FARM HANDS. MAN, for general farm work. £2 5/ and found, state capabilities.—A. Churcher. I'io Pin. Te Kuiti. • —rOI'TH assist Hand-milking and Farm 1 Work; state wages.—G. Bates. onewj_r_ VIHTII wanted, for farm work: Mnta--1 ' ni-ifa- "•.-.■: fare pair.-Apply, to-night. M .• Nab! _. Esplanade Rd.. j LEASE Q~F"~~~P. BFNGALOW, 0 rooms, convs., i\:.n. ; Takai.cni "nd secijon trams; from NovemI ~...- : jfoo'rt fij "■•■-■ _______ Star. 494 /-I X \!-"ToN - P.oardin-h.iuse, 12 rooms; ICt Vplendid furniture: near bridge; long I icii<».- i-'-T'i'. _ ___ _j_____-_ Stak. 44!) ] T EASE of Beautifully-situated Flat for 'Tj sal-. L.-st part Grafton: artistic j interior llrtin_>. decorations, carpets, electrical linin-s. and all furniture.— Write | r.ii. Box i.t'i. Auckland. | DENTISTRY. j'' ' " and Extreme Care rj.ENTLF.NESS and Extreme Care. GENTLENESS and Extreme Care. Gold Fillings Guaranteed Ei_ht Years. " What is worth doing is worth doing well." TTOWEY XT'ALKER, Dentist. 200, QCEEN STREET. ..-_.._.» P
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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