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APARTMENTS VACANT. A BOUT Flats, Rooms. Houses; reason ** able rentals.—Call at Rlpley's 12 Winstone Bldgs., Queen St. 1 A PAKTMEXTS—SingIe Rooms, suitabl for men.—l 37. Grey St. A PARTMENTS, furn., convs., close 2n( -*■ section, Valley Rd.—9, Ewington Aye. off Doniiuion Rd.. Mount Eden. l> A PARTMENT, furn., double Bed Sitting f*- room, singles, share, 10/ each handy station, boat.—lll, Nelson St. THI APARTMENTS, furn. and unfurn., al £*■ suburbs; terms easy. — Fred Ball Gp'o v Cnambers - 15 > Queen Street (opp A PARTMENT, furnished, self-con tainei —*• flat, large bedroom, dining room, kit chenetto, sep. meter; adults.—l 3. Angiese bt. Ponsonby. " A I4CADlA."—Superior Rooms.—Doubl sitting Room, or Single, batt califout; homelj-.—72, Ponsonby Rd. 5 " A RCADY." — New Managament. — Be Room, kitchenette, prlvat entrance, bed, breakfast.—3o, Clifton Rd Heme Bay. _ c BEDROOM, double, el., all conrs.; hand; to cars and city.—72, Khyber Pasa Kd "DEDROOM, 6ingle, furn., opp. car stop ■*-* private home.—By weekly.—Sß, Grea North Rd. « "DEDROOM, suit two sober men, c.l •*-* convs.; also Single Room; Edea Cm cent.—lnquire Star. 42 "DEDROOM, single, furfcished ; quiet home ■*-* uit sober working man; 10/ week.----196, Victoria St. W. TJEDROOM; furn., kitchenette; metet ■*-* stove: harbour view; garage; tW' gents, couple.—4. Vine St.. Ponsonby. 12 T>ED Sitting Room, single, use convs. ■*-* rough-cast bungalow.—6B, Belglur St. T>ED and Sitting Room, furn., superior ■*-* separate kitchenette ; top Symonds St.— 06, Newton Rd. B"DED Sitting Room, double, furn., sunny ■*-* handy position.—" Sharrow," T9, Par nell Rd. Phone 41-539. "DED Sitting Rooms (2), double, furn JJ fireplace, use convs.; also Slngl Room.—ll, Scotia Place. DED Sitting Room, double, clean, wei -»-» furnished, Sep.; kitchenette, electrii light, callfont.—ss. Khyber Pass. DED Sitting Room, kitchenette, furu. ■*-* suit friends or ni.c: minute beach phone.—37. Sentinel Rd., Heme Bay. "DED Sitting Room, large, double, front -*-■ every coav., furn., c.1., telephone board optional.—l6o. Dominion Rd. 2 "DED Sitting Room, large, furnished, owi •*-* gas stove, c.1.; also Large Unfurnlsbet Room, fireplace.—l 4, East St.. Newton. "DIRKENHEAD.—FIat, 2 rooms, kitchen ■*-• bathroom, reg. grate, gas fire, gai stove; lovely view ; adults.—Write S. 9713 Star. /CHELTENHAM BEACH.—FIat, 2 rooms , own kitchenette.—22, Talnui Kd. Devonport. ' 3pjlTY—Half Up-to-date Cottage, furn.; al v modern convs.; sunny; sep. entrance quiet; no children.—lnquire Stab. 43) T"\EVONPORT.—FIat, 3 rooms, unfurn AJ self-contained; close ferry, school 25/. —Inquire Star. 40 T)EVONPORT Waterfront—Two Bed -*-' rooms, Sitting-room, Kitchen, furn. all convs.—2o, Queen'g Parade. "TjEVONPORT.—Rooms (3), furn. o: -*-' unfurn., gas cooker; terms reasonable Corner Lake Rd. and Owns Rd. DEVONPORT. — Flat, unfurnished, i rooms, kitchenette, self-contained phone, modern convs.; mm. wharf.—3l Anne St. 3. "TkOMINION RD.—Room, double, furn. ■U convs., near trams; adults; terms moderate.—Apply 17. King Edward St. DOUBLE Bed Sitting Room, furn., owi meter and griiler.—ll, France St., op; Court's, Newton. lo; unluru., self-contained, c.1., gai ■*• gtove.— 21, Ponaonby ltd. 12i EPSOM —Flat, 2 rooms and convs.; n< children.—Write F. 0753. Stab. unfurn., self-contained.—Apply 71 - 1 - Park Road. FLAT, unfurnished, self-contained, t< Let.—l7o, Rcmuera Rd. TjVLAT, furn., suit 2 friends, every cony. -T moderate.—l 4, Sunnyside Rd., Mt F.den. 2 large rooms, kitchenette, c.l. -*• telephone, convs.