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AMUSEMENTS. i. Tn-Miitf,. :.• .cioriT SI3TINE CHOIR SOLOISTS BOOK NuW At Lewis R. Eady and Son Ltd Or Buy Day Sales at Coleman's, HM Arcade. ' ' ' TO W X tt * r t O, VV N ii t L t Direction .. EVELYN L. SHEPARD. FIIRST MEMORABLE CONCERT TO-MORROW EVENING, AT 8 TO-MOHHOW EVEMXfI \T s' 10-MOUROW EVENING, AT S. CONCERTS ALSO ON MONDAY NIC XT. at 8. WEDNESDAY NEXT, AT S THURSDAY NEXT, at 8 By the Celebrated SISTINE CHOIR SOLOISTS KISTINE CHOIR SOLOISTS * JUSTINE CHOIR SOLOISTS' SiSTINK CHOIR SOLOISTS' SISTINE CIIOIU soloists' SISTINK CIIOIH SOLOISTS' SISTINE CHOIR SOLOISTS' Faganclii, Uurani, Faccnini Auchner, Sarti, Belli. M " Pertl. Musical Director .. MAESTRO CASOLARI. TOMORROW NIGHTS PROGRAMME Will include MADRIGAL. "MATTINATA"... .Venpzianl Choms. 'Hymn to Rome" .. Thermicnon Ciinzon". "Il Ritrntto" I'alcsM-ins CHORUS, "LA VRHOINE DEdLI ANGELI," from "La Forza del Destiuo" Verdi Duet from "The Secret Marriage" ~ . Clmarosa Monologue from "Andrea Chenier' , Aria, "Salve! Plmora" (Faust) .. Gounort BERCEUSE DE JOCELYN Godard Chorus, "Teneibrae Factae Sunt" Vittoria Pong, "Cam mio ben" , Giordanl Aria from "La Bobeme" Leoncavallo "STAR OF EVE" (Tannbauser) .. Waguer Aria. "Erj tv ebe maeehiavi" Verdi Song, Vittoria Carissimi -FUNICOLI, funicola: ,, Etc., Etc. PRICES: 2/, 3. 5/, 6/. and 7/6. RESERVED BALCONY. 6/. RESERVED STALLS, 7/6. All Prices Plus Tax. BOX PLANS FILLING RAPIDLY. BOX PLANS FILLING RAPIDLY. BOX PLANS FILLING RAPIDLY. Book To-day at Lewis R. Eady and Son, Ltd. DAY" SALE?, 5/ and 3/. Tickets on Sale To-day at Colem:m's. Tobacconist. lI.M. Arcade. 2/ Ticket at the Doors Only (Grey St. Entrance). Representative P. D. O'CONNOR. TOWN TTALL /CHAMBER. -El \j Kj MISS A ILEEN TXERESFOBD'S LSS -»->ERESFORD'S MISS AILEEN BERESFORD'S ANNUAL GRAND DANCE RECITAL. GRAND DANCE RECITAL. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 12. 1-1. AT S O'CLOCK. MATINKK MATJNKK MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 2.30 O'CLOCK. Beautiful Egyptian Ballet, told in Dance vfStoiy. The Charming Princess Who was robbed of a famous jewel T>y a Sheik. A Woman of Mystery l'oiiclls strange happenings and the approach of a Stranger over the Desert. The Sheik ana his accomplices are captured by the guard of the Court. Slaves. Dancicg Girls and Flower Girls, etc. Dainty Columbine am! Harlequin Ballet. Performing Clowns and Acrobats. Jockey Ballet danced by Tiny Tots. Quaint Old-fashioned Daiittis performed In Old-world style. Peasant, Clo;; and Folk Dancing. Assisted by Miss May Uerc'sforcl's Orchestra it u<l SlngiUjj Pupils. Admission: Adults. 2/: Children, I/. Tickets obtainable tit Miss iiereeford's, W\, iSyinoudS St. 31 DANCING. LEARNERS', BEGfXXKUK' AM' IT.ACTICE DANCE—TO-NIGHT, antfRvppy Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.