HANAWATU HUNT MEETING. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) ! FEILDING. this day. The Manawatu Hunt Club Steeplechase Meeting is being held to-day. The weatuer is atrocious, a gale being accompanied by thunder and rain, the track being pructlcally under water. Following are tne results:— KIWITEA LADIES* BRACELET. One mile and a-quarter. Velvet King, 11.2 \ TlKllUil, lv.J.<i ~ BU-enrose, 10.7 ' • Scratched: Husker and Hilatwn. Won by hair a length, lnne, i.ol 1-5. TE MATAI HUiiDLIS .HANDICAP. One nine aud a-halt. Prince Rufus, iv.4 * oood ilurii, 5).0 — Sir Faiic-uui, j.1.3 ° Scratened: _uliford, -uoiupiece, and Lady Comet. Won by tuive leugins. Time, -5. ... MANAWATU HUNT CUP STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, xhree imies. | Adricnne, 1 I Price, lO.lo" - ' bjiveruKU, 10.5 ■ - ! Scraicned : Craigowan, Aoteroa, Birknose. Won i>y vis. ieug-uis. nuic, 7.15 l-o. Unly tue three piuceu nurses nmshed. AOKAUXLUE HACK FLUNG HANDICAP j six lunuugs. I Owen, 7.2 lj \\ uuerness, 8.10 - iblriuuiar_, i.» '<*> j Scratched: Appellant, Bonny Louisa. Wou by'a necli. Time, 1.-i 4-5. OTAGO HUNT CLUB. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) . DUNEDIN, this day. The Otago Hunt Club races were held in fine weatuer, tne • course being ueavy. , Results: — SEA VIEW HURDLES HANDICAP. Uue uiile and a-hall". Adjutor, 11.7 : } bachelor Cay, 11.5 - Oiympia, 0.4 d I ""Scratched: Cartoon. Won by five lengths, three lengths between secoud and tuird. 'rime, 3.55. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. Six furlongs. Jolly Glad, 7.0 } Gay Raiment, 7.0 • -j Sol way, 8.2 " Scratched: Arpcnt, Margaret Blrney, Pink Note, Tliolomou, -Miss - Y>ill-ie, Keceipt. Won by a long neck, nve between secoud "and third. Time, 1.20. WHANGAREI RACING CLUB. The Whangarel Racing cmb wlii horn then- spring meeting on October 8 and 10, and a most attractive programme has been issued bj tue club, particulars of which will be lound in tins issue. Ihe Whangarei cup or 40osovs is tne principal event on the first clay, and, in audnion, a cup, value £50, presented ny Mr. J. G. Oleeson, will go to tue owner or the winning horse. On tne second day, the Handicap or i'oQsovs, one mile, is the chief item. The other races are ■ all well endowed, and shouldi result in large entries. iNomina- , tions close with Mr. L. 0. Hill, the secretary, Whangarei, or Mr. X, Sinclair Yates, AucKlaud, on Friday, September 18. PAKURANGA HUNT CLUB. The annual point-to-point steeplechases of the rakuianga Hunt ciuo will be held at females' Mount, East Tarnakt, on Saturday, September is. Full- particulars can be obtained from the secretary, Mr. R. D. Neal, Union Buildings, ■ Customs Street, with whom entries close at i p.m. on September 11. THE WAIKATO DISPUTE. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) HAMILTON, this day. Mr. P. J. Kellaher, inspector or totalisators. will Inspect the Claudelands course on Monday on behalf or tho Minister of internal Affairs. _.'....' Waikato'Racing: Club will offer £4300 In stakes at its November meeting, the same amount as last year, the cup being i the biggest event with £750. j P. Conway is handling a two-year-old Ally by Surveyor rrom Hessian. , There was some schooling work at ( Ellerslie this morning. Miss Lucca jumped the rences on the nat twice, ! giving a good display, while Llewellyn and Flowing Bowl went over six hurdles. Both jumped well. Miss Bramble was better than Persian King over routhurdles. - Several two-year-olds were sprinted on the course proper at Ellerslie this ir.orn- '• Ing-. Clarus and Royal Tea were about on terms at the end or three furlongs in -10 i-ss. Josie Melville, Chamour, and Nassock, which were started with the barrier, finished in that order at the end or two furlongs which took 295. Antrim Boy, Odin, and the Poitrel—Quaker Girl . colt finished as named in a similar gallop. ; In this division, Newbury. Corlnax, Acushla. and the Prince Merlwec —Jolie ; Flllc Wiy also started. The time was 28s.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 10
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