• « NATIONAL HANDICAPS. The New Zealand Golf Association has allotted the following national handicaps to players who are desirous of competing. In the open aud amateur championship tournament to commence at the Shirley | Iljaks. Christchureh, at the end of this month :' • •..'.". Timaru Golf Club. —B. B. Wright 3, E. A. Scott -8, E. G. Kerr 9. Grovmouth' Golf Club.—W. Meldrum 10. North Otago Golf Club.—-G. L. Cuthbertson' 9. . ■ ; Mtramar. Golf Club.—J. L. Petlev 7, L.. D: Hurst 7, A. E. Conway 4,. D. 11. Butcher .1. '• Auckland Golf Club.—H. B. Lusk 5.' R. T>. Wright 0, J. L. Clark 5, W. S. Ralph , 8.. .-•••• ' Christchureh Golf Club.—G. G. Aitkcn 13. W. P.. Anderson 8. F. G. Bristed 10. L. 11. Campbell 10, X. E. Carter-9. 3: Dolph ! 12. L, A. Dougall 10. J. H. Earlev 11, K. L. Fisher 11..M.-H. Godby 10, L.Hansen IM W. T. D. Ilarman 10. G. W. Haverfield S. E. ,T. Pumphrey 9, C. A. Quane 10. D Reese 13, B. C. Rutherford 8, C. Wood 11, T. W. Woodroffe 11, K. J. Walker 13, .1. A. Gow 8,- E. M\ Macforlaue a. M. Macbeth .">, If." W. Macfarlane 3, C. A. Seymour 0, R. A. Wilson 5. C. R. J. Ward 8, R. W Morgan 9, B". C. Whitcombe 10. A L Cropp 6, E. T. Shores ft. A. R. Blank 9 • New Plymouth Golf Club.—G. M. Chons 6, P. Grey 6, F. E. Quin «. Eltham Golf Club.—Leo Quin .3, Jas Quin 3. Harold Dale 3, Alex Stewart 11 Levin Golf Club.—W. G. Clark 12 St. Clair Golf Club.—W. Clavton'o Te Kuiti Golf Club.—W. G. Fisher r> Ota«o Golf Club.—Dr. K. Ros3 •> "w ■ SK? A O, R T eed R 'l0 CaUCn<:er 10 - 3J>Dl <* Maungakiekie Golf Club.—R. M Georce , v R O. Gardner T, G. F. Gunson 7, ? A |Ke__le n n 'P - Burt ° n ;0 " l ' d^ °° lf Club — A " G. Syme 3, J. Haglcy 'Golf Club.—R. T. Tosswlll 0 T.^S n 9°° lf C,Ub - T " H. S^!on 9 -3.: VVellington Golf Club—a n c -, can Ij! B Parker 7 ' ? o Vwft G Dun " |0. Wliytc B. ' °" J " " Uson »• D - j WHANGAREI CLUB. In the second seinl-flnii r,r «i,„ _ section of the WhahJSSll V ?/ i-T?. s ?sr*w-s_r&«_*.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 10
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