— K'l'AH AND' CIRCLE HALL. 101. PullKOnby Read. TO-NIGHT, S lo 11. Sub. l/U and .1/. All expert and individual tuition }iiven. One lesson 1/, or full tourist , -V, and wo guarantee to make you a dancer. Spot Light Effects aud Colour Wheel foe dancing during the evening. Fast floor, i-'ood music, dainty sui-roiindiii'-'s and .'ill dancers welcome. Also at DRUIDS' HAT.I., Newton, Every Saturday. _:Hi In r>.:j". Instructors, Messrs. c'artwright and Ander-Pl-op., W. RtXKLKY. XT A VAN A JAZZ ACADEMY. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. KVEKY EVENING AT S. AT Till; MASONIC HALL. AT THE MASONIC HALT.. AT THE MASONIC HALL. Our well known standard of I'litirtnlnniout will be maintained in imr new home. •JL/ mid I,'ti. NORMAN TOKI, Manager. rpONIGIJT, TO-NIGHT —TRADES HALL. A COMIUNF.D DANCE will on held i>y the UNIONS of Auckland, for th-j Benefit oi P.iitish Senraen In pur;. Music by thi , I'nrnmount •">. Our nrranp- ,- mciits will assiivi' you ;i jn>-»«1 night's imium--tainment. Paueinj;, s ti!! 11. Ladies 1 . 0.-nrs -i . \\ irsilF.A and 11. NO.WvE*. .Ifiint SecTetaries. - /"IENUINE fLO TIME DANCE, PRUIHS' HALL. TO-NIGHT, S lv Il\ Spot Walt/.. (■}>•..■..l.'ii.-s and Hgnrcues. <;<i I'riK-i. The Finest Pane" Musi.- in Town, by Our j Faillolis lliv!:-l,';i. I Expert uiiil Si-I' r'. Mntiaxement. Ladit-s, 1 . C.t.'s. -Z . TJ'i W. E. M.■MICHAEL, linn. S.-c. I —TT-J AKARANA YACHT CLV.'B. JjS\ DANCE, SATI'RDAY. SEPT. ">• ■ih- M.iuthly Imiir,-. will he held in the N /.. Power lio:M Clnbbnn.«e, M.--h:inics liny. SATURDAY. Si-ptpnilxT r>. al « P-α-Million's I'tlfcs I'-nvM Kndi-nnV r.uildings .•it iuti-rrals In-ra T-'i'i p.m. Hide's Orchestra. ■ 1.1 1 'J. !■:. r.AYCOCK. 11..n. Sec. ! \-\'AIK.)\VIIAI lIALL-E\I:RY SATL'ltj\\ i,.vy Ni'iliT < tv 1!. Paltrtdjres Oivbestr.i fi-Hii! I In- Druurs. liusl-aves (i.P.O. 7.:{". vi.i Domini.mi Read. Return fare. I. Admission: Ladies 1 . (ients 1/6.— K. ■■i l |j,.:i. M; t n:ijer. TEACTTERS OF DATING. i \ CAPF.MY IF DANCING — Artistic x-X iinllroom, Character; Room 2. Bon M,irrh<\ Newton. — Ruby Ruerlff. Phone C 7 ii'iO. •£: XTiXI'KRT Private Tuition In nil Hallropm Ji. uu-i.-ins: *>L-'-p«r snanm-ei. - V** fessn- :<■■!•(■?-■ no. ridJS. "_; Miss STOI)I>\RT. S<-h'iol of Dancing.— .". Giliiicr" lUiIl-- Newni.nrket. :ind In. ! CL.nbrrn 1M . Rci.iuer.i. Plmne U4 117. THF j ~ I AQUATICS. _____ |i — rr-i I> i. •ii m< >ni ' CIST'ISING •CUT.. I.'' .H-μ''';!! 1 V.. S, \Vl«t End i:.>a.l, Heme tJi.y. vi; TI'KSD.W N'' Xi at s p.pi. T. L THOMPSON. 29 t,nveoor.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 14
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791Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 14
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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