AMUSEMENTS. TTTLLERS , /"kPERA TTOUSE. ■f UIvLERS' V/pEKA -Q-OUSE. Direction: John Fuller and Sone, Ltd. _ MATINEE foTMOKROW — AT --30 — SATURDAY TO-MORROW — AT 2.30 — SATL'RDAY. EVERY EVENING AT 8. FULLER'S VAUDEVILLE AND REVUE. "FULLER'S FOR FUN." TO-NIGIIT. TO-NIG-HT. TO-NIGHT. GEO. \\7ARD EO. >V A RD GEO. "WARD GE.O. WARD — And His —SNAPSHOTS REVUE CO.— SNAPSHOTS KEVUB CO. SNAPSHOTS REVUE CO. IN "THE LEGEND OF THE RING." nest AlMtouuJ Company ever seen in Auckland. It's One Lonjt Laujh. with New Songs, New •lOAes, New Dances and New Kveryihius. <;]■:«). WARD — ■ GEO. WARD As "LITTLE lIERMIE SCHL'LTZ? , ' >\ EE ' > ILLII-: JJANCET, London's Smallest Comedian with the Uiggest. Laughs, iv "Willies Birthdaj. CHAS. HOLT AND FRED. WHITLOW. LAMI'INIS. HESSIE SLAUGHTER. CASTLES AND TORZILLO. Prices: 3/, V. and 1/. Bos Plan Now Open at Lewis R. Eady and Son, Ltd. KING'S miIEAT&E. ATEWTON. ING'S J-HEATRE. i> EWTON. Kinjr's. Kiu?"s. TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7.W, Kings. Aud Every Saturday Night. Kin?"s. Double Picture Programme. King's. A FOX DEAMA, King's, i 1 King's. " fPHE I King's. '• -L HE I King's. OCARLET TTONEYMOON."* 1 King's. I kJ.-ARLET -O-dNEY'MOON." I Kind's. I ' Kinir's. Also, Kins's. MAY MpAVOT AND Kinj'?. FLORENCE REED, Kind's, i ■ ■ 1 King's. I " mHE I Kina's. 1 '■ X UK ! ■King's. I TVOMAN TTNDER r_ATH." j Kind's. I ''OMAN U NDEH V/ATH." I ' ' Kins's'.' FILL STTPORTINC, films. PRICKS ALL STALLS f*T>. PRTCFP AT.T, STVT.I.S "D. CIRCLE 1/, RESERVES 6D EXTRA. ORGAN RECITAXS. piTI OF AUCKLAND m O W X TT A L L. SUNDAY EV\..v'ING NEXT. AT S.?.n P.M. SUNDAj. EVENING NEXT, AT 5.30 P.M. ABGAX T> E C I T A L B.v MR. MAUGIIAN BARNETT, CITY ORGANIST. SUNDAY NEXT. AT 5.30 P.M. ADMISSION FREE. Children in arms not admitted. J. S. BRIG HAM. 0 Town Clerk. RAIEWAY NOTICES. • "V'EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Commencing August 81, 102.". the following GOODS RATES will be brought into operation : —■ GOODS OF CLASSES A. B, C. AND D. Between Auckland or Newmarket and Thames, Thames South, or Pacron, 25/ per ton. BENZINE, KEROSENE. AND SIMILAR . MINERAL OILS. r.plweon Auckland or Newmarket and Wai hi, 23/ per ton. Classes A, B, C, and P include generftl case goods, groceries. sugar, wire, machinery tobacco, confectionery, etc. Goods received at Auckland Goods Shed brfon: 4.30 p.m.. Monday to Friday (inclusive), will be available I'or delivery at Tc Aroha 1.30 p.m., r;i'-;-o.i 2. 50 p.m.. Thames 5 p.m., and Waihi 4.30 p.m. following day. Goods received up to 12 noon Saturday will be delivered at destination following Monday at time stated above. For further particulars inquire at sta tions. 13 BOROUGH NOTICES. TJIRKENHEAD BOROUGH COUNCIL. NATIONAL TESTIMONIAL TO Till" LATE PRIME MINISTER. Residents and Ratepayers of P.irkenheaO who deidri* to contribute towards the abovt are invited to forward tlifir don;irir., s v ill!- Town Clerk. Wrkouhcad, before SATURDAY, the 12th insr. An acknowhvlgment will be uiadu of all amountreceived. E. G. SKEATES. 1 ' Mayor. -\rOUNT EDEN BOROUGH COUNCIL JJ BY-LAWS. Public notice is hereby siven that at ; Special Meeting of tho Mount Edei Borouilh Council, hoi,] f . a August 31. l!)2r. th" foilmviuc resolution was passed : - In jiursuance of the powers conferred oi it by the Municipal Corporations Act r.C'ii the Health Act, UCMI. and the respectlv amendments th-reot' oml of every othoi power in that enabling it, tli'« Mriini hden Borough Council hereby makes b' Special Ord.u- the following By-law: Providlnt* for protection of food Iron coninnii nation. Dealins with pl.ic?s f,.r preparation storage and snl.> of fond Securbu? cl.'i.nlin.'s.s of bread anil pastry Dwilinß with structure at bakehous.'and provisions to be observed therein rSr U «IS! BCW, l "° r o Pf-iiling with conveyance of meat am nsh. S-cirinr PlennUne«M of milk deposited at the Koaa. Mount Eden, au d is open for in .>. l'-i-.i. inr ( .mllrmarlon as a Spec a 1 Order o, S. GRAY, 2 Town Clerk. MOTOR ST?T?.V7f;BS. I N Tα U R a n g a T AT:RA . XaA s »■»•■ arrive TI I'LKh !i a.m.. arrive ICOTOUC V i- ~,*L, CARS leave UOTOKUA Uaij v "l :(T ' 'm' ing with 9.1 ;j a.m. train at WAIIT' witr r\v< i ,n»<l --'Hin Trunk Lin-s. R^srA Te ai AIH, at " Oou - arriving TaU Mn'^uii , . 6 route to TAURANGA tS?mks lines ani Co Kul N w r v7HT AA^ D ' TAURANGA. ROTO aJcommotlaUon." ,11 B ° CUre you a Beat ant „, PHONES • The^s , m" "' Waihi. 8 meres Many n Heart Grows Lighter Travelling AARD. F, A ARD TAXIS, 42-408, Gore Street— „ Continuous Service. Tours. Wedding.. Specially Catered for. Council rates.Johnston Tnsis. j t
Page 14 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 14
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