-' THIS DAT. Awanul, Kaitala, Waipapaksvuri, 7.-)."5 p.m. 1 Whangarei, Oneralii. Katno, Hikurangi, Whnkapara, Kawakawa. Rus=ell, o;>ua, Kaikohe, Portland, etc., 7.45 p.m. Turua, 7,13 p.m. SUXDAY, Oth September. ■ Wellington, Palmerston Xorth, Hastings, and Xapier (letters only), 3 p.m. 1 Southern Offices of New Zealand (Gisborne " s letters only), 3.30 p.m. MONDAY, 7th September. Putiki. etc., 8.30 a.m. T Kawhia (parcels only). 11 a.m. \ Leigh. Kawau, etc., 11.30 a.m. - Walharara, Kaimaumau, Waihopo, Pukennt, j ' Houhora, Te Kao, Parenga, Te Hapua, f and Ngataki. 12.30 p.m. I New Plymouth and Taranaki District, • , 1 p.m. I Colville, Amodeo Bay. Port Charles and .. Whangapoua forward ou Coroniandel, I . 2 p.m. T . Coroniandel. Whitianga. Pakatoa. _ p.m. F Great Britain. Ireland, and Continent of » Europe, specially addressed . correspond- " once only. _ p.m. I Australian States, via Newcastle, 3 p.m. Beaehlands and Maraetai, 3.30 p.m. ' Siiverdale, Sheffield P. 8.. McGiil and Stanley P. 8., and Vipond P. 8.. 3.30 p.m. Thames and C. Chauiberlin P. 8., 3.30 p.m. Gisborne, 4 p.m. ' 1 Tauran-a, Te Pulse, Matata, Whaka lane, j ! Opotiki, 4.30 p.m. i • Wellington. Palmerston Xorth. Hastings, j and Xapier (letters only), '3 p.m. i - Southern Offices of Xew Zealand (also I Gisborne letters), 5.30 p.m. j i Whangarei Heads, Tarua Bay. Onerahl, j 5 Whangarei, Kamo, etc., 7.45 p.m. ! Whangaparaoa, Oneroa, etc., 7.45 p.m. . i OUTGOIXG OVERSEAS MAILS. ' Great Britain,, Ireland and Continent of Europe, specially addressed corresponfl- [ ence only, per Waimnna, from Auckland, 1 on Monday, 7th September, at 2 p.m. Australian States, via Newcastle, per Whangape, on Monday, 7th September, at Australian States, Ceylon, India. China, 1 Japan,- Straits Settlements and South 1 Africa, per Ulimaroa, on Friday, lltii September, at !) a.m. i Fiji, Tonga, Apia, and Pago Vago. per * Tofua, on Saturday, 12th September, at i,9 a.m. • • : Cook Islands. Tahiti, Ca_ada, Xorth America, West . Indies, Great Britain, Ireland, and Continent of Europe, via San Francisco (to connect with Tahiti at Wellington), on Monday, 14th September, at 5.30 p.m. Due London about 13th October. : Great Britain, Ireland aud Continent of i Europe, specially addressed •correHpon'ili ence only, also Pltcalrn Inland' (per Tati mil .from Wellington), per Main Trunk, on ■Monday. 21st September, at 5.30 p.m. [ INCOMING OVERSEAS 3IAT-S. . S.s. L'llinaroa, due Auckland on Tiienday, Sth September. (Australian innil.V , R.M.s. Xiagara. due Auckland on MondnV, 14th September. [English and American ' : mail.) f : ' WM. J. COW, •j , Chief' Postmaster, j: '3 ,
WAIMANA'S SAILING DATE. 1 Now loading at the Queen's wharf, the [ shaw, Savill and-.Albion Line steamer Wai- i inana is not no\v\expeeted to leave Auck- ; land for New York, Boston and London II until Monday afternoon or Tuesday morn- ] ing. She was originally expected to sail , to-morrow morning. 'I