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APABTMEWTB VACAWT. T>OOMS (2), unfurn., self-contained, tit - 1 -* , cUenette, c.1., all convs.—Apply 21 Park Ay. .' ■ "ROOMS (2), unturnished; 0.1., own gas ■"> stove and fire.—26, JllUais St., off WH llamson Ay. OOMS (2),' large, and kitchenette, ga stove, balcony, private; 25/. —131 Pitrnell Rd. . "DOOM, large, furn., suit 2 friends; c.1.. - 1 -* 1 convs.—4B4, Queen St., opp. Hotel Northland. ROOM, furn. or unfurn., suitable lady han-dy Mt. Eden and Epsom trams.— Inquire Star. 451 KOOM, double, furn., all cooking convs. : c.1.. ground f100r.—152, Queen St., opp Myers Park. I3j "TJOO.MS (2), unfurn., kitchenette, c.l. "> all eoiivs.; near Newmarket; adults.— Inquire Star. 4i( ROOMS (2 or 3), unfurn., use kitchen ette, fi.1.—05, Prospect Terrace Dominion Rd. EOOMS (4), large, unfurn.; suit family 30/ ; evenings.—lß, Walton St., Victorii Aye., Remuera. 10ROOM, double, furn., own kitchen ; n< ' objection one child.—lD, Willow St. off Franklin Rd. 11] KOOMS, single and double, c.1., all convs Iranhoe, 91, Wcllesley St. West, opp Wellesley House. ROOMS (2 or 3), well furn., separat meter, c.1.; handy car.—l 4, Halstoi Rd., Dominion Kd. 3; "DOOMS (3), nice, unfurn., 25/, c.1.; : -"•' mins. from Three Lamps.—3l, Prospec Terrace, Ponsonby. ROOMS (4), unfurn., sunny, separat cooking convs.; Ist section.—3, Faro ham St.. Parneil. OOMS (2), unfurn., c.1., convs; 27/G including firing and lighting.—6, Bum mer St., Ponsonby. IP 1 ! ROOM, double, and kitchen; stove, meter fireplace ; self-contained ; 25/. —31 Edinburgh St., Newton. lpj ROOMS, nicely furn., 1 child not Objected : c.1., every cony.—9, Warnock St., Richmond bus terminus. KOOMS (2), unfurnished, fireplace, c.l. stove, meter, kitchenette; 2nd section 58, View Rd., Mt. Eden. ROOMS (2) unfurn., renovated, fireplace sepnrate meter, cooker, light, adults mm. Valley Rd. 6! ROOMS (2), furn., kitchenette, c.l. bath, gas cooking; no children Mornlngsldo.—lnquire STAR. 40) ROOM, sunny, furnished; nice locality: handy town ; breakfast optional; lov rent. —Apply 11. Strand Arcade. ROOMS (2), unfurn., and kitchenette: sepnrate entrance; 17/6 week.—Cornel Bradford and Earl Sta.. "Parnell. ROOMS, (2), large, unfurn., 27/6, fire place ; Furn. Single,. 10/6, 8/6 ; Singl. Beds, 8/6, bath.—l 3, Parnell Rd. ROOMS (2), unfurn., fireplace, c.1., ho water; two minutes car; moderate adults.—l 2. Trnpmere Rd.. Edendale. ROOM, double, fv.ft.., separate cooking city; no fares; 22/6; sober, respect able.—Apply 60. Wellesley St. W. KOOM, furn., kitchenette, c.1., hot water private entrance; own meter.—l 2 Nixon St.. Newton. Near Reservoir. ROOMS (2), kitchenette, separate ■ entrance, fireplace; quiet, central; use onnvs.—No. 2. William St.. Dominion Rd ROOMS (2), large, unfurnished, conveni ences, separate cooking; reasonable.— Annly aftor 5. 12. King St., Kingsland. ROOMS (2), unfurn.. Heme Bay Water front; use .modern convs.: ront 20/ suit business people.—lnquire Star. 42( ROOM (1), large unfurnished: als( kitchen, eelf-contained; near Cowan'i Bakery.—2. Sucnyslde Rd.. Mt. Eden. ROOMS, 3 or more, unfurn., separate entrance ; stove, meter ; room for car : refined adults. —Inquire Mre. Edwards, Mt Albert Terminus. » KOOMS, superior, all convs.; select home few ladies or ft 'euts; breakfasi optional; Symonds St.; sep. entrances.