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Important Values in the Bargain Basement SELLING 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Aluminium Stew Pans—2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 36-inch Washing Check Ginghams, 5/6; Set of 4. 14/11. numerous designs — yard. White and Gold 21-piece Tea Sets; 38-inch Novelty Check English •-Teat value— ls/6. Crepes— 1/4* yard. 36-inch Tea Cloths, slightly imper- M 4 °- inc , h Silk * Cre P e de Chine *> good f ort 3 , g eac jj ' - • n shades—3/11 yard. '. , _.. ' _. . , „. B 38-inch Brocaded Mercerised Poplins, 27-inch White, also Stuped, Flan- M for frocks, coverings or hands' nelettes—7|d yard; 6/11 dozen. M M] cj nil shades—2/9 yard. " Ladies' Art. Silk Jumpers, all eliadcs B l-j r7| Ladies' Art. Silk Hose, in all li^ht — s/il and 10/11. M CJU sliitdos—l/9 and 2/11 the pair. ~* ~ I 7, I I Postage must be added to Basement "Cash and Carry." M I II I Orders. U. 0.1., V "STAR ATTRACTIONS." X Ennlisli-made 21-Piece China Tea Bet«, in Crown Derby Pattern, Blue and Gold. — ■ roniprising- six cups, saucers, and plates. square bread and buttor plate, also sugar ■ _, . basin and Jup. A ciiarmins artenioou lnree-piece Nx tea set,, priced as a " Star" value orrer. Moauett#» * £laP Attractien Price « TO-MORROW, Utilise UphoL,«d X »'•■ • f *.J.C.U Men* Umbrellae, with strong- 10-rib framos Furnishing suites, , ■ anc j serviceable covers. A crook handle. _ _ Good df>iitm« B userui umbrella, priced remarkably low Terms System, vjiooa aesigns, g tn early .hoppers—Usually 7/6. j ' FirSt-cIaSS B Star *«>"action Price, TO-MORROW, i *"" Workmanship, # 5/6 ••<*- Furnish £2 2 6/!Sa / From 9to n am - onl *- **\ Co^ ly " "Sale" Price. #Mail Or<kri nol Atirecboo"* p ricw J^ Unequalled m Exceptional Value. m- Values. ■ "Always Busy 9, ■ TO-NIGHT'S ATTRACTIONS From 7 to 9 p.m; only Mail Orders not accepted at these Attraction Prices
Stork Embroidery Scissors. To-nieh^ Stork Embroidery Scissors. A quaintly-shaped novelty lino, "with gilt handles and pointed 1 fl-jg-fj Steel blades. A heavier quality, also larger Scissors than our previous "Star" line, X\J 2 "V offered at a bargain price. Each. l ~ —■ — ' ■ r Ladies , Pure White Bristle Hair Brushes. . £?nfm 4 Ladies' Pure White Bristle Hair Brushes, with black, ebonised, or light varnished backs, $ ill splendid wearing useful size brush, priced exceptionally low —Usually 4/6. Each. 37-inch Silk "Schappe" Crepe. To-night* J 37-inch Silk "Schappe" Crepe. A delightfully soft, durable silk fabric, for frocks, lingerie, \ J§ fR Wα princess slips, etc.; in black, apricot, fawns, grey, helio., nil, sky, saxe, and brown— , T*/ "BP Usually 5/11. P«r Yard. 30-inch Plain Coloured Japanese Cotton Crepes. To-night, m 30-inch Plain Coloured Japanese Cotton Crepes. Extra heavy J.C.L. guaranteed "Wearing ->< ,— » quality, famous for value; in white, helio., pink, sky, lemon, browns, greens, light and "- j / sSlf mid greys, apricot, coral, mauve, lemon, vieux rose, scarlet,, henna, blues, navy, JL / . black, etc. Excellent for frocks, lingerie, children's wear, etc. Per Yard. 40-inch Ail-wool Novelty Dress Tweeds. To-night, 40-inch All-wool Novelty Dress Tweeds, in many smart mixture colour check effects, large 1 / 1 1 SB and small, in blues, greys, fawns, and browns. A special value price, to calise a clear- X / JL JL W ance—Usually 3/11 and 4/11. Per Yard. 60-inch Red