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SITUATIONS VACANT. APPLICATIONS, to be made on P.S.C. Form 17a, obtainable ai principal-Post Offices, will be received up to NoiiN for the following positions :■— (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 10, 1925). ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR IN AGRICULTURE, CHRISTCHURCH. Professional Division, Class B. Commencing salary £295 per annum, maximum £320. It Is desired that applicants should have a practical knowledge of agricultural and pastoral methods, and educational qualifications up to a University standard. (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 17, 1025). ASSISTANT PROPERTY INSPECTOR, PUBLIC TRUST DEPARTMENT, CHRISTCHURCH. General Division. Salary £275 per annum. A knowledge of the building trade and cost of materials, and ability to prepare plans and specifications are necessary qualifications for the position. (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 18, 1925). INSPECTORS OF MACHINERY AND ENGINEER SURVEYORS OF SHIPS (Combined Position). MARINE DEPARTMENT, WELLINGTON. Professional Division Class E. Commencing salary £380 per annum. The successful applicant will be required to possess a Sca-golng Certificate as First-class Engineer. (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 10. 1025). ASSISTANT ORCHARD INSTRUCTORS, AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT. General Division. Salary £245 per annum. A practical knowledge of the various phases of orcharding and up-to-date methods of grading and packing fruit will be required for these positions. (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 21, 1023). INSPECTOR OF EXPLOSIVES, DOMINION LABORATORY, INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT, WELLINGTON. General Division. Commencing salary £275 per annum, rising to an ultimate maximum of £425. It is desired that applicants should hnve a good knowledge of Chemistry, and preference will be given to graduates in , Science, Engineering or Mining. (CLOSING SEPTEMBER 22, 1925). TEMPORARY ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, GISBORNE. Commencing salary £250 per annum. Further particulars may he obtained on application. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. Public Service Commissioner, Wellington. 00 AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. BOARD. Applications are invited for the Position of HONORARY PHYSICIAN for- the Auckland Hospital Board, for the period ending March 31, 10:20. Form of application and schedule or duties may be obtained at the Office of tne Secretary, Kitchener Street, where applications should be lodged ou or before Noon of September S, next. 11. A. SOMMERVILLE, 69 Secretary. JJIRKENHEAD BOROUGH BAND (1n6.). CONDUCTOR WANTED. Applications will be received for the above position, closing on 14th inst. Conditions, on application to SECRETARY, C/o Borough Council Chambers, Birkenhead.. . 11_ V. QUEENTN, Hon. Sec. Tj. O O X B I N D I N G. WANTED, A GOOD MAN FOR GUILLOTINE CUTTING AND BOOKBINDING. Apply MANAGER, I STAR OFFICE. ' TJ O I WANTED, FOR WAREHOUSE. Apply, WHOLESALE HARDWARE, 1 • r P.O. Box 909. QHRISTCHURCH ~* CATHEDRAL. VACANCY IN CHOIR. There is a Vacancy for One TENOR LAY .CLERK.. Salary," £00 per annum." 'Good: Sight ■■■•■-■ Reading Esfcehtlat For particulars apply to DR. BRADSHAW, Organist. Cathedral, Christchureh. 10 AND MERCERY yj ASSISTANT, FIRST-CLASS, Wanted for Progressive Hamilton ' . Business. Apply, between 10 and 11 a.m., Monday, WELLINGTON WOOLLEN CO., LTD., Elliott Street, .Auckland. 51 , TTIIRST-CLASS . SALESWOMAN FOR x NEWTON BRANCH. Also, ASSISTANT. Apply MISS DIXON, Milliner, ' Victoria Street W. Q.ENERAL ASSISTANT. GENERAL ASSISTANT WANTED, With Some Knowledge of Butter Factory Work. Award Rates. Apply, stating experience, first instance, to MANAGER, Ruawal Co-op. Dairy Co.. Ltd.. ______ 135 GROCERY STORE MAN - ABLE TO DRIVE MOTOR, WANTED. •Must have had previous experience in Grocery Trade. Apply, HUTCHINSON'S (Wholesale), LTD., Beach Road. 24_ JUNIOR SHORTHAND TYPISTE WANTED. Apply in writing, with copies of testimonials, to THE BRITISH IMPERIAL OIL CO. (N.Z.), LTD., P.O. Box 199, ■ Anckland. 145 LADY, YOUNG, CAPABLE WANTED, FIRST SALES, Hosiery Section. And TWO EXPERIENCED ASSISTANTS For Glove, Art NeedleWork, and Haberdashery' Departments. Good Stock Keepers" Essential. Apply RENDELL'S, D 4 Karangahape Road. TITACIIIXISTS AND IMPROVERS, i-'-L EXPERIENCED, For FROCKS AND OVERALLS. CROSS AND JACKSON, Hill and Plumrner's Buildings, 74-80, Hobson Street. i rVTEW ZEALAND RAILWAY OFFICERS' -* INSTITUTE. VACANCY FOR GENERAL SECRETARY AND EDITOR. Applications for above Position will be received by the undersigned up to 23rd September, 1025. Practical experience in railway working is essential. Commencing salary, £400 per annum Schedule of duties, etc., obtainable from V. J. STANLEY. President, P-O. Box 1123. Wellington. QTAGO HARBOUR BOARD. ASSISTANT DOCK MASTER. Applications (especially addressed to the Secretary, and endorsed "Application for Assistant Dock Master"), for the above Position, will be received up to Noon on SEPTEMBER 25, 1925. Salary £300 per annum. • Schedule of Duties and Conditions of Appointment may he obtained from the undersigned. W. J, BARDSLEY. Secretary Harbour Board Office, Dunedin. " C It >5
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
708Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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