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-, SunseL To-day, 3.33. Sunrise: To-morrow. CO. Moon: Last Quarter, loth, 11.42 a.m. HIGH WATER. Auckland To-day, 8.31 a.m. 8.58 p.m. " Auckland Sun.. •.)._! a.m. 0.45 p.m. .:.Onehunga Sun., 0.3.3 a.m.. 12.58 p.m. ; Kaipara iHds.. . Sun., 0.30 a.m. 12.53 p.m. Manukau lids. .Sim., 11.35 a.m. 11.58 p.m. ARRIVALS.—YESTERDAY. Ronaki, from Portland, 5.20 p.m. Wonganella, from Nauru Island, 11.45 p.m, THIS DAY. Waihemo, from Westport. 6.50 a.m. Pinna, from Singapore, 7.4-5 a.m. Taniwha, from Paeroa, 6.40 a.m. Xgapuhi, from Whangarei, 5.45 a.m. ■Clansman, from Russell, G. 05 a.m. Glenelg. from, Whangarei. 0.45 a.m. Awahoa, from East- Coast bays, 10.50 a.m. DEPARTURES.—YESTERDAY. - Karorl, for Greymouth, 3.35 p.m. Matangi, for Tauranga. 7.10 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei, 7.10 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND -.•Tainul, London, nt Wellington. Canadian Britisher, South, September 7. Wainui, East Coast, September ti. Wairuna, San Francisco, September 7. Canadian Spinner, Montreal, September 8. Tnraklna, South (loads), September 9. Tjlimaroa, Sydney, September S. Tofua, Fiji, September 7. -, )■ Elfrieda (barque), Surprise Island, .to sail. , Kuahine, London, via Wellington, Sept 10 Sussex, Calcutta, September 10 Sally Maersk, Montreal, September 12. .Kosmos, Xew York, September 15. Dorset, South (loads), September IS. Rarotonga, September 10. ■"", . JJevon, Liverpool', September 10. <Sr c - Southampton, September 21. West Mins, San Francisco, September 21. Ireverbyn, New York, September 25. JBororata, South (loads), September 27. lAlaimoa, Capetown, October 5. " •Lei trim, South (loads), October 7. H.M.S. Laburnum, Fiji, October 7. ;Otaki, Liverpool, October 10. _ Corlnthic, Loudon, via Wellington, Oct. 24. ...... VESSELS IX PORT. In Stream—Rewa (oarque), Xorthern Chief (schooner), Rira (schooner), Benicia, Pinna. Zinal. •Devonport— H.M.s. Philomel, Xucula (tanker), HJM.c.s. Iris Central Wharf— Erviken. Wailiemo. King s -Wharf—Omana. Kent. Wonganella. Queen s Wharf— Matakami, Waimana. North -Wall—Kaiapoi. . Xv Dock—Penmorvah. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. ■ Expected Arrivals. To-morrow.—Waipu, from Surfdale and Ostend, 6.30 p.m.; Omana, from Omiha. Awaroa Bay. Orapiu and Cowes Bay. 5.45 p.m.; Matangi, from Tauranga, f a.m.; Claymore, from Whangarei, 6 a.m. . Projected Departures. To-day.—Apanui, for Awanul and Waipapakauri, 11.3.0 p.m. To-morrow. — Omnnn, for Surfdale Ostend and Omiha, 0.00 a.m.; Taniwha, for Paeroa, midnight; Ngapuhi, for Whnnsarei 10 p.m. . "Monday.—Omana, for Surfdale, Ostend ■ arid Omiha, 10 a.m. CANADIAN BRITISHER COMINfj. An expected arrival at Auckland on Monday morning is tho Canadian Government steamer Canadian Britisher, from Wellington to complete her cargo for Xew York. Boston and Montreal. On arrival she will berth at the Queen's wharf. She will prohably be dispatched on her voyage on Tuesday morning. , ' ',:,, SHIP BEING REBUILT. :.,., An. interesting reconstruction is being carried out at Belfast on the s.s. Fair Head (1093 tons), one of the fleet of the Ulster 'Steamship Company. The vessel, which .enjoys the distinction of being the only .Head' liner build toy Messrs. Harland and was launched as far back as 1579, : nrid lias been -running ever since, chiefly in the' Baltic trade. In order to make, bar • more suitable for that traflic. the company has decided practically to rebuild the vessel, and the work is now in hand. Xew engines and boilers are to be Installed, the hatches enlarged, 'tween deck accommodation improved, and other work which will practically give'the ship a new lease of life, despite her 46 odd years. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Captain H. .1. Doyle has been appointed •to.the command of the Karori in place of. Captain J. L. Brisco. who is on holiday. '•Mr. J. Leonard is chief officer of the Kainona, while Mr. A. E. Rawlins is on holiday. . Mr. J. H. Ibtotson has joined the Waiuui '"as second officer. Mr. E. M. Foster is awaiting instructions. Mr. J. Mcßae. second officer of the Waimarino, has been granted holiday leave. Mr. T. E. Bcvan has succeeded Mr. W. .Tohnson as chief officer of the Poolta. Mr. Johnson has come ashore for instructions. Mr. J. A. Pearson, who has been on leave, has joined the Hauraki as second officer. WONGANELLA WITH PHOSPHATE. Arriving late last night from Nauru Island, via New Plymouth, the tramp steamer Wonganella, which Is owned by W. Crosby and Co., anchored in the stream until this morning, when she berthed at the eastern side of the King's wharf. The Wonganella, which was in Auckland during March last, loaded a full cargo of phosphates at Nauru and cleared the island for New Plymouth on August 23. Fair weather was experienced on the run to Xew Zealand and the steamer arrived at Xew Plymouth on Wednesday last. At that port, however, all berthing accommodation was occupied and the Wonganella was ordered on to Auckland. She is under the local agency of Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane. The Wonganella is under the command of Capt. 11. Stiffem, who has with him the following officers: —First, Mr. A. I). Williamson ; second, Mr. W. Dcnman; third, Mr. "T. Gordon; chief engineer, Mr. W. ,T. Sleek: second. Mr. D. C. MeVean"; third, _ Mr. H.. J. Page; fourth, Mr. L. W. Allen: ■ wireless operator, Mr. 11. A. Grier; chief ■ Steward,-Mr.-T." R. Hale. m
