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AMUSEMENTS. SISTINE CHOIR SOLOIST?* SISTINK CHOIR SOLOISTS ' TRIUMPH AT TOWN HUT -I TKirMPH AT. TOWN n'\i.£ |! On Saturday evening, at the Town Halt the SISTINE rnoiK sor.OISTS werfS i-onled a tumultuous reception by .-rowilMl amllence. Enthusiasm ran hM? sijiixn concent to.xigfit SKI'ONI) CONCERT TO-NIGHT - SECOND CONCERT Th-SujHT" SKI'ONI) CONCKIIT TO-NIGHT' I'.ook T,..,1.,v ai I.t-wis K. Kady an d g O . Lid., or Buy I>.«.v S ; ,!-s .-,: H.M. Arcade. O W X -Cl A r . £ Direction .. EVELYN L. SHEPARD. TONKUIT. AT ,\ TO-NI«iMT. AT s TO XIUIIT. AT s TO-NMUIT. AT S. CONCERTS ALSO ON WKDNKSDAY NF.XT. AT S and THURSDAY NEXT, AT S, 1.. Shpphpnl has the Honour of I'rpsontins THE WOKI.H-l-AMOrS SISTINE CHOIR SOLOISTS. SISTINE CIMli: SOLOISTS SISTINK iMIull; SOLOISTS] f SISTINK rimn; SOLOISTS, f SISTINK CHOIIJ SOLOISTS* ' SISTINK rimii: SOLOISTS. I'.igiiiiplll. Um-jni, Fnechlui Auchner. SarM, Belli. Morjjhi. Ferrl. Musical Director . . MAESTRO CASOLARI. To-NIf;FIT'S PROGRAMME Will Include: TIIK PILGRIMS' from "Tanne liauser." I>uet from "Tlir Pearl IVshprs" Bizet Trio. The \i\w\ S.-pin- :'nmi "Kaust" Gounofl Mailrisal. "Spirtn ili IMo" Lottl Sffcuata. fniiii "Him Uiovaani" .. Mozarc Aria. '■Nun I'lu." fnun ".2azn" Lionel rallo Aria. "Mllli , v tre" i"l>"ii Giovanni") Mozart Aria. '"La mia WmlPtra" Donizetti A pin. "O. ili»i vpnl' aliui mipi" .... Verdi VlahiPlla- "I'hi I.a iSa-.'li.'.pila" .. Donate Prayer. "Verjrine tint ::ui"r" .... Uti'anta \r\ii "Spirto Uoutil" i""I-α Favourita"i Donizetti s,,ii- "Mattinata" Leoncavuiie lit", Kti-. PRICKS' '-■' " '•'• (- ' • " i; - us tax * RON PLAN ARRANGEMENTS, nox Plans at Lewis U. Kady and Son, I t<l Itcscrveil Seats. 6/. Re--i-rvpil Urmind Kloor. 7 ii. l> \Y SVLKS '< anil :'. . Tickets at Cole* mans Tobarrotiist. 11. M. Aronde. 2/ T!.-ket at Hie Duors Only "irey Strett Enj Irani, . \ 101.1.1 Business Manager. LECTURES. TEYS JXSTITI-TK yyiNTB» ■p.NTEBTAINMESTS. , £ ii -KTII. pARRICK ROBERTSON, T F.n.r.P.. 4 WILL LECTt'RE '-^V•GOITUE AND ITS INCIDENCE itf NEW ZEALAND'• UUustratid with Lantern Slides'). rnO-MORUuW. rpUKSDAY, AT g P.M< ADMISSION : (i->- vr by Course Ticket. Doors Open 7.: M p.m. 41 T7 P S 0 M I- 1 B B A a !• WINTER CorKSi: LKCTVRE. _: •THE INKIAENf-K OF MUSIC THuorcaiovT tiik ai;es." J r,y >i PROF. W. K. THOMAS. Mus. I'oc.
TO-MORROW NKiHT. SEPTEMBER 8, AT S P.M. AdnitM-I«n <>d or liy L'ouri-p Tli'kft. 35 t, .1 A M X S " 11 AI. U 0 WeUlnjtou Street. A I'oiiular Lo-tr.i-e. Kutitlfil "SClirriSH WIT AND HIiIOUK,-' Will !..• piveu ': V .1. \V. SHAW. M..U. In:ersj-prsi'il v:\\\\ M««l'-i>l Items. t:u::>i>ay. sevtkmrku WTH, ltos, s i>.in. ADMISSION. 1/. I TpiKST AID TO THE is - t ,; Karly application is riniuisu'd. WILLIAM RATTRAY. Hon. Secretary. Ambulance Station. Rutland Street. PICNICS. EXCTTRSIONS ETC. Rl VK It HEAT) SERV IC E. S.S. .l'lTvOlTOi. Calllug at All Wharves. Leaves Auckland Dully nt 8.30 l>.m. for riobsonvillc, waims, , rie and Hivcrbcad (Saturdays excepted), Sunday nt 4 p.m. Leaves Rivcrhead Dailr at 7" a.m. (Sunilaya exeppted). tor OSTEXD—Leaving Prince's Wharf ">d- ! nesday '.Mr. a.m.. Fridny O.SO p.m., Satur--I day l.A~> p.m.. Sunday O.Jj a.m. "' ! HKAI-.NKY AND BIXXS. D 4 MERCHANT TAILORS. \ r OT can tell the successful man by Ml well dressed appearance.—Mcßride. Tl:p Tailor. 1 J V U C X LAND g TA B, ADVKKTISKMKNT CONDITIONS. ''■
Tlio Proprietors il.i m-f lw'.il themselves rr-spnnsihio fur 1...H-i i:-:i i. ii nf advertise- . .ents. through a-/»'d<-n: ..-.• „; .erwisp. and (hoy rppt-rvp d> ihrniylv? iho riffht of nmi'tttn? ndverti><-m< mi* rn-ph-pd and paid : fur. if ilu-y npprnr tv !>■• n!-j--t!onftble. 1 us!r;t.i i..:i:- ns M Ihn !'i i rllnn or withilrnivnl of ml vt-ri iM-im-sit ■« must be in writ ing. Advertisement- rocriv.-l without written orders wMI only l.f hi«.-rtPtl once, and clmrßPil nccordinsly. OrilPts to withdraw advertisements niuVt !>o |nd_i-J not late* ■ than 11 a.m. < - ach dnj. 1 AdVPrtisein-nts lire r-cived up to 2.43 p.m. on ihp ili'.y <•■ issue, hiii Advertise. l rnents intendo.l f..r classified insertion 0 Q ' Pnge 1 must reach Uio ollv-e not later ! than 1 p.m. All Family Notice intended ' for classified in>pril..:i .... the Front Page of the STAII should 1"- lic.iitli-d in before 1 P-'°- ' CLASSIFIED ADVEHTISEMENTS ABB IXSr.IITEIi AT TIIK I"OLLOWING j rWSII KATKS : - ' sit u.i. i..n< Wanted ; Situ.-iii..ns Vμ.■an; 16 Words. Personal J l m ! Lost ;in'l FoiimV ' One Insertion, "' Tv Let I Three Insertions, 2/8 Kiiv : Bin Us. Murr-iik'-d 30 Words, 2/8. 1),.,hU- : E=ch additional «»• ■ M,■iui.r:;.m , Words, 9aI All replies [•■ Advnispmnits will » i rf.-.-iv. a at the STAK OBk-i.- l'rec nf charge- ; Advertisements should Iμ- addressed Iβ thi- Managor, STAIt Office. Phones 42-111 and 42-222. _
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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723Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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