— Inquire Star. 4*K CJINGLE Beds to Let. c.1., bath; Tfi fj weekly.—SS. Union St.. City. 8f SYMONDS ST. Section.—Double Furn Bed Sitting Room, separate stove.— 120. Newton Rd. " milE WILLOWS," Symonds St.—Bed J- and Brenkfast. 'Phone 43-268.—Mlse O'Den. Proprietress. A WIDOW has nicely Furn. Rooms, sui mates or ni.c.—3, Rautangi Rd., Mt Eden. ' APARTMENTS WANTED. FLAT, unfurn., wanted, near car; nc children; permanent.—Write F. 0773 __________________ unfurn., 2 front rooms, convs.' A" eelf-contalned; hnndy Grafton Bridge terms rcasonable.»-Write W. 0020. Star TTMLAT, furn., self-contained, wanted bj ■£ couple; bed Bitting room kitchenette; easy distance Queeu St.—Write H. 0489, Star. TjIURNISHED Double Room, with couvs., •*- desired by two mates; quiet, clean: terms.—Write*F. 0642, Star. ROOMS (2 or 3) and kitchenette, furn. or unfurnished. —The Home Finders 58, Queen St. 62 ROOM single, wanted in city; well furn., c.1., califont, etc.; gent.—Write R.S., 76. <3rr-fton Rd. ROOM, unfurn., wanted, Jn Newton rent not more than 8/ per week respectable.—Write W. 9104. Star. LIVE STOCK AND VEHIOL-β FOB SALE fiHESTNUT Filly, 4 years, Bren v-- , Locanda —Brltanny; straight out trot ter, In work short while.—Price and par tlculara from E. S. Groat. Mangerc. GIG and Road Jogger for Sale; cheap.— Apply Sllva, Mascot House, Trafalgai St., Onehnnsa. 1»K PONY for Sale.—Apply E. Wigg, 286 Remuera Rd. ' It PONY, sound and quiet; also Saddle ant Bridle ; £ 5 takes the lot. —Inquin Star. 43j 1/ TON Spring Cart, splendid order; £10 /2 Owsley, Hepburn Rd.. Glen Eden. POULTRY FOR SALE. BROODY Hens (2), 0/6 each.—Lloyd 13 Columbia Rd., Edendale. ENGLISH Pure Bred - Black Minorcas 10/6 settings.—9, Warnock St. Richmond bus terminus. HEN and 15 Chicks, Black Orpington 22/6: also other Chicks.—C. Oliver Bollard Ay- Avontlale. TXSUBATOR (Buffalo), perfect order, 100- --- egg; snip; first cheque, £2 15/ secures.— Newton. P.O. Box 34, Howlck. ' WL. SETTINGS, Barron Padman strain • W.L. Cockerels.—'Stocken. opp. St John's Lake, Waiatarua Rd., Remuera. BOATS {FOR SAI.E. BARGAIX. —Logan 16-footer Aratu. nev silk sails, all gear, moorings; £98 cash Wiseman's, Queen St. M.F.S /BRUISING Launch, 2Sft, 12 h.p. Whi« engine ; bargain, £100.—Thode and Co. 17, Phoenix Chambers. DINGHY, lift, centreboard. Bailing 01 rowing; all gear, complete.—B, Princes St., City. FOR Sale, or Exchange for Keeler, 26fl Mullet Boat, two seasons old, wii: stand any inspection.—Apply 20G, Khybei Pass, Newmarket. KEELER. sound working order; cheaf for quick sale.—V.. Box SO7. 0.r.0. ■yACIIT, lead keel, 2S£t overall, cushions -*•, rtinphy, etc.; cheap.—Appli 12, Redmond St., Ponsoaby. £QA— MILLICENT, 18ft; cruising and "^ ov racing gear complete.—R. Simons, 405, Queen St. BOATS WANTED. BOAT Sail, light, 70 to 120ft.—Watson Ahimsa, St. Helier's. El LAUNCH, good, etout, 28 to SO feet, aboul Sft beam, .with 8-10 Standard eagine, wanted to <buy. for cash, for particulars to Box 1641. G.P.O. XTACHT, small, about 14ft, wanted.— •*■ Particulars • and where seen to F. OTI6, Stab.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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943Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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