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AMUSEMENTS. •C ULLKRS- tIpERA X3-01SE. Direction: Jobu Fuller and Sons, LtU. EVERY EVENING, AT S." "FLLLER'S FOR FUN." t WEDNESDAY "MIGHT, ' >>' KDXBSDAV 11 IUHT. ( /I HEAT T7<OOTBAL.L VTIGHT. UrEAT OUTRAU. 1->IGHT. The Mcmhcrs ami officials of both tlie j yueeuslaml and New Zeulaiul l-iHJtoaii Teams will be present, when an bxtra .-jjc.-ial lToarannne wUI l>e subniittiMl. DON'T MISS THIS NIGHT : ITLI.ERS , VAUDEVILLE AND KEVfE. j T..NIGHT —AT S — TO-NIGHT. | ; His Second Week, and Hotter than Ever. j _ p Eo. v\;ard ' (iLO. WAKD CUV. WARD (JKO. WAKD And His —SNAPSHOTS REVUE CO.— In Sii Minutes of Keal Laughter, THE TTOTEL rS.UESS." HK JJ-OTEL VTCESS," lion. Ward (Little Hermiei ami his com- i ; puny of stars, in a rovuc at delights and ] surprises. - l he sccuery is gorgeous, tli-- | I dressing beautiful. Tne songs arc the . latest, the dancing supreme. WEE WILLIE LANCET. CKI.IA-MAKIE DLO, TIIK LAMPINIS. CASTLES ANU TOKZILI-O. HOLT AND WHITLOW. Prices: 3/, 2/. and 1/. Box l'ian at Lewis K. Kady and Sons. Ltd. j OPENING NEXT MONDAY. A OrtEAT VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTION. BRAULEYS ATONKEY /"vnCHESTUA. KADLEYS ALoNKBY Monkey Un-bextrn. Monkey Acrobats, and Monkey Clowns. PRAXD Opp. G.P.O. TR"vlput vJkaND XO-MGUT. lirtai DIKKEIt PItODUCTION. " CAUSE FOR DIVORCE." -cause mit Divoucr:.' - '■<■Ar.SE yon divorce." •CACSK IVIK DIVOHI'K." "CAISE KOK niVOKCE." "CAUSE FOR DIVOKCK." "CAUSE ■PJK DIVORCE," All All-Star Cast. Fine Supporting Programme, j MMIVELLOUS T ONDON." \UVKLLOrS X/ONDON." "MAIJVKLLOUS LONDON." "MARVELLOUS LONDON." And TACK TiEMPSKV. "ALLS WELL •Jack -I-'kmpsey. on ocean." ropULAn PEICES. AT THE GRAND TO-NIGHT. DAKCIWG. ! ta/.Z. JAZZ.—TO-NUSHT. TO-NIGHT. •J S to 12. Subs.: iO and 'J . n'AR AND CIRCLE HALL, 101, Ponsonby Itoatl. A <;ALA NOVELTY NIGHT of I'rert.v Parisian Hats, more new modes. Comic Masks and Parasols. Two novelties each and Walter Smiths Aloha Jazz Uso Th'.usilay. S to 11-,I 1 -, and same band. OKANfIE 11A1.1.. top Newton Hoad, j"*t ofT Syinotids Street. Ist ear section. Every WKHNKSIiAY. « t.i 11. also Monto Carlo. • Fox Trot, Jazz, Waltz and Smith .lazz Hand. Pi-mi.. \V. HI'i'ICLEY.
