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SOCIAL JOTTINGS. M, S-ott West, ot Sydney, Is the st of Mrs. James Robertson, Market B °M?=s Boberton, of Auckland, is visiting Cb'ristchurch, and is the guest of Miss 0. M \ii«! M McGregor, of Auckland, on „ visit*to Wellington and is rtayjng iith her aunt. Mrs. Murray Gardner Mrs Gray Dixon, t Dvi .'dm. visitjj luckland, a ' '* the guest of the Mi-SOS Murray, Carlt n Gore Koad. Mrs R. V. Cookc and Miss Winifred Co'okei have loft for Wellington. Miss Conke is taking part in the musical competitions in that city. _ The need for more interest in tiio league of Nations will be brought before the C Lvceum Club by Mr. T. Buxton on Monday next at 3T p.m., and his subject will be "The League or Nations as it Affects New Zealand." On the same evening the Circle nre holding ■their meetinjr. when thorp will be a srood musifal programme ami a musical competition. The annual dance nf A. and T. Btirt took p!a.-c in ?'ot> Hilll Inst nieht. bed the function wa« a huge succoss. There were about 350 present. The hall fc ft3 tastefully decorated with coloured dreamers while garlands of preenery Mve the de-ired effort to the walls, and the lighting effects wore excellent. Supper was provided, and the dance concluded at an early hour, and was a great success. A successful social afternoon was held in'the Parish Hall. Northcnte. on Wednesday last, to supplement the funds of tlic Northcote Women's Progressive league, about 70 member* nnd friend? king present. Very pood business was done ftt the cake stnlls. presided over by Miss Tremain. assisted by Mrs. Orant: and the sweet stalls, under Mrs. •G. Hutchinson. assisted by Mrs. Totynsliend. The winners of the competitions we re Mi6S Joyce Stevenson. Mrs. J. Potter, junior," and Miss Mollie Heath. \ very fine rtusical programme was contributed by Miss Goorsre (piano). Misses Hutchinson, Peace, Poore. Davis and Stevenson (songs), Mrs. Minns, recitation; the accompanists being Mrs. Millineton and Misses Ruby Gifford and Poore. The president (Mrs. D. P. O'Leary) -heartily thanked all those who had assisted in making the afternoon tuch a pleasant and profitable one. A fine tribute was paid to the women Oi New Zealand by Admiral Robison. when speaking at the service in connection with the unveiling of the St. Matthew's Memorial. It lias been well said, he remarked, that, however heroic the spirit of its men, the nobility and self-sacrifice of New Zealand women are still greater testimony of the spirit, faith, and loyalty of its people. The admiration of America for your soldiers, in Egypt, at Gallipoli, in France, Flanders, Palestine, is unbounded. The efficiency with which your contingents were dispatched and maintained, and the care observed in returning your wounded to their homes so protaptly, won the respect of all. |When en route home after the war, many of your ships, with hundreds of your men, stopped at Hampton Roads in Virginia. There they found a warm place in fie hearts and homes of our citizens. And we, as Americans, appreciate the courtesy extended to us on our present visit to New. Zealand. The seventh annual conference of the Kew Zealand branch of the International Council of women opened in Hamilton on Wednesday. The delegates were accorded a civic reception in the Town Hall yesterday morning when his Worship the Mayor (Mr. J. R. Fow) extended Hamilton's hearty welcome to the visitors. He described the practical work being done by the Women's Council as of immeasurable benefit to taankind. There was ample room in the world to-day for a woman's influence, »nd lie congratulated the conference on its intention to grapple with so many important problems as indicated by tlieir agenda paper. The speaker considered that Hamilton was being honoured in being selected as the venue of c conference of this nature. The delegates present were: Auckland, Mesdames B. Cadoux, G. Coats, J. Cook, Kidd and Snowden; Sister Hannah; Misses Basten, Ernest. E. Melville, Newtegin, and S. E. Jackson. Hamilton: Mesdames H. Valder, A. M. Bisley and Dr. de la Mare. Wellington: Mesdames M. J. Forde and Moore; Misses Kane (Dominion president), and Welch. Christchurch: Mesdames Fraer, Roberts *nd Cardale; Miss Loveil-Smith. Dunttim: Alesdame3 Alexander, Aslin, Downie and Sidey; Miss Powell. Great praise was given in the president's report to the work done for the International Conference for the I.C.W. Standing Committee on, public health. The report was drawn up by Dr. Hilda H. Northcroft. president of the Auckland branch of the N.C.W., and acting , Dominion president during Miss Kane's absence abroad. The reception of the document, said Miss Kane, and the laudatory comments evoked should serve to compensate Dr. Northcroft for the labour and research expended on a report that has been unanimously acclaimed as being of great international value. The Women's Service Guilds of Western Australia, in which the women of the State band themselves together for social welfare work, have issued a statement of-the reforms they have secured, ■RiWi or without help. They are: Prison reform, better conditions in "bid Women's Home, woman official visitor to Hospital lor Ineane, women on hospital boards, women on University Senate, wbmen doctor to examine applicants for State »nd Commonwealth Civil Service, amendments 'to Criminal Code, more equal divorce laws, women police, children's «mrts % probationery officers, public conveniences for women. The Women's Ser- £«! Guilds have helped to establish: **<* kindergartens. Child Welfare ureau, Women's Immigration Auxiliary wmncil, Y.W.C.A. in Perth, King Edward memorial Hospital for Women. Austra"w Federation of Women's Societies for ;3 ual Citizenship, W.A. National Counn n ,™ women, W.A. League of Nations' *nii • Vl ß llanc e Committee to watch the ° f the Hea Hh Act, the Workers' Kar , al Ass °ciation. the Women's of «■ J. iloveme nt for 0 o'clock closing acconf,. ? Uor bars - Tlli9 list of work that & ed for tlle P ublic ff° od shows Praetin i Australian Guilds have some itself fu° rganisation that can make poVer IID the coun cils of the State; a lave w " eh New Zealand women a «e not yet attained. WAIKATO NOTES. flieifJ ISODjI SODj of has been the lb. q L ll I 5 - Sutherland, Cambridge. he te" 115 . of Auckland, is etayKoMm^ njllt °n with her sister Mrs. Bias tiiv. t<fi,H Dh s' of Cambridge, is on a visit • £»v Ye , 8 hl Ou-istchurcb. fcfjJS ? a\?° U -T. (Ham ilt°n>. is the guest n *». Alien Bell, at Fihama,
Mrs. G. L. Stead, of Cambridge, i 3 on a visit to Havelock North, where her daughters are attending Woodford House School. ■ Miss Brown, of -Wellington, fe on a ; visit to Hamilton, and is staying with iMrs. Horton. ° i -Mis* Civil, who has been on the staff 01 the Paterangi school. Im3 been transferred to Te Puke school. Mrs. Churchward, has returned to Blenheim, after a. visit to Cambridge. , Jhe Maungatautari Golf Club, which was formed this year, and plays on the link? on Mr. G. Middlcton's farm, gave a dance last week. The hall was decorated with coloured balloons and paper streamers. The members of the •lnb provided a sumptuous supper. Those present were: Mesdames G. Middleton, E. Feake, Anderson, (YVanganui). Nobba, E. Nickle. C. Poake, Allison, Nelson, T. Hicks. Cedrie IVake. Don]. I?oss. J. Scott, T. Mocking, Thirliy. Misses Deal. M. Mocking. Ilnghos (Auckland). M. Osborne. Griffin, Brabant, M. Hicks, L. Nelson, E. Osborne, J. Hicks.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
Word Count
1,227WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
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WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 13
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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