TENNIS.— Two Indies would like join private club: Sunday play.—Write F. P.'ifi. Star. * TO Honor.—Call and see mc to-night.— TTono". IjV7_ WILL Passengers Dominion Koid Bus. No. .". on Friday night. August 14. when collision occurred with City Council Bus at Grafton Bridge, please communicate with injured one. Mrs. Parks. Ponndarv Road. Mount Eden, or to Mr. Leahy. Solicitor. Short's Buildings? Especial request to Indy passenger with whom the above was conversing when same occurred. VyILL ALL PERSON'S IX POSSESSION OF CHEQUES ISSUED BY US AT THE WINTER EXHIBITION, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THEY MUST BE USED ON OR BEFORE THE 12TII INST. SCHNEIDEMAN BROS., LTD. 04 BUSINESS PERSONAL. ABSOLUTELY reliable Watch and Clock Repairing at W. Mills, 10A, Victoria
—-•- impairing at w. .urns, iua, \ lcwna i St.. Auckland. All work guaranteed. C ' A J. I'AKK AND SON, Registered Patent ■**-• Agents (Estd. 1805), Campbell's Building, Vulcan Lane, Auckland, Patents. Trade Marks and Designs. D AMATEUR Theatrical and Fancy Costuirips on llire or Made to Order. —L. Kirkby, 46, City Chambers. D A STIIMA, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, ' •**- Kheumatism positively cured without drugs.—Write B. .'l.'UI. Star. C CORSETS to Measure. Be iitted. Be comfortable. —'Madame Gover, Corset ■Expert. Culosspuin Buildings. Queen SI. C TNDIAN RQOM. —Embroideries, Brasses, -*• Elephants, Ivory, Wood. Crystal: an exquisite display. Sec window. — Strand . Arcade. "'• ' C JO. PEAT, Dyer and French Dry • Cleaner, Eden Terrace. Thirty-six years' experience. l'riue nnd colour list on application.—'Phone -13-151. C JUST like mother used to make—Koefoed's Ltd. Real Tomato Sauce. Appetising nnd clPliciouH. Gunrnnteed pure. C MISS McPHAJL, Florist, 12, Strand Areado, for Wedding Bouquets, Funeral , Wreaths, nnd Choice Cut Flowers. C PATENTS — All information Henry i Hughes, Ltd.. Box ."76, or Exchange i Lane, opp. Fort St., Auckland. MF4 IJLUVOL, the great Liquid Dubbin, can be procured from all Boot Stores. Half-pints, 2A A RUSMA Kills Hair, Call for Free Trinl Treatment. —Mrs. Hullcn, Melveru's Buildings, Karangnhapp Rd.. Auckland. D rpURKISH BATHS, 4. Lome St. "Phone J- 43-003.—Ladies: Tuesday, U a.m. to 3 p.m. : Wednesday. 0 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Gentlemen nil other times. C f> -I A_ REDUCTION on Typewriters; inspection invited. —Office Typewriters Co.. Ltd., 503, Ellison Chambers, Queen Street. D MATRIMONIAL. T7*XGLISH Girl (28), educated, worker, -"' desires meet refined, upright Englishman (28-30), view Matrimony ; honourable. Write M. 225, Star. GENTLEMAN (31), with business, wishes correspond respectable Lady, 20-28, view matrimony.—Write S. !50, Star. INTRODUCTIONS arranged view marriage anywhere, to suit clients all ages and callings. Confidence and privacy maintained. —"6. Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 'Phone 45-004. i^_ LADY, no encumbrances. Northern Territory property, wishes introduction to gentleman, small means; no "office interviews.—P.O. Box 1707. 7J_ | MAN, young, tradesman, woulu like correspond Young Lady, 21-'J4, view matrimony.—Write F. 0584. Star. IVTO Office Interviews —Ladies and Gentlemen, refined, different positions in life, wish introduction with view to mar-,-iage.—Agency. Box 1707. Auckland. 1) PERSONS wishing Introductions, view Matrimony, write to Manager, N.Z. i^TnfrrfiKsivr> Appiinv. I Panama St.. Wpl-
Progressive Agency, i-, ranama at., »eilington. i>. V\7IDOW (-46), tall, dark, property, lonely, \' wishes introduction, view marriage. Business Man or Farmer ; tall.—3o, Phoenix Chambers. !H> rrjIDOW (40), Scotch, liome credentials. » * wishes meet, view marriage. Trade or Business Tilnn ; credentials genuine.—3(>.' Phoenix Chambers. ' Oβ PARTNERSHIPS. AX offer wanted for New Zealand patent rights of genuine first-class patent.— Write M. 32». Star. PARTNERSHIP and Investments arranged iv Genuine Businesses. —Our only address, Business Sales Co., 32, Queen St.' PICTURE Show, thriving town, fully equipped. up-to-dßte machinery : partnership offered energetic man ; £350. —Particulars Cinema House, near Trades Hall, Ilobson St. 1-2 TYPEWRITERS wantf^. mYI'KWKITER, second-hand, portable.— J- Apply S. C. Gurney, IS, Lawrence St., Heme Bay. rpy/PEWRITKR, "Noiseless," "Underwood" J- or "•Remington"; good condition.—Bedrock cash price and particulars to M. 257, Star. WIRELESB APPARATUB FOR SALE. 4 BSOLUTELY latest, Best Kadio Parts. A Materials at lowest prices from Budio, Limited. "Herald" Buildings. Auckland. D BRUNET" LOUD SPEAKERS, Famous French make ; absolutely unsurpassed : demonstration daily; £7. "SUREALITB" SO-voU. "B" Batteries, 10/ each, 3 for 27/ C. "SAVEIT" Wander Plugs, protect your valves, 3/ eachi —"Trlcity House, 15, Customs St. E. C DO you know that ships in American Fleet nre ".sing Burgess Radio Batteries? The Navy uses nothing but the best! U rpORALIXE clears the Tubes, and eaves J- the Lungs. Chemists and Stores. 1/6 and 2/6. A
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
906Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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