rpo-NIGHT. TO-NI GUT. MINUH-AL H.UJ- NEWMARKET. OLD-TIME DANCE. TO-NKJHT. TO-NIGHT. Anil Every Monday. Wednesday, and Saturday. Spot Waltz, with Chocolates and Cigarettes. Ladies. 1 •!. Gents. 2 . ; D. MAYES. M.C /■» X.MINX OLD-TIMIi DANCK. vT DKIII.'S" HALL. NEWTON. TO-NIGHT, And Kvpi-y Mon.. and Fri. i Sjrot Waltz. Cigarettes and Chocohiu , -. I Auckland's Best Dance Orchestra. In the Snappiest and Most Ttiiieful Melodies. Kxpert and Select Management. Ladies. 1/. Gents, 1 0. KiS W. K. Mc-MMIIAKL. Hon. Se.-. ». -pL'CHUK AND DANCE. In -^ i(I ot the Marist fathers, MOKNINCSIDK. MONDAY. September 7. S p.m. Good Supper Provided. T!'-k> is : (irutletucn -/. Ladies I. ]J1 L. O'NEILL. Hoi_____ 1 T -IAKVONPOKT CNITEI) LKAGI'K j fjKTs FOOTBALL CUB. '■ DANCK AND ECCHKE. ! 1 oKESTEUS' HALL. DEVOXI'OKT. i WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER SI. First-class Onln-stra in Attendance. Ladies. 1, . (ients. 1 <;. K. EMIKAIJ, S Hon. Secretary. IsjTiir: took: t isten I DO WE KNOW HOW TO HE H.UTY'.-
I.iUlics iinfl (ii'iHlPiiifii.— I It is with jrrfat pleasure that I makp this, annoiincpmont : Mis.s L. O'Liary. Au.k!;incl's Xuied Dancing Tcachi , ! , . has consciiii'il n> ' i i-untrol the Spi-cial Dam-ing Xoveltli's ; nil ! N'umbcrs :it ti Jazz evpiilnsr. oprnins nt ST. ; BENEDICTS. .MONDAY. Sppipmbcr 14. n> \ 'he prcpareil for sompthing mui-li mil of ilv ■ j tinlinary. Onp thing is absolutely ct'i-iain. j I thiit Koniethlng new must !>p intruilni-cil thorp will soon lip monotony in i.itr Ballrooms. ThP MIDNKUIT DINIK ' FOLLIES will present a new numhPr. also ' Solo Dancing, and other Atlraitivp Turns j specially nrrantrcil for th*- occaMmi. To I i-lcvjitp tl-.i' standard of Daneine, Cups and J Medals will l>p presented for various classes of Dancins. I'nlimited number of Balloons. S;reaiiiers. Chocolates. Cigarettes, for Spot j Dancing. an<l ilie Dancers will not l«p deprive.l of any Jazzina time. MR. i-:ik;.\i; . j KKNDALI/S SYMPHONY ORCHKSTKA. New Zealand's Band of 7 Xlu«iciaus. (lI'KNINC AT ST. BKNEDICTS HALL, | -MONDAY. SKI'TEMBER 14. 8-11.30. ' Ladies, 2/. (ient's. 'J c. <;i:o. Williams. \\7AI-TEK SMITH'S ALOHA JAZZ BAND! !T' At Ihe MINICII-AL HALL. NewI marker. EVERY TIF.SDAY EVKXIM! a I « p.m. Ladles 1 <j, (ients 2 . _ii -1. Mi-i;iiki;. M.<\ ! TDIKNNAND'S Professional Orchestra ■*-* aud Concert Baud.—fifficc, Uui-cti ; St. "I'liuiics 43-234 and .'iOti'.j i 4 rings). ( TEACHERS OF DATJCINO. TJALLKOOM Dnnflug.-Yonns Lady .ivc? ; ■*-> expert private Tuition. Jar/., r.ix-imi-, | '•:'.: £l l term. —Write S. Stau. ■pXI'KKT Private Tuition in sill [iallrmmi j J-J Dau<-Ing: Hin-c-ess irnarunteoil — I'Mfessor Kelley. no. Palinprston'riUl-s.' m i ■\TISS LATUIE KIXOSLAXD, Teacher of A Rallroom Dancing. Studio: S. Belgium ; St. (top Qnpen St.) 'Phone 41-75.1. C . HOSIERY. ;4/fi — BOND "S •• Hose. new. i~> v ' pst shades: non- 4 (i. Kalknor and - j to., -JS2, Queen St. P" • Factory is busy, hut wo hare time : to Clean jour Hat at Tutt's. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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772Page 16 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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Page 16 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 16
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.