Those exquisite top-hatted that London's Pall Mall knows so well '■ sH aren't keeping all the good things up « their sleeves. ]■ They discovered Pall Mall Virginia |^l Cigarettes, a new pleasure, which =^| they now pass on to you. =g:| Try one tin and you find the qualities H|l you have hitherto been unable to find §§| in a cigarette — cool, rich mellow |||j flavour—fresh and pure. ||1 It unable to obtain supply from your Tobacconist i=£| or Store, pi ••»« communicate with u« md we will 1 put you in touch with • atockitt in your district. I XZ. Distributors • .^Sγ CARO & JERRAT LTD.. P.O Do* ML AUCKLAND PanMeill VIRGINIA. CIGARETTE^ IN TINS m
iVERY CORN GONE. You may cut and soaA your corns for weeks without effect, yet Prograndra will entirely remove them in a few days. It's sare and easy to use, prepared in salve , form; applied according- to directions it ; thoroughly and painlessly removes the whole corn. Each day it loosens until it arts entirely out —no pain, no discomfort —absolute safety. Why hobble about in pain, and dread buying- new shoes when you can obtain such sure and immediate relier. Get a bottle to-day, or if your chemist or store has not g-ot it In stock, send 1/6 in stamps to Barraclough's Pty., Box 1217, Welling-ton. Don't let rheumatism cripple you—take Rlieumo. 4/0. Frantic nig-hts of toothache stopped by using , Barracloug'li's Magic Nervine. 1/6. (Ad.)
Eggs are falling. Every economical housekeeper should commence to preserve with Sharland's Egg Preservative, which ie absolutely reliable.—(Ad.)
ARE on tlie Electoral Roll for 1925? Remember Enrolment is COMPULSORY Apply to any Post Office, or send name and address to the Registrar of Electors. Hold Fast to Liberty ! Vote Continuance
Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 11
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