In Ever Taste Any Imitation Honey ? m 2& Doesn't taste like the honey the bee made, Kg You can't imitate the flavour of Vfln B Luncheon Cheese n B any more than you can imitate pure honey. |H MB And flavour is but one of many features where KE H Order a tin of "Rex" Luncheon Cheese to-day. H m Sold by Grocers everywhere. . jjuj ) 3EVEN SHOE STORES WHITE SHOES f New Shipment of Latest Designs Just Arrived! ( Our new range of beautiful white shoes for Summer and S Sports wear indicates the very latest in fashion styles from I ( England and America. The ) models illustrated are only a few ( °f c man y tasteful designs now ) Aj^^_ on view in our seven etorei. S / \r •/ What is most important, our / I & prices are the lowest in Auckland ) V ™ . .«£- 1886—Ladies' Whit* V V '-V Canvas One-Bar Shoe, ) with the fashionable k \ .-■ -'* cut-out rront, as lllua- > \ tratefl. A particularly ( \mart shoe. 23/6 ( ZSB6 —23/e j ZSIB —White Canvae One-Bar Shoe, C with white kid trimming, in very A" " : ?\ tasterul design of triangle over- < ' ,ay ' 24/6 ( { Vv %V ZS4I — White Canvae ) V W vV-x Court Shoe, with rancy ( Vv *Ov "A-:\ overlay or white kid, ) VS. '-X /.<;..'-A with small side elastic ( \ ''-rv%.'*i V s :\ gusset, ensuring snug \ I f 7\. '•."••p:'.<: : .-:\ fitting, as illustrated. ( L\ .J X"""---" i ' u> X. This shoe has white y \ '"* >». pearl lining, and is / \ >. exceptionally smart. S \ 31/6 ) ZS4l—3l/6 ( ZS93 Similar Shoe to above, hut * with full elastic gusset front and { white kid overlay. New round S American toe. 31/6 \ / ZBo49—White Canvas / I One - Bar Shoe, with \ V w white kid fancy overj V Vv la y ana strap. Smart ( V. \. diamond cut-out rront. -.--AX as illustrated. 18/fi > ) \ \Sj--' Q'.q'vV ZBo44—White Canvaa / X -■• ■"* One-Bar Bhoe, with \ >\ j ow c ,jt front. Cuban / \ heel, with full rubbers. k ■■ \ Wonderrul value. > ) IQ/C ( ZSO49—IB/6 S» 10/O 1 Z5974 — White Canvae One-Bar SShoe, with white kid overlay trimming-, as illustrated. Low >Ov ____- —s. heel, with fun rubbers. A <£ '^rrrrrrrrrr^--^\ s, charming design. 16/6 yvS. , : \_J—- \ S Z5975 — Same as 'W— \ v":'/W J / above, but with "" '■ '• * \j—- = s***7 > Vlack patent over- / '*•« \ 'ja*<C~tA~ ) lay trimming. i \\ — V'^sj-^^ ) 16/6 '•' i **r zß974 _ ie/e \ < SPORTS SHOES. / Ladies' White Canvae "Tipperary" C sports Shoe, with white rubber sole / an(l toe cap, as illustratetl 6/11 / / vfflsdTtftfev DiUo > liut wltll £maUer pattern non-slip Cj a k " Tippenry" Rubber- ;; >\ * ole Canva " Bhoe, i lor Sizes:4 to 6 3/g ( If unable to call at any one of our Stores, tend cash, with size V required, stone's pay postage, and guarantee all footwear to give / fair wear or will replace with free pair. / Corner of Queen and Darby Streets, AUCKLAND. J > Branches at Endean'e Buildings, Queen Street; Karangahape i \ -.Road; Newmarket; Dominion Road; Devonport, and at / Whangarei. Q/
Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 11
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