The Richardson line steamer Awahou arrived at Auckland this morning from Last Coast bays. She will load at the «. yueen a wharf for her return trip. Messrs. WatKln and Wallace are the local agents. n . KAKAPO FOR WALPOLE ISLAND. ", Advice received from the Union Co. ti states that their steamer Kakapo has been fixed to load a coal cargo at Westport for Auckland about Tuesday next. After discharge at this port she is to proceed to Noumea and Walpole Island to load for Lluffi and Dunedin. PEXMORVAII UNDOCKS MONDAY. _ Now undergoing cleaning nnd painting in the dock, the tramp steamer Penniorvah is expected to he floated out on Monday. She will then go to an anchorage in the l stream. The steamer Ziual will then be docked for cleaning and inspection. r TOFUA DUB OX MONDAY. J Returning from her monthly trip to 1 islands of the Western Pacific, "the Union 1 Co.'s steamer Tofua has reported by wireless that she expects to reach Auckland at 5 1 p.m. en Monday next. She has on board , passengers, mails and cargo, the latter consisting largely of fruit. AORANGI CLEARED SUVA. , ■ In continuation of her voyage to Vancouver, via the usual ports, tlie Union Co.'s 1 Royal Mail motor liner Aorangi was expected to clear Suva yesterday afternoon. ■ The liner loaded cargo and embarked passengers nt this port, taking her departure , on luesday last. . ULIMAROA FROM SYDNEY. j ( Cabled advice confirming the sailing yes- < terday of the Huddart Parker steamer ' ' t limaroa from Sydney for Auckland had I 1 not been received in this city up till noon , 1 to-day. It is possible that the steamer did : not leave the N.S.W. port until to-day. and ' 1 In the latter case she will not arrive before j ' Wednesday. i THE CANADIAN SPINNER. I From Montreal with general cargo, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian ! " Spinner is expected to arrive at Auckland about Tuesday of next week. Hence she proceeds to southern ports to complete dis- ; charge aud to commence loading for her J return trip. WAIIIEMO IN PORT. With a coal cargo from Westport, the I'nion Co.'s, steamer Waihemo arrived at , Auckland t£is morning, when she berthed ] at the Central Wharf. On Tuesday she will be docked for cleaning and painting and will probably sail for Pacific Coast the same evening. * WAIRUNA ARRIVING MONDAY. Carrying timber, case oil and general cargo. the Union Co.'s trans-Pacific freighter Wairuna is expected to arrive at Auckland on Monday morning from Pacific Coast ports. She will berth at the Prince's wharf, where she will put out the local portion of her cargo before proceeding to Southern and Australian ports to complete discharge. < RUAHINE DUE AT WELLIXGTOX. According to a wireless message received by ihe local office of the New Zealand Shipping Co. this morning, the liner Run- < nine will arrive at Wellington from London ■ and Southampton at 1 p.m. to-morrow. I, Besides mails and cargo the steamer has j on board between 300 and 400 passengers. The Auckland quota will probably come North By: to-morrow evening's express. PINNA FROM SINGAPORE. - Loaded with a full cargo of case oil. the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co."s steamer Pinna arrived at Auckland this morning from Singapore. On arrival the vessel underwent inspection by the port doctor and the Customs officials. She will remain in the stream until to-morrow morning, when she will berth at the Western wharf to'put out the local portion of he: cargo before proceeding to Southern ports to complete discharge. The Pinna is under the command of Captain T. Powell. MASTERS OF C. AND D. UNITS. News of the following transfers of masters of Commonwealth and Dominion Hue steamers has been received at Auckland : Captain A. C. Hoad, late of the Port Nicholson, is now on the Port Hacking. Captaiu J. Jack is now on the Port Nicholson. Captain Williamson, late of the Port Hacking, is now on the Port Lincoln, • vice Captain G. W. Ilearne. who has transferred to ihe Port Curtis in place of Captain C. Van der Bergh. The latter is now on the Port Kembln. in place of Captain R. P. Craven, \wha- of the uew motor ship Port iiobart. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Movements of vessels under the flag of the Union Company are announced as follow :— Ngakuta has been fixed to load nt Greymouth about Wednesday next for Gisborne and Auckland. Katoa cannot leave Dunedin before Monday afternoon for Auckland, via ports. Kurow is pxpeeted to leave Napier tof night for Auckland, where she is due on Monday morning. She will berth at the . Prince's wharf to load for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. i . Wainui left Gisborne at 8 a.m. to-day for Tokomaru Bay and Auckland. oil arrival about midday to-morrow she will . berth at the Queen's wharf. Wanaka was expected to leave Timaru at noon to-day for Wellington, Picton and Auckland. i Whangape shifted from the Western wharf to the Prince's wharf this morning, and was to sail this afternoon for Newcastle. I Wingatui loads at Dunedin about Thurs- , day next, via Oaniaru, Timaru, and Lytteli ton, for Wellington and Auckland.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 8
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1,658SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 8
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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 8
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