J ' ' I I toNSWEETIIIiI I l ' 3 I ( {8 J * BRAND • J I . . i ■ Is specially selected Milk from special f ; dairy herds and concentrated to the | I consistency of Cream. I I It is absolutely pure, free from preserva- S I tives and harmful bacteria. | I When used for making Humanised Milk | I you are sure you are giving baby PURE \ I Milk. I t 1 I Full directions on every tin. 1 I I I All Stores : Small Tins 6d. 9 Large Tins 1/-. 1 'P %
EGGS are CHEAPER / Therefore so is ADAMS BELL CAKE 6 Varieties REDUCED Plain . . .. 1/- lb. Iced Fruit .> 8d lb. Seed . . . . 1/- lb. Iced Terrace . . 6d lb. Fruit . . .. 10d lb. Jam Sandwiches 9d ea. Adams Bell Cake is always sold at the t ' EBSSBa . . lowest possible prices. Whenever the A fl ADAMS BELL Cake cost ot any of the ingredients is lowered, »d j i r» • .. . , , ~• . j at Bedrock Prices: the saving is immediately passed on to our customers. Now that eggs are so much iced Genoa . .. 1/3 lb. cheaper we are able to reduce the price — J/J £ of our most delicious varieties of cake. Cowslip 1/. lb Dundee , iod lb. Sponges (Rainbow, Although so economical to buy, none but Chocolate, Paeeion , *i»« j'i/L Fruit, Cream, Wal- , the purest, freshest ingredients (such as nut ) lid lb. the housewife herself uses) are mixed Jam Sponge .. .. ioj u>. into Adams Bell Cake. When you go to '«d S.ndwiche« .. 1/4 ... an Adams Bell Cake Shop you know that <£"££****" *j "* ... « 1 1 1 j j *-ny calces . . . . gj eathe cake you obtain is freshly baked and Ginger Cakes .. .. id e». the most delicious you can buy. ADAMS BELL & CO., LTD. AUCKLAND'S LEADING CAKE SPECIALISTS 124, Queen Street; 36, Karangahape Road; 75, Karangahape Road; Thrae Lamps, Poasonby; 200, Broadway, Newmarket. Agents throughout North Island. Depots in Every Suburb.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
Word Count
Page 13 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
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