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SHIPPING. rjXION DTEAM CHIP />OMPAXT OF NEW ZEALAND. (Circumstances Permitting.) CANADIAN - AUSTRALIAN R.M. LINETo Canada, United States and Kurope. Via Suva, Honolulu, Victoria (8.C.) and Vancouver. Proposed Sailincs From Auckland: pf.S. NIAGARA t Tuesday, 29th Sept. R.M.11.5. AOUANGI*. .Tuesday,-'7th October *.M.S. NIAGARAt Tuesday, 24th November S.M.M.S. AORAXGI* Tues., 22nd December J.M.S. NiAGAßAf,.Tuesday, 19th January *Oi..M.S. AOKANGI»..Tues., 16th February •Magnificent New Quadruple Screw Motor Ship, 17,491 Tons Register. i Triple Screw, 01) Fuel, 13,415 Tons Register. , ,- „ SYDNEY. i.M.S. NIAGARA ..Tuesday, loth September EXCURSIONS TO HONOLULU. Particulars on 'Application. SAN FRANCISCO ROYAL MAIi/IINE. To United States, Canada and Europe 'rom Wellington, via Uai- itonga, Papeete and San FraneUco. J- M.S. TAHlTl...Tuesday, 15th September i.M.S. MAKURA.... Tuesday. J3tll October I 1.M.8. TAHlTl...Tuesday, 10th November i ?.M.S. MAKURA...Tuesday. Bth December, i.M.S. TAHITI.. Tuesday. sth January COASTAL, INTERCOLONIAL, AND ISLAND SERVICES. Gisborne and Napier, iVainui Tuesday, Bth Sept., 5 p.nivalis Tokomaru Bay with passengers onlyNew Plymouth (Fiom Oneliuuga). Tarawa..Monday, 7th, Sept., 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10 Wellington to Lyttelton. JVahine Monday, Wed., Fri., at 7.45 p.m. Jaori Tuesday, Thurs., Sat., at 7.45 p.m. Berths Rooked Auckland Office. Wellington, Lytteiton, Dunedin. Tuesday. Sth Sept-, 5 p.m. Sydney Direct. Jahena.... Friday. ISth September. 11 a.m. Joeraki Friday. 2»th Sept., 11 a.m. Sydney. (From "Wellington.) ifaheno Friday. 4th September .loera kl Friday. 11th September Fiji (Suva!. Tonga (Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavau). £ainoa (Apial. rofua Saturday. 12th Sept.. 11 a.m. Inquiries, preliminary or otherwise, •esarding Trine to Australia, South Sea slands, Honolulu. Canada. United States. Jurope, Around-the-Paciflc Tours, including fapan and the East. Around-the-Worirt Pours in either direction, ore invited, and •an be made to any of the Company s Offices. AUCTIONS. AT rpAKAPUXA. rjAIRT OOWS, TMPLEMENTS, •pURNITURE, •pOULTRY, ETC. AT GLEN HOLLIE, FOREST HILL ROAD, TAKAPUNA (3 njlns. Smale's Corner and Tram Stop). fpO-MORROW, SATURDAY, AT -| O'CLOCK. Instructed by MR. ERNEST J. NEIL. 0 pOOD -QAIRY pOWS (4 calree at foot, 4 due this month). 4 YEARLING HEIFERS, JERSEY BULL, 3yrs. (All bred and reared by the late Hannah Leaver.) HORSE, GIG AND HARNESS, FARM SPRING CART AND HARNESS, B.F. PLOUGH, Lever, TINE HARROWS, complete, WADE SA\V, cost £80; SYLVIA SEPARATOR (24-gal.), 12 X 18 COOLER, DAIRY UTENSILS, Tools, Collie Dog (huntaway and heeler), 80 HEAD FOWLS AND DUCKS (Leghorns and I. Runners), FARMING GEAR. Also, TjIURNISHINGS OF 4 ROOMS, ETC. SALE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5, . . 1 O'CLOCK. T OUIS T EWIS, AUCTIONEER, 41, SHORTLAND STREET. Phone 43-4-53. QJALE BY "ITORTGAGEE. t, *+ ~ TjIRIDAY, THE QTII DAY OF QCTOBER 1025, AT -* -I a.m. Dnder instructions from the Mortagee and in exercise of the power of sale in Memorandum of Mortgage >!o. 133,590 and under conduct of tho Registrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Northern District of Auckland. m Tl/TANDENO TACKSOX Will Sell by Public Auction, at their rooms, Nα. 9, Commerce Street, Auckland, as above", FIRST. —ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND, containing 1 rood 3 perches, more or less, being Lot 36 on plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Auckland under No. ir>S2, which said piece of land is portion of Allotments Nos. 87 and 00 of Section 1 of the Suburbs of Auckland, and the whole af the' lajid in Certificate of Title Volume 84, Folia 78, of the Register Book at Auckland aforesaid, and SECONDLY—ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND containing 1 rood and v perches, more or less, being Lot 35 on plan deposited as aforesaid under No. 15811, which said piece of land is portion of Allotment No. 00 of Section lof the Suburbs-of Auckland, and being tUo whole of the land in Certilicate of Title, Volume 80 Folio 192 of the Register Book aforesaid, subject as to the land first above described to a Fencing Covenant contained in Memorandum of Transfer No. 10684, and as laml secondly above described to a Fencing Covenant contained in Memorandum of Transfer No. 21430, and as to all the land to a certain Memorandum of Mortgage, No OSOIS, securing £1000. The property is situated in Balfour Road, Parnell, Auckland, which runs off Gladstone Road, near Parnell Park, being about 10 minutes walk from the Ist section of the Parnell tramway route. The section on which the house stands is fairly level, with a slight slope from the road, and the vacant section is somewhat broken and overgrown. Thn whole is enclosed by a picket fence and has a frontage o f two hundred links by a depth of 2ea links Erected on the property and, facing east is a wooden residence containing 0 living rooms, 4 kitchenettes. 2 bathrooms, and a washhouse, divided Into 4 self-contained vats with all conveniences, including electrisbt £j'' sas stoves an d telephone. lho application to sell, containing the estimated value of the property, may be seen at the office of the Registrar at any convenient time prior to the sale, and a copy of same may be seen at the auction mart °n tfl e day of sale, without payment of fee for particulars and conditions of sale apply to the auctioneers. ~ % TOStmANCE COMPANIES. A LLIANCE ASSURANCE CO LTI> -C± Assets £23,000,000. Phone 4£\2&.-lQ\ Queen St. Manager. Wilfrid Skegj. n ' BRITISH TRADERS , INSURANCE Cα. LTD., Firo, Marine, Accident—TJiOoi Buildings. Branch Manager,. Geoffrey Nevijl „ D TTARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO J^- 1 - LTD.. Hellaby'a Bldys. Phone 44-Stlo'' A. J. Frankbain. Ltd.. Attorneys. I) OVAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION OF LONDON *lo O'ConneU Street. Phone 44-125.— Uanazor' H. S. Malcolm. ________r> mHE UNITED INSURANCE CO.. LTD" - 1 - Fire, Marine, Accident. —16, Fort St* Manager, W. W. Scott. j^ MEHCWANT TAILORS. Expert Tailor; men • tailora wp*oj«4; w t*ct«y w«rkJ-r----257. Karangahape Bd. y NEW Patterns Arrived. Alterations and Remodelling a Specialty.—Little Tailor Shop, Victoria St. E- 'Phone 43-088. V "V""0U can tell the successful man by his -*• well dressed appearance.—Mcßride. The Tailor. j>
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
Word Count
955Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.