—77, Carlton Gore Rd. Grafton. DFLAT, clean, furnished, electric light own meter; select. —3, Hopetoun St. l'onsonby. FLAT, unfurn., 2 rooms, kitchenette, ga stove, meter, fireplace, c.1.—40, Cob den St., Newton. 9j FLAT, unfurn., sep. convs., c.1., c.illfont 25/; no objection children. 4, Shell , Beach Rd., Heme Bay. 10) FLAT, self-contained, 2mln Epsom nnc Rcmuera cars, Cmiv Newmarkef Station.—Ring 25-341. D 4 FLAT, delightfully situated, 3 self contained unfurn. rooms; good locality 44, View Rd., Mt. Eden. 13J fJiLAT, unfurn., modern convs., self-con ■*• tamed ; close Epsom tram barn; adults 569, Manukau Rd.. Epsom. 6; unfurn., eelf-contalned, separat) ■*- meters ; close , car, school; 22/6 27/6.— 11. Stnnmore Rd. , , Grey Lynn. FLAT, unfurnished, separate entrance stove, meter; water front; adults—B Ring Terrace, off Shelly Beach Rd. 8: FLAT, furn., superior position, owj kitchenette, c.1.; adults only; 35/ refe.—lo2. Park Rd. 'Phone 45-670. D "CUiAT, Lower Symondg St., City; liuk< X? bed sitting room, own kitchenette, bath room: private entrance.—lnquire Stab. 30; FLAT, self-contained, 4 rooms, kitchen bathroom, modern convs. ; end Ist sec :lon. Heme Bay.—l. Hargreaves St. FLAT, superior, 4 rooms; Heme Ba; waterside; rental £2 2/-—'Marshall" White and White, 63, Queen St. ■piLAT, furn., 2 large rooms, kitchenette -»- bathroom, c.1., self-contained; meters Esplanade Rd., Mt. Eden.—Phone 4172 (i rings). GRAFTON —Superior Furn. Self-containei Flat, c.1., telephone; overlooking Domnin.—69, Park Rd. * 6i " TT'ATOOMBA."—Superior Flats, furn. -"- ladies or gents: own meters; singl rooms.—3B, Franklin Rd., Ponsonby. KHYBER Pass—Apartments, furnished oi unfurn.; convs.; handy Ist sec.—lo Khyber Pass. MT. EDEN—2 Large Sunny Rooms kitchenette, sep. stove, entrance, meter bath: quick.—2o. Essex Rd. MT. EDEN, Double Bed Sitting Room, kit chenette, califont; near cars; furn 27/6. unfurn. 22/G.—lnquire Star. 42( MT. EDEN.—Sunny Front Room, unfurn. c.1., eep. entrance; suit couple oi business people; within 2nd sec.—lnquin Stab. 451 PARNELL Waterfront—Absolutely Self contained Flat; £2 10/, furnished.— The Home Finders, 58, Qneen St. 6J "DONSONBY.—Bed Sitting Room, front ■*• double, furn., separate kitchenette, ga! stove, meter, c.1.: 22/6.—sft, John St. 124 EMUERA.—2 Well Furn. Front Booms c.1.. kitchen, gas stove, convs. — 25 Green Lane Rd. Refs. Afternoons. t>; EMUERA.—Superior Unfurnished Flat 2 rooms and sleeping porch, owi conveniences, 'phone.—3B, Remuora Rd. RESPECTABLE Couple wanted, loo] after house, exchange for free room kitchen.—6o. Wellesley St. W. ROOM, furn., for Gentleman.—Apply 71 Fark Road. TDOOMS To Let. 2 mln. off tram.—Annli J*' 0. Rose Road. ' ROOMS (4), gas stove, c.1.—117, Crummei Rd., Grey Lynn. ■ 7] ROOM, small, bach; office, gas, c.l Metcalfe, 412, Queen St. f ROOM, single, 10/; also Man to shar< Room. 7/C-~75, Kelson St. J KOOMS, single and double, furn., cooklnf convß., 0.l. —19. St. Benedict's St. 10j ROOM, sunny, unfurn., double; c.1., - usi gas stove, nil convs.—2l. Park Ay. Si ROOMS (2), unfurn.. all conrs.: separate gas stove.—32, Valley Rd., Mr, Eden. 14] ROOMS. 1 double, furn., 1 two beds; owt ftove, meter. — 71, France St. Kfwton'. - . . - io; "DOOM, double, front, furnished: separate gas meter; Ist section, Paraell.— Stab. 3Sf
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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977Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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