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A LFRED J> UCKLAND _ gONS, J TD. /COUNTRY gALES. RUNCIMAN DAIRY SALE—MONDAY, September 7. KAIWAKA—MONDAY, September 7. MAUNGATUROTO—TUESDAY, September 8. AVONDALE—SaIe of Mr. T. G. Evison— TUESDAY, September 8. WELLSFORD—WEDNESDAY, September 9. KUMEU—THURSDAY. September 10. PUKEKOHE—THURSDAY, September 10. TURUA—FRIDAY. September 11. HELENSVILLE —MONDAY, September 14. POKENO—MONDAY, September 14. RUNCIMAN—TUESDAY, September IS. PUKEKOHE HORSE SALE —WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, September 16 and 17. CLEVEDON—SaIe of A. A. Finn—MONDAY, September 21. PUKEKOHE ANNUAL SALE OF PEDIGREE JERSEYS of the Franklin Jersey CIub—TUESDAY, September 22. PUKEKOHE DAIRY SALE—THURSDAY, September 24. WAITAKARURU —FRIDAY, September 25. WEEKLY SALES. THE HAYMARKET—TUESDAYS, FORTNIGHTLY: Hides, Skins, .Wool, TaUow, WESTFIELD YARDS — WEDNESDAYS: Fat Cattle, Sheep, Calves. Pigs. etc. WESTFIELD YARDS — THURSDAYS: Dairy and Store Cattle. THE HAYMARKET—FRIDAYS: Horset, Vehicles, Harness, Hay, Straw, and Grain, etc. BUYERS FOR MESSRS. THOS. BORTHWICK AND SONS (AUSTRALASIA). LTD.. ._ FROZEN MEAT EXPORTERS, ETC. A LFRED JSUCKLAND & gONS, JTD. 2TTOUSES. O TTOUSES. •Q-OUSES. ** -O-OUSES. URGENT SHORT NOTICE SALE. TJOBERTS AND /-«>., Under instructions from the owner will Sell at their Rooms, Jellicoe Chambers, corner of Queen and Wyndham Streets. J7IRIDAY, gEPTEMBER -J-J AT O O'CLOCK. A MAGNIFICENT 6-ROOMED BUNGALOW, with every modern convenience, porcelain bath, basin, and p.w.c. All bedrooms open on to sleeping porches, panelled hall, dining room, beam ceilings (pergola). Built 2 years. Good level section, situated EUSTON ROAD, SMIN. FROM EDENDALE TERMINUS. Also, ACALIFORNIAN BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, situated in Fowlds Avenue, with every modern convenience, sleeping porch, magnificent views. The owner will take small deposits on both places. Both Houses are Empty and must be Sold. 1 'PHONE 44-398. &QUIRRELL AND QOMPANY, mUESDAY (NEXT), AT AA O'CLOCK, IN THEIR YARD. 9f>.A SHEETS CORR; IRON, 8 AND *W 9 FEET. OAA SHEETS CORR. IRON, 8 AND -WUvJ 9 feet. 1 ORION RANGE, 36 : inch, with Copper Boiler; as new. TERMS CASH. gQUIRRELL AND /COMPANY, AUCTIONEERS .. AND VALUERS, 14, VICTORIA STREET EAST. ; 3 UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAB OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AT AUCKLAND, AT THE
REQUEST OF THE FIRST MORTGAGEE.-; Jn.exerclßCoLjtbe Power of ;Sale contained and implied in Memorandum of Mortgage No. 107651, and collateral Deed of Mortgage No. 294122. JfIRIDAY, THE QTH DAY OF /-\CTOBER, 1925, AT 2.30 PM * AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF THE "M" V J OAN AND TirERCANTILH AGENCY, LIMITED, Situated at the corner of Albert and Customs Street, Auckland, On the above date. A SHEEP AND CATTLE FARM, containing Two Hundred and Five (205) Acres, all fenced, well subdivided Into paddocks, well watered, 70 acres ploughable, 170 acres in grass, and the balance in mixed bush. BUILDINGS.—6-roomed house, washhouse, cowshed, barn, cartshed, separator shed, stockyard. Situated about 15 miles by metalled road from Wainui Post Office and 7 miles by metalled road from Kaukapakapa Railway Station, being, firstly, ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND situated in the Parish of Pukeatua in the County of Eden in the Provincial District of Auckland, containing by admeasurement One Hundred (100) Acres, more or less, being Allotment 245 and the Jiorthern part of Allotments 24(5 and 247, and being the" whole of the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 1, Folio 27, Auckland Registry, and sencondly, ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND situated in the Provincial District of Auckland, containing One Hundred and Five (105) Acres, being Allotment 104 of the Parish of Pukeatua In the County of Eden. The Mortgagee's application, containing his estimate of the value of the mortgaged property, may be seen at the Oflice of the Registrar of the Supreme Court at Auckland, at any reasonable time prior to the sale, and a copy may be seen in the Auction Room at the time of the sale without payment of any fee. Condition of Sale and other particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, or at the offices of Messieurs Reed, Towle, and Cooper, Safe Deposit Buildings, corner High Street and Vulcan Lane, Auckland, Solicitors for the. First Mortgagee. 9 ( A LBERT gTREET J AND J>OOMS. J-RIDAY, gEPTEMBER (?•? at 2> 30 P'M. Favoured with instructions from MRS. H. A. MULLJNS, Ardmore, we will Sell by Public Auction, as above, mHE WELL - KNOWN FROPERTY AT ARDMORE, PAPAKURA. Consisting of 120 ACRES, good quality, level land, nearly all in grass. The farm will be offered in areas of from 16 to* acres. The homestead consists of six large rooms, bathroom, scullery and conveniences; also large barn, cowshed, cart and implement shed, with loft-rural mail school about half mile; motor bus close by; aJ.a t o_cred a as a 'whole, if not sold will be disopsed of as above. Easy Terms. Flagged. TJ J OAN AND jypRCANTILE * AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED, AUCTIONEERS, LOWER ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. 'PHONE 40-920. 'In Conjunction With E. R. T YLDEjr » PAPAKURA. SPORTS' ~tEQtf> SITES. TENNIS Racquets Repaired and Re-strung within a .lew hours.—Mackey's, corner Wrndham and Albert Sts. D TENNIS Racquets Re-strung, Repaired, Patronised by Tilden, World's Cham- , pion.—A. Bruce, Racquet Stringer, 94, ' Albert Street. C
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
Word Count
812Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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