■JT fg Tj o - 51 AND TtTERCANTILH AGENCY CO.. LTD. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Buyers are notified that at all Auction Sales delivery wUI only be given for CASH unless arrangements for Credit have been previously made with the Management. QLEVEDON YARDiS. "jIJOXDAY, gEPTEMBER rr AT 12 NOON. AKfl HEAD MIXED CATTLE. On Account of Client. IS YEARLING TO IS-MONTHSTjER-SEY HEIFERS, Also, 1 PUREBRED BERKSHIRE SOW, with Litter. Entries Solicited. pUKEKOHB Y- ARDSmUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Q AT 11.30 A.M. |AA HEAD MIXED CATTLE. ALSO AT 1 P.M. On Account of c CUeni. 60 3* ito 4-YEAR-OLD STEERS, in forward condition, 40 HEAD BEEF. Entries Solicited. •yjTARKWORTH Y ARDS « mHURSDAY, gEPTEMBER -JQ AT 12 NOON. OQA HEAD MIXED CATTLE. 50 SPRINGERS. 40 YEARLINGS. 40 YEARLINGS TO 18-MONTH STEERS. 40 2 TO 3-YEAR-OLD STEERS. 20 STORE COWS. 30 2-YEAR-OLD EMPTY HEIFERS. ' Also, I On Account of Mr. George VenneU, I Kaipara Flats, 10 3-YEAR-OLD BLACK POLL AlftGUS STEERS. 5 2-YEAR-OLD BLACK POLL AKI GUS STEERS. Also On Account of Mr. Jas. Little. Papakurfc 4 USEFUL FARM HORSES. 4 GOOD HACKS. | Entries Solicited. ■ , ■ i ' "i pAPAKURA -y-ASDS. ~! i_l gPECIAL gALE. jT| N JjIRIDAY, gEPTEMBER "J-J 1 AT 11.30 A.M. AKfi DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS. Also, On Account of a Client. 8 JERSEY CROSS HEIFERS. Entries Solicited. " T IST OF gALES • FOR 1 r^TH-PTFIMRIiIR
»-~ ~-— r ;..(■;<! ■* '■""'"■'"■ CLEVEDON—MONDAY, 7th. PUKEKOHE—TUESDAY, Bth. 10th. PAPAKURA —Dairy SaIes—FRIDAY, 11th. PUKEKOHE —Horse Sales —MONDAY, 14th. TUAKAU—THURSDAY, 17th. KAUKAPAKAPA—FRIDAY, 18th. WAIUKU—FRIDAY 18th. KAIHU—SATURDAY, 19th. MANGAWHARE1 —TUESDAY, 22nd. ?RANKLIN JERSEY BREEDERS' ANNUAL SALE —TUESDAY, 22nd. ARAPOHUE —WEDNESDAY, 23ra. MAUNGATGROTO —THURSDAY, 24th. ARDMORE— Clearing Sale of Mr. John NIcoI—THURSDAY 24th. SaIes—FRIDAY, 25th, KAUKAPAKAPA—TUESDAY, 29th. WHITFORD —TUESDAY, 29th. WEEKLY SALES: FAT CATTLE. SHEEP, CALVES. PIGS. ETC.—EVERY WEDNESDAY, AX WESTFIELD YARDS.. DAIRY AND STORE STOCK AND STORE SHEEP—EVERY THURS* DAY, WESTFIELD YARDS. IST 7 J.OAK AND jITBRCANTILa AGENCY CO., LTD, j AUCTIONEERS. LOWER ALBERT ST., AUCKLAND. / 'Phone 40-920. ( SALE UND_3 CONDUCT OF THE REGIS* TRAR AT AUCKLAND OF THIS {SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, and at the ieguest of the Mort- • gugees. SALE OF FREEHOLD LAND AT AUCTION, mHE DAY OF gEPT., 1925, AT -1 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON. mHE "YEW f7EALAND AND JITERCANTILD QO., J^TD. AUCTIONEERS, ' Have been instructed to offer for Sale, in one lot by Public Auction, at the Salcyartls of 'the Company at Pukekohe, the undermentioned Freehold Land, consisting of ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF lAND situate in the provincial district of Auckland, containing 154 acres 2j nerchcs,' being part Of Allotments 1»9 and ISO of the Parish of Onewhero. Tho Property is situate 4J miles from Tuakau, on the bank of the Waikato River. All drained swamp land, practically all In crass - seven paddocks. 4-Roomed Cottago and cowshed. All fences in good order. Tbe Mortgagees' application and their estimate of the value of tho land can be seen at the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court at Auckland at all reasonable times prior to the sale, and in the Auction Yards at the time of Sale, without payment of any fee. For further particulars apply to The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, Auckland and Pukekohe or to Messieurs Sainsbury, Logan, and Williams, Solicitors to the Mortgagees, Napier. , 21 gTREET J_AND JJOOMS, J-RIDAY, gEPTEMBER -1 O AT £> P.M. BY PUBLIC AUCTION. 1/ ACRE GOOD LEVEL LAND, RIVERS- *£ DALE ROAD, AVONDALE FLATS, 132 ft frontage; in crops: nearly new Cottage, 2 rooms and scullery, c.1., city Water; terms. Flagged. 2 QUARTER-ACRE SECTIONS. ~N.Z. 3_ OAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. AUCTIONEERS. 3 (Auctions Continued on Page 13.)
Page 7 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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