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PUBLIC NOTICES. IX THE COURT OP ARBITRATION OF NEW ZEALAND. NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. In the matter of • "THE INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT. 1905," and its AMENDMENTS. Notice is hereby given tfhat the Court )f Arbitration wili commence its next Siting at Auckland ou MONDAY, 2Sth September, 1925. at 10 a.m. The following matters will be dealt with jy the Cour.t: — THE TAILORESSES DISPUTE. (1) Dressmakers and Milliners, ■i <2) Factory Tailoresses Section. (3) Silk Shirt and White WorkersSection. AUCKLAND STAGE EMPLOYEES' DISPUTE. DErVONPORT STEAM FERRY CERTICATED ENGINE DRIVERS' DISPUTE. AUCKLAND MOTOR DRIVERS AND HORSE DRIVERS' DISPUTE. AUCKLAND HAIRDRESSERS' DISPUTE. In atWitioii to the above matters the will deal with all applications to imend, add parties, and for exemptions from Awards that have been flleU to this late. NOTE. —For the information of those ;oncerned. it is pointed out that the HAIRDRESSERS' DISPUTE contains an application to fix the closing hours of saloons. Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September, 1925. D. C. E. WEBSTER, Clerk of Awards, 78 Auckland. NOTICE MAKING AND LEVYING RATES UNDER THE HAUBAKI PLAINS ACT, 100 S. Department of Lands and Survey. Wellington September 3, 1925. I, ALEXANDER DONALD MeLEOD, Minister of Lands, in exercise of the powers conferred upon mc by the Hauraki Plains Act, 1908, do hereby make and levy upon the unimproved value of all lands liable to toe rated pursuant to that Act a rate on a graduated scale as specified in the Schedule hereto according to the classification of the land. The said rate will toe payable in one sum on the 10th day of September, 1923, to the Collector of Hates for the Hauraki Plains Rating District, at the Office of the Chief Drainage Engineer, 5, Law Court Building, High Street, Auckland, at which office the rate-book will be open for inspection. A copy of the rate-book may be inspected by ratepayers at the Office of the Chief Drainage Engineer at Kerepeehi at all times at which that office is open for the transaction of public business. SCHEDULE. Class A. —On the unimproved value of all lands classified as Class A by the Appraiser appointed under the said Act. Threepence and thirty-eight one-hundredths of a penny (3d and 38-100 d) in the pound. Class B, —On the unimproved value of all lands classified as Class B by the Appraiser appointed under the said Act. One penny and ninety-one one-hundredths of a penny (Id and 91-100 d) in the pound. Class C—On the unimproved value of all lands classified at Class C by the Appraiser appointed under the said Act, F"orty-eisht one-hundredths of at penny (48-lOOd) in the pound. A. D. McLEOD, 1 Minister of Lands. ORTHERN STEAMSHIP LTD. PUBLIC NOTICE. MOUNT MAUNGANUI (BAY OF PLENTY) CARGO. Owing to the Mount Wharf being occupied for some weeks by Oversea Steamers, Cargo for Stations usually landed at the Mount Wharf may, in the meantime, be landed at Tauranga and carted to the Railway at an extra cost of 3/ per ton. ; TESTATE OF MALCOLM NICCOL, Late of ■J-4 Mount St. John. Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all Creditors having Claims or Demands against the above Estate, are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing, duly certified as being due and owing as at the 27th day of July. 1925. on or before the 30th SEPTEMBER, 1925, to Messrs. Nicholson, Gribbin, Kogerson and Nicholson, Solicitors, Imperia.l Buildings, Queen Street, or to the TRUST MANAGER, New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., Auckland. 13 TESTATE OF HENRY BYWATER, Late of O'Neill Street. Ponsonby, Auckland, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all Creditors having Claims or Demands against the above Estate, are hereby required to send particulars thereof in writing, duly certified as being due and owing aa at the 19th 1925, on or before the 30th SEPTEMBER, 1925, to Messrs. Baxter, Shrewsbury and MiHiken, Solicitors, Swanson Street, Auckland, or to the TRUST MANAGER, N,ew Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., Queen Street. Auckland. 12 pROTECT YOUR pROPERTY PIROM IJuHE "RUINOUS TJORER. You insure your property against fire and other risks. But do, you insure it against that greatest of all property destroyers— Wood Borer? There is only one way oi effectively combating this ruinous pesthave your buildings fumigated with ■DUDE'S pATENT /-I AS. Instantly eradicates from all buildings furniture, bedding, etc., every kind oi vermin—Borer, Bues, Fleas, Moths, Cock roaches, Rats and Mice. Blade's Gas is also a Powerful Germicidf and Disinfectant, and the greatest boon to property owners yet invented. Properties Inspected ana Quotations Given Free. "OLADE'S pATEXT AS XjUTMIGATIXG PREMIER BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET 'Phone 41-173. AUCKLAND. AT WEEKLY SAVINGS INVESTMENT Free particulars are offered regarding children and others saving ONE RHILLINC weekly to secure NEW BUNGALOWS il which they may live after twenty years. Motto : "MUTUAL SERVICE " co-op E rative ciet?REiEtd PLANTrN( Acacia Buildings. O'Connell Street Auckland. Rp Bes-klent Secretary. DENTISTRY. "TM-γ OWN SPECIAL METHOD OI **+ PAINLESS EXTRACTION Possesses Many Great Advantages 2. NO NEED to come back the seconi time or oftener, as under othe methods. 3. EXPERT EXTRACTIONS. No brok ei teeth or stumps left in the gums 4. PERFECTLY SAFE for aU ages \ears WSC " ° 9 a patlont °? s, o. \F YOU HAVE A WEAK HEART 6. NO PAINFUL PRJCKIXG. 7. NO SWOLLEN GUMS 8 - exSd SEl> TEETH " are » ainlessl ; 9 " Kea. 0110 * 3 FREE whea teeth ar Also; ANALGESIA. ?£? Marvellous Disbovery in Dentin try of the age. You can have your Teetl Bridge Work Pivots, etc., without th To,, «r O Sll =' ht . eat p ain Whatever. And i ha^ SCIOUS, J et to pain MaJhL t E roVefl this Most Wonderfu Machine to Absolute Success ii Therefore Patents rt?att" nervous neec IS NOX A MYTH. BUT A FACT. J)ENTIST jyj-UNROE JjiMANUEL FIRST FLOOR* EX-DEAN"S BUILDINGS (Next GPO ) "DETTEII teeth for less money at Howe ■*-' Walker's. 200. Queon Street. i 'WHAT is Vjprtb doing is worth doin: w ,Z c . 1K Gef'-your new Teeth at Howe: " V.sere. I
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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993Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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