Bordered Linen and Cotton Damask Tabling. To-night, 60-inch Red Bordered Linen and Cotton Damask Tabling, priced exceptionally low. An IrisH *|j|| €\ Union loom Damask, with attractively designed red border; ideal for the breakfast* IS|P tat 1%3 room. Per Yard. 42-inch White Self Checked Curtain Voile. To-night, 42-inch White Self Checked Curtain Voile, useful fWcalemenY A good wearing X/ " '' line, with small checks, remarkably low priced—Usually 1/9. • Per Yard. Genuine Second Quality Printed Linoleums. To-night, Genuine Second Quality Printed Linoleums, in a range of excellent designs and colourings, /* X 1 1 suitable for any room. An extra good value offer that, should appeal to householders O/ X X requiring new floor coverings for spring cleaning—Usually 8/ll.j :- Per Yard. Ladies' Attractive Shetland Wool Cardigan Coats. To-night, Ladies' Attractive Shetland Wool Cardigan Coats, with novelty mixture coloured stripes (J* /1 1 going round to contrast on ground shades of peacock, royal,- light fawn, rose, cham- Ov X X pagne, and henna. Each. Maids' All-wool Gabardine Coat Frocks. 4 To-night, Maids' All-wool Gabardine Coat Frocks, smartly styled in navy, trimmed grey, nigger with ! ' *3(\ /^? beige, also putty with reseda or cinnamon." Sizes 39in., 42in., 45in. Suit ages 14 to 20 tj years—Usually 65/- to C 9/6. Wonderful value. Each. Ladies' Black Patent Leather or Glace Kid 1-Bar Walking Shoes. To-night, Ladies' Black Patent Leather or Glace Kid One-bar Walking Shoes. A particularly well* fl Q IC made English Shoe, guaranteed reliable, fitted Cuban heel. An entirely new line, up- : XO/ fj to-date and pmart style, in sizes or half-sizes. For value they are without equal. p er p a j r Ladies , All-Elastic Pink Bandeau Brassieres. To-night, Ladies' All-elastic Pink Bandeau Brassieres. A pull-on, close-fitting Brassiere, 9in. deep; ,j|j| | in sizes 32in. to 44iii. The latest style, priced extraordinarily low.
FINAL CLEAN-UP PRICES on Six Floors. The Colossal Sale is fast drawing to its close. Only a few more days remain in which to share the splendid savings of this tremendously successful event the sale that has made gratifying new records for the J.C.L., through pleasing hundreds and hundreds of old customers and acquainting many new customers with our service and great values. Test the merits of this final clean-up effort by a shopping visit to-night. Thirty-two departments have something priced for absolute clearance. JOHN COURT LTD. I Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers
I I II WAIMANA CHEESE /iKIJf & ft. ,/'■;■• 3 Awarded i 11 FIRST PRIZE, E ™ ■- WINTER SHOW, || EYE-OPENER BARGAINS | 111 AUCK^ '« I To-morrow's " Eye-Opener. ,, | ~^T~~~ Genu-. Whit. Lawn H.ndk.rchl.f.. good.i«* ■ A % Oeorg, Court. Ey.-open.rPplce, 3/11 for naif doxen-OnlyeoO j\ A ffel EC* W - of them. f* l Vf l^|l^LEM# S Wool R.v.p.ibl. Floor Rue* sft x 27in. ; good variety of co.ours. = f"* rT l- r £ Usually 23/e-G.or fl * Court. Eye-opener Price, 18/6. aVOICL 1116 DeJttlSfc ! 9 fill J"U&™ II nn n A r.,- 8 v. MOT . Pn. 12 .- - Ko* 4 * >Mlf*lfUll— —^— XJ Package, post free. To ensure getting H °" ~,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,, I eeniiinc. order direct from Sole As^ntt.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
Word Count
1